Pristine Anabolics Intro

Ya know I haven't heard anybody claiming they're still attempting orders. The red flags popped up a month ago. I for one decided to hold off all future orders until I get verification on his test results. I know I'm not the only one either. Quit acting like its been a shit show from the beginning.

Please quote me where I said it's been a shit show from the beginning, I specifically said the last few months. But holy fuck people we're talking about illegal drugs. If you were a dealer and some buyer gave you a red flag would you risk continuing doing business? Why's it any different when you're the buyer?

Find a good guy and stock the fuck up. If they're still around when you reorder then good if not keep an eye out for the next up and comer
Thanks for posting. My thought is this IF Trenity posts his results and they come back pure:

1. You tampered with the sample (HIGHLY doubtful)
2. Jano tampered with the results (HIGHLY doubtful)
3. Trenity screwed up in the brew.
4. Again, IF his sample and raws come back pure - he screwed up and refuses to own it.
So you missed the part where he said fuck you all I'm guessing?

If you don't have the sense to understand how illegal this stuff is and possible consequences then yea you probably shouldn't be doing it.

To word "but fuck you all, if you're having all these red flags"

a better way

"fuck, if you all are having all these red flags...."
If you don't have the sense to understand how illegal this stuff is and possible consequences then yea you probably shouldn't be doing it.

To word "but fuck you all, if you're having all these red flags"

a better way

"fuck, if you all are having all these red flags...."
Exactly how I took it
If you don't have the sense to understand how illegal this stuff is and possible consequences then yea you probably shouldn't be doing it.

To word "but fuck you all, if you're having all these red flags"

a better way

"fuck, if you all are having all these red flags...."

And what gives you the notion that I dont have a full understanding of what these products and this lifestyle is about?
And what gives you the notion that I dont have a full understanding of what these products and this lifestyle is about?

When did I ever say "dipshit, you're fucking retarded!" No, all of my statements have been towards the thread. Yes, I've quoted your posts so that way people understand what I'm replying to; however, I've never directed anything specifically at you. For future reference, I'll let someone know when I'm calling them out specifically.
What's with the sample name? Why are the only two tests that have been performed on this both include the name Brian?

Brian 5x (sample name)
BrianNOLA70065 (original tester)

Joe daddy is posting the results from briannola since he was banned. The whole thing seems very sketch since theres some behind the scene things with briannola but I dont believe it is my place to say.
I could see this being intentional to boost boldenone sales. boldenone being a mild compound youd see greater results with that Deca in there making his Bold "Better" than others.
I could see this being intentional to boost boldenone sales. boldenone being a mild compound youd see greater results with that Deca in there making his Bold "Better" than others.
Problem is people want what they want and what they bought. how many customers will you gain with better EQ Vs. how many will you lose for having shitty quality product when it eventually comes to light....
Joe daddy is posting the results from briannola since he was banned. The whole thing seems very sketch since theres some behind the scene things with briannola but I dont believe it is my place to say.
Brian has done a lot of good by having stuff tested. Yeah, there is behind the scene stuff, but he has nothing to gain by tampering, if that’s in question. Why would he single out Pristine? No one has questioned the good results that have come back that he’s sent off.
“Here is what I think, Trenity ran out of a bag of bold cyp and grabbed another bag to finish off the weight of raws he needed for that batch but grabbed a bag of deca raws instead. I say that because the mg/ml was correctly dosed. It shows carelessness.”

@Iron Vett
Master brewer
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I could see this being intentional to boost boldenone sales. boldenone being a mild compound youd see greater results with that Deca in there making his Bold "Better" than others.
That would take a while for that Deca to kick in though. How long does it take for Bold Cyp to kick in - about the same timeframe?
Thanks for posting. My thought is this IF Trenity posts his results and they come back pure:

1. You tampered with the sample (HIGHLY doubtful)
2. Jano tampered with the results (HIGHLY doubtful)
3. Trenity screwed up in the brew.
4. Again, IF his sample and raws come back pure - he screwed up and refuses to own it.
Sadly I doubt we will ever know. There’s been so much damage done I seriously doubt Pristine can recover and I think he knows this as well.
In this instance I will side with @Joedaddy5150 that sent off for testing to two different testers and got the same results in both tests. I can’t justify him tampering with the samples to kill a source, especially seeing how many times said member has tested around the board.
If anyone wants to point a finger it should be at the source, not one another!
This is the way of the game though. Their often good until their not and sometimes we never know when that will be. That’s why we should always keep our eyes open for any so called ‘red flags’ and voice them when we see it.
Same book, same story, just a different chapter....