Pristine Anabolics Intro

Don’t forget: another member sent off a bottle of bold cyp to weights and measures and came back with it being just bold cyp with no deca.

The first bottle from one member was sent to jano which yielded the results x amount bold cyp x amount of deca

econd bottle sent from another member was sent to weights and measures. With label claims be met.

Gentlemen, I have been thinking about this little fiasco, and I do want to mention that the sustanon 300 I am using right now Is phenomenal, guess what, it’s trenity’s. It’s only right to give credit where credit is do. However, I would really like to hear other people’s experience with his Winstrol. This is a compound I very familiar with and something is not right with it. Maybe severely underdosed, I don’t know, but it would help to hear other people’s thought on it.
Gentlemen, I have been thinking about this little fiasco, and I do want to mention that the sustanon 300 I am using right now Is phenomenal, guess what, it’s trenity’s. It’s only right to give credit where credit is do. However, I would really like to hear other people’s experience with his Winstrol. This is a compound I very familiar with and something is not right with it. Maybe severely underdosed, I don’t know, but it would help to hear other people’s thought on it.

Why don’t you get it tested?
I am embarrassed to admit this, but right now I just don’t have the money. I only have 13caps left. Just glad I didn’t pay for them. It’s like I was taking 25mgs maybe that’s why they were free.
Nothing to be embarrassed about. I think a lot of guys are in the same situation.
I am embarrassed to admit this, but right now I just don’t have the money. I only have 13caps left. Just glad I didn’t pay for them. It’s like I was taking 25mgs maybe that’s why they were free.

No reason to be embarrassed my man. your being honest. That is a great quality.
Gentlemen, I have been thinking about this little fiasco, and I do want to mention that the sustanon 300 I am using right now Is phenomenal, guess what, it’s trenity’s. It’s only right to give credit where credit is do. However, I would really like to hear other people’s experience with his Winstrol. This is a compound I very familiar with and something is not right with it. Maybe severely underdosed, I don’t know, but it would help to hear other people’s thought on it.

Buddy of mines got winny in the last order. Been using it for about 4 weeks now. He's getting results like he should. How long u been taking it? How much u taking?
I am embarrassed to admit this, but right now I just don’t have the money. I only have 13caps left. Just glad I didn’t pay for them. It’s like I was taking 25mgs maybe that’s why they were free.
As already mentioned, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. What’s embarrassing is the people that try and act like they have money and really just eyeball deep in debt, robbing Peter to pay paul.
My sister and her husband, live in a very nice home, 2 brand new vehicles, Polaris side by side blah blah. They like to turn there noses up at me because my stuff isn’t brand new. I was there one day recently letting bro in law borrow a tool and water dept pulled up and put a disconnect notice on their door..:oops::rolleyes:o_O
As already mentioned, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. What’s embarrassing is the people that try and act like they have money and really just eyeball deep in debt, robbing Peter to pay paul.
My sister and her husband, live in a very nice home, 2 brand new vehicles, Polaris side by side blah blah. They like to turn there noses up at me because my stuff isn’t brand new. I was there one day recently letting bro in law borrow a tool and water dept pulled up and put a disconnect notice on their door..
That had to be a satisfying moment.
Buddy of mines got winny in the last order. Been using it for about 4 weeks now. He's getting results like he should. How long u been taking it? How much u taking?
i got 30of them for free, been taking 50mg for a little over a week. In the past winny always took away sustanon swell. It hasn’t this time. Gonna finish it out. Like I said it just feels underdosed. It’s probably just me, I keep telling myself that because it was free it’s probably bad. Lol
i got 30of them for free, been taking 50mg for a little over a week. In the past winny always took away sustanon swell. It hasn’t this time. Gonna finish it out. Like I said it just feels underdosed. It’s probably just me, I keep telling myself that because it was free it’s probably bad. Lol

Only been taking it a week??