Pristine Anabolics Intro

As already mentioned, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. What’s embarrassing is the people that try and act like they have money and really just eyeball deep in debt, robbing Peter to pay paul.
My sister and her husband, live in a very nice home, 2 brand new vehicles, Polaris side by side blah blah. They like to turn there noses up at me because my stuff isn’t brand new. I was there one day recently letting bro in law borrow a tool and water dept pulled up and put a disconnect notice on their door..:oops::rolleyes:o_O

Polaris the star on the tail end of the Little Dipper handle?
9 days sorry, winny is winny, trust me I know it’s not long enough to notice much but like I said I am basing it off what I have based it off before. The rotundness of my face from sustanon.
I was curious about his dbol also possibly being under dosed, I know Im taking low dose, 25 mg day, past two weeks, with high test for the past three wks and some proviron, eating/training as I should, but the scale hasn't moved at all. Matter of fact I lost a few lbs. Anybody took the dbol?
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I was curious about his dbol also possibly being under dosed, I know Im taking low dose, 25 mg day, past two weeks, with high test for the past three wks and some proviron, eating/training as I should, but the scale hasn't moved at all. Matter of fact I lost a few lbs. Anybody took the dbol?
Yeah, a few friends. Legit stuff. One of my friends noticed mood improvement within a few hours. I know that’s a strange effect to bring up, but it’s a common one unique to dbol, in this regard anyway.
I was curious about his dbol also possibly being under dosed, I know Im taking low dose, 25 mg day, past two weeks, with high test for the past three wks and some proviron, eating/training as I should, but the scale hasn't moved at all. Matter of fact I lost a few lbs. Anybody took the dbol?
Yeah I've ran his dbol twice both times gyno was a problem so I'm just sticking with dhts for a while
Yeah, a few friends. Legit stuff. One of my friends noticed mood improvement within a few hours. I know that’s a strange effect to bring up, but it’s a common one unique to dbol, in this regard anyway.

Damn it. Why do my defective genes exclude me from the positive sides others speak of with anabolics?

Test: People say they feel like Superman.
i sure as fuck never have. Unless Superman feels bloated and lethargic?

Mast: Sense of well-being.
Nope. But i did have one nice bout of anxiety with it. Nothing makes the legs tremble like thinking you're going to die in the shower.

Dbol: Mood improvement.
Ehh... Great amount of energy for a couple, few days, even with lack of sleep, but that subsided and never came back.

Thanks for the great genes, Mom and Dad. :mad::D
Damn it. Why do my defective genes exclude me from the positive sides others speak of with anabolics?

Test: People say they feel like Superman.
i sure as fuck never have. Unless Superman feels bloated and lethargic?

Mast: Sense of well-being.
Nope. But i did have one nice bout of anxiety with it. Nothing makes the legs tremble like thinking you're going to die in the shower.

Dbol: Mood improvement.
Ehh... Great amount of energy for a couple, few days, even with lack of sleep, but that subsided and never came back.

Thanks for the great genes, Mom and Dad. :mad::D
You wanna feel like a god? Find and take real, properly dosed Halo. Not only will it put hair on ye chest, you’ll either fuck the weight, or lift it. If it doesn’t make you feel “god” of mortals, there’s always coke.
Damn it. Why do my defective genes exclude me from the positive sides others speak of with anabolics?

Test: People say they feel like Superman.
i sure as fuck never have. Unless Superman feels bloated and lethargic?

Mast: Sense of well-being.
Nope. But i did have one nice bout of anxiety with it. Nothing makes the legs tremble like thinking you're going to die in the shower.

Dbol: Mood improvement.
Ehh... Great amount of energy for a couple, few days, even with lack of sleep, but that subsided and never came back.

Thanks for the great genes, Mom and Dad. :mad::D

Yea I neither feel like Superman nor do I feel any more confident. Even with trenbolone I only get more angry at things that normally make me angry. I guess I do get a subtle antidepressant effect, but non of the other positive stuff, I don’t even get any extra motivation, still the same lazy ass with or without. I figured maybe my doses were too low so I tried upping them. The doses I’ve done are so low that upping them still puts me under 1g combined.
Damn it. Why do my defective genes exclude me from the positive sides others speak of with anabolics?

Test: People say they feel like Superman.
i sure as fuck never have. Unless Superman feels bloated and lethargic?

