Pristine Anabolics Intro

Pretty good, man. This week i'm trying to keep up with the fuckery in the PGA thread. It's been a shit show of epic proportions and everyday some junior member sacrifices themselves to the shill gods. That thread is great.

Hope all is well on your end.
All good here. Thanks for the info. Been missing the fuckery that goes on in the UG.
I know I haven’t been active in your thread but I have been watching it andnyou from the beginning back in Aug when you first came. If I may offer a little advice because I believe you have a future here if you were to make a few changes and keep on top of everything.
You can take what I’m saying seriously or just brush it off. I have no control over it.

Testing testing testing.
I understand you have medical and family issues behind the scenes but you need to understand that while we understand you have a life outside of meso, it really doesn’t matter in the long run. What’s important is the ‘knowing’ of purity and mg of your raws so people at meso can trust what they are putting to their body won’t fuck then up. i.e. squatch giving a woman winstrol and her losing hair. One simple test not done could break you.

I agree 100% with @Roger rabbit. You have to stay transparent and present, especially in times like these. Updates, communication and presence can mean the difference between people being with you, or formulating theirs own realities because you aren’t here to verify.

To be honest, not that long ago a situation like this would of had you burned and no one would fuck with you. Apparently things have changed but it is in your control and your power to decide the outcome of this and ultimately your future here on meso.

Blaming games don’t work here.

If the raws were bad and someone got bad shit = your fault

Brew was bad = your fault

All roads lead to you.
That why it always comes back to testing. It ensures you know your product and quality and can guarantee what you provide. Then you don’t have to go through all this. You already know what you have.

Best of luck to you bro.
Made a large order of dry gear from him recently. Came in a few days ago. I’m 6 weeks out a show so I notice every little change to my body and performance.

Been running his Test E, NPP, Test P, and DHB. Been very happy.

Test E 500 mg per week
NPP, DHB, Test P 1 cc each EOD

Started his anavar two days the gym right now strength is up and my joints are getting drier, skin getting tighter. Nothing but good things to say so far. I’ve made quite a few orders from him. Just my experience for what is it worth.
Order placed Monday & received today. Everything arrived very professional. Will try to get bloods done on what I ordered in a few weeks.
Results from W M came in Keep up the great work pristine! NPP/TPP 100 blend batch 001 and bold cyp 001. and keep some of those on the side for 500 credit please!sampleapristine.JPG samplebpristine.JPG
just got results from wm yesterday and I even sent it in a deca bottle to try and throw him off lol. both came back great and for those of you who nock geneza I sent in a sample from them and a 200 mg eq sample was 195. all were sent in 2cc norma hellas bottles.
I think he only made one batch of bold cyp and hope he saved extra for me cause one of the best cycles Ive ever had was tppnppboldcyp blend from potg. and now I know I can duplicate it unless potg was overdosed lol.
I think he only made one batch of bold cyp and hope he saved extra for me cause one of the best cycles Ive ever had was tppnppboldcyp blend from potg. and now I know I can duplicate it unless potg was overdosed lol.
Did you take photos of the sample bottle? I’m just preparing for the tinfoil hat invasion.
I didn't but I can take pics of the bottles and wm can verify norma hellas bottles with letter a and B on them. and I assume only a video with me breaking off the seals filling the bottles sealing it up and mailing all in one video would be fool proof and no one is going to do that
Now this gets interesting.

The plot thickens, as they say.

That’s the thing... jano is getting exposed over and over when two samples get sent in back to back.

His numbers are just made up in a sense as @ master.on says. He’s a scammer, liar and thief. Hopefully people will start to realize this wolf in sheep clothing.
I didn't but I can take pics of the bottles and wm can verify norma hellas bottles with letter a and B on them. and I assume only a video with me breaking off the seals filling the bottles sealing it up and mailing all in one video would be fool proof and no one is going to do that

I believe a member over a known scammer any day of the week.
That’s the thing... jano is getting exposed over and over when two samples get sent in back to back.

His numbers are just made up in a sense as @ master.on says. He’s a scammer, liar and thief. Hopefully people will start to realize this wolf in sheep clothing.
I guess I have trouble wrapping my head around the tons of apparently accurate results amid the abortions like this one unless he’s being spoon fed the expected result.

To me it seems he just sucks at wht he does, vs continually scamming people. But I haven’t been here long enough. Either way...I’m now on the Jano is invalidated train unless someone pops up with a cool conspiracy theory.
maybe they detected 200mg of bold cyp and then didn't bother checking if it had deca also? would have to ask wm if they test all sample for the most popular things? or stop when they detect something. although they figured out the blend after they detect two do they keep testing? what if the blend had 3 things lol.
Something is totally off here so I’m led to believe a couple things:

1. Jano screwed up in one way or another.
2. Original sample in question was deliberately tainted.

If @Trenity’s raws Test and finished test come back pure, then we know.
Something is totally off here so I’m led to believe a couple things:

1. Jano screwed up in one way or another.
2. Original sample in question was deliberately tainted.

If @Trenity’s raws Test and finished test come back pure, then we know.

And this is why “just own it man,” “just take the blame” is rubbish. Take the blame once we know facts.

As far as @Trenity is concerned, we still need to come to a reasonable expectation of a testing protocol to be followed as far as raws go.
maybe they detected 200mg of bold cyp and then didn't bother checking if it had deca also? would have to ask wm if they test all sample for the most popular things? or stop when they detect something. although they figured out the blend after they detect two do they keep testing? what if the blend had 3 things lol.
I’m pretty sure a blind test would yield the same results - that’s the purpose of a blind test.