Pristine Anabolics Intro

After the testing that shows his gear isn’t what it’s supposed to be, the MIA, the taken orders that he can’t fulfill, and the total lack of communication, you would welcome him back? No way. We’ve seen this time and time again with previous good sources. It sucks but it’s better to move forward. There’s several other good existing UGLs in the Underground and there will be good ones that come to replace Pristine.

As a community we cannot be complacent and support labs that do this shit. We need to demand more and keep the standards elevated.
X2. He chose to not own this and instead has chosen to try and get in over at SST, while leaving paying customers hanging. That is horrible business and he knows this and knows better than to pull that crap, since he was a former member. Again - had he done things right and owned his error, this could have been worked through. As it is, he came here and set a bar high that he himself was not willing to ascend to.
X2. He chose to not own this and instead has chosen to try and get in over at SST, while leaving paying customers hanging. That is horrible business and he knows this and knows better than to pull that crap, since he was a former member. Again - had he done things right and owned his error, this could have been worked through. As it is, he came here and set a bar high that he himself was not willing to ascend to.
I'm confused, did trinity go over to sst
X2. He chose to not own this and instead has chosen to try and get in over at SST, while leaving paying customers hanging. That is horrible business and he knows this and knows better than to pull that crap, since he was a former member. Again - had he done things right and owned his error, this could have been worked through. As it is, he came here and set a bar high that he himself was not willing to ascend to.
I’ll add a little more to this also - he is giving conflicting or outright polar opposite stories of why he’s failed to fill customer’s orders.

1. He lost the key to his lab
2. He ran out of vials
3. He’s going over to SST

It’s sad because HE set the standard for himself and when his feet were held to the fire to live up to his own standard, this happens.
This is probably a silly question but what is SST??? I m sure it’s another forum but out of curiosity which one never heard of it.
Has anyone thought that maybe BrianNola might actually be affiliated with a lab TGi or Pristine. I am not a smart man, but sometimes 1+1=2. He has tested more than anyone else. Real quick remember Trenity would never actually tell us his stage name here. He said he had been a member for years but wanted to keep his anonymity. This is probably a reach. But I enjoy trying to conquer conspiracies.
He's just a reseller, nothing else.
me too, sasquatch used to disappear like this as well, than pop back up.

I never understood why people gave Aasquatch the time of day when you never knew if he had ducked out or just gone on a four or five day bender.
me too, sasquatch used to disappear like this as well, than pop back up.

I never understood why people gave Aasquatch the time of day when you never knew if he had ducked out or just gone on a four or five day bender.
Kind of funny how he went “private” when he was called on the carpet and really went to SST, not unlike @Trenity attempted to do. Coincidence? Nah. Almost seems like a founding member of Sas.
Guess what????? No mail today either. Im giving up. At this point guys if he emails you I would be super skeptical of who u are talking to on the other side of the email.
What sucks is now I get to sit here and worry if my package got intercepted. Just paranoid but still. He's put us in that position.
Doubtful, just took your money, put it into extra raws and moving to go somewhere else I am sure.

True but I did get a good portion of my order. Just not the full thing. And he did say it was supposed to be here on a certain day. So that leaves me wondering. Well why didn't he just take all my money? Know