Mast: Sense of well-being.
Nope. But i did have one nice bout of anxiety with it. Nothing makes the legs tremble like thinking you're going to die in the shower.

Dbol: Mood improvement.
Ehh... Great amount of energy for a couple, few days, even with lack of sleep, but that subsided and never came back.

Thanks for the great genes, Mom and Dad. :mad::D
Have you tried pharma gear? My first cycle was done with all Balkan and I got a ton of positive sides. I'm on my second cycle using UGL gear and feel nothing, maybe that has something to do with it.
Damn it. Why do my defective genes exclude me from the positive sides others speak of with anabolics?

Test: People say they feel like Superman.
i sure as fuck never have. Unless Superman feels bloated and lethargic?

Mast: Sense of well-being.
Nope. But i did have one nice bout of anxiety with it. Nothing makes the legs tremble like thinking you're going to die in the shower.

Dbol: Mood improvement.
Ehh... Great amount of energy for a couple, few days, even with lack of sleep, but that subsided and never came back.

Thanks for the great genes, Mom and Dad. :mad::D
Dude pristine Masteron is definitely legit. You need to read about it. Go back and start reading this thread. Sust. Is g2go to.
Yea I neither feel like Superman nor do I feel any more confident. Even with trenbolone I only get more angry at things that normally make me angry. I guess I do get a subtle antidepressant effect, but non of the other positive stuff, I don’t even get any extra motivation, still the same lazy ass with or without. I figured maybe my doses were too low so I tried upping them. The doses I’ve done are so low that upping them still puts me under 1g combined.
Personally, I think steroids have a way of amplifying things. If you have a good positive outlook then It’s aMPLIFIED. Good diet, and training - amplified. Anger - Amplified. Imo.
Have you tried pharma gear? My first cycle was done with all Balkan and I got a ton of positive sides. I'm on my second cycle using UGL gear and feel nothing, maybe that has something to do with it.

Back in my 20's, that's all we had. With the exception of IP China and his UG stuff, everything offered was pharma.
and back in your 20s im sure properly dosed ug would kick ass also. think we just get burned out over the years. when I started trt my clinic had deca, winstrol, anavar, halo, anadrol. etc on the "menu". never have been able to recreate the effects of grape or bubblegum flavored winstrol trouches but probably has to do with age and abuse.
Back in my 20's, that's all we had. With the exception of IP China and his UG stuff, everything offered was pharma.
IP China was all I used. I use to love to order right before Chinese New Year. Because if you were good customer he would just ship you gear and ask to pay later. I have to admit, shame on me there was one or maybe two times I forgot to send off that payment to him. Oops. You Guys maybe thinking what a dick, but I try to be honest with you guys. It’s a lot easier I find to be me on these forums. Not that I am a dishonest person, but staring disappointment or judgement in the face sometime causes people to do or say things the wouldn’t normally say or do. Right??
Is Balkan considered “pharmacy grade”? I always thought it to be UGL...

By some people, though i don't agree. They operate from a corrupt, 3rd world shit hole (Moldova) where money can buy you just about anything you desire.

Many of the products they produce are used in hospitals over there, but this is also the same company that makes a line of AAS specifically for black market sales (SP Labs).

i would say by 3rd world standards, they're about as close as one can get to pharma grade.
By some people, though i don't agree. They operate from a corrupt, 3rd world shit hole (Moldova) where money can buy you just about anything you desire.

Many of the products they produce are used in hospitals over there, but this is also the same company that makes a line of AAS specifically for black market sales (SP Labs).

i would say by 3rd world standards, they're about as close as one can get to pharma grade.

What about Unigen Lifescience manufactured in Thailand? This statement is on their website:

States Pharmacopoeia (USP) or British Pharmacopoeia (BP) standards. An organisation’s capabilities and intent are strongly reflected in the products it manufactures. In other words, the manufacturing competencies and facilities echo truly, the R&D extent and the ability to implement it for the best of the market it targets.
From procurement of raw materials to packaging of finished product, our QC, quality control team oversees every step of the manufacturing process. We are proud of our Quality Assurance team that verifies the safety and purity of our products as per GMP and pharmacopoeia standards. Every batch ULS produces comes with not only the standard Certificate of Analysis (COA), but is also regularly analyzed by independent third-party laboratories for verification of both potency and purity.

You think it’s bullshit or really pharmacy grade?