Pristine Anabolics Intro

maybe they detected 200mg of bold cyp and then didn't bother checking if it had deca also? would have to ask wm if they test all sample for the most popular things? or stop when they detect something. although they figured out the blend after they detect two do they keep testing? what if the blend had 3 things lol.
I don’t think that’s how this works. But even if they did say “LOOK ITS BOLD CYP” after detecting a compound and stopped there the reading wouldn’t be 200mg/ml as we saw 160/40 on the other test.
maybe they detected 200mg of bold cyp and then didn't bother checking if it had deca also? would have to ask wm if they test all sample for the most popular things? or stop when they detect something. although they figured out the blend after they detect two do they keep testing? what if the blend had 3 things lol.

Everything I’m sure was tested for. Based off w&m when you send something in, it will show what’s in the sample. Not just testing for what it is.

Also, if it was mixed then the sample wouldn’t have came back with 200mg/ml ? It would have been lower like in the test from jano ?
That’s the thing... jano is getting exposed over and over when two samples get sent in back to back.

His numbers are just made up in a sense as @ master.on says. He’s a scammer, liar and thief. Hopefully people will start to realize this wolf in sheep clothing.
Your a dumb fucking troll. He ain’t just making shit up! Look at the five samples I sent him. He can’t make it up and get the results I got.
I don’t care about Jano...but hate ignorant stupidity. And you are just some fucking troll who lives on here and stirs shit up. You don’t test anything and you don’t run anything except your mouth...give it a rest.
roger is very far from a troll. if you were not such a new member you would know his value. jano or his eqpt made a mistake?
I guess I have trouble wrapping my head around the tons of apparently accurate results amid the abortions like this one unless he’s being spoon fed the expected result.

To me it seems he just sucks at wht he does, vs continually scamming people. But I haven’t been here long enough. Either way...I’m now on the Jano is invalidated train unless someone pops up with a cool conspiracy theory.

I’m using the word scamming because he in his own words says he cannot find reliable help that holds a high standard like himself. He consistently toutes how great he is. He is a confidence artists to make people believe he is the gold standard in that industry with the Midas touch. Then sample after sample that gets random double tested comes back as false and incorrect. It’s a scam what he is doing.

If this was any other source he would have been burned by now but for some reason.... people keep defending this guy and keeping him around. Baffles me.. everyone hates liars, thief’s and cheats... and yet this guy has done all three.
Your a dumb fucking troll. He ain’t just making shit up! Look at the five samples I sent him. He can’t make it up and get the results I got.
I don’t care about Jano...but hate ignorant stupidity. And you are just some fucking troll who lives on here and stirs shit up. You don’t test anything and you don’t run anything except your mouth...give it a rest.
STFU bitch. Don’t come in here speaking out of your ass about shit you know nothing about, you fucking noob.
Your a dumb fucking troll. He ain’t just making shit up! Look at the five samples I sent him. He can’t make it up and get the results I got.
I don’t care about Jano...but hate ignorant stupidity. And you are just some fucking troll who lives on here and stirs shit up. You don’t test anything and you don’t run anything except your mouth...give it a rest.

And did you get those double sent? Back to back? No, you didn’t... so stfu. You wouldn’t.know if your results are good or bad, you just got results back of what was in the bottle with a number.

Read what I wrote before you open your mouth dick rider.

Also, I find it funny you used ignorant stupidity in the context you did... who is the stupid one? Lmfao!
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Your a dumb fucking troll. He ain’t just making shit up! Look at the five samples I sent him. He can’t make it up and get the results I got.
I don’t care about Jano...but hate ignorant stupidity. And you are just some fucking troll who lives on here and stirs shit up. You don’t test anything and you don’t run anything except your mouth...give it a rest.
Talking like this on the forum makes me think @Hardbody 59901 has a soft ass.
So basically this whole situation is a fucking mess.

We have a source that doesn’t get his raws tested.
A questionable tester giving ‘x’ results.
And another tester giving ‘y’ results.

What in the fuck is happening?!
Your a dumb fucking troll. He ain’t just making shit up! Look at the five samples I sent him. He can’t make it up and get the results I got.
I don’t care about Jano...but hate ignorant stupidity. And you are just some fucking troll who lives on here and stirs shit up. You don’t test anything and you don’t run anything except your mouth...give it a rest.
I will gladly mail a sealed unopened bottle to wm if he mails me the rest back or pristine replaces it with EXACT batch number. shit ill send one to both guys

And this is why “just own it man,” “just take the blame” is rubbish. Take the blame once we know facts.

As far as @Trenity is concerned, we still need to come to a reasonable expectation of a testing protocol to be followed as far as raws go.
This is why I haven't commented on anything one way or another, including what going on with the testing labs. Just let things work themselves out. This whole run from one person to the other with pitchforks doesn't bring out any truth


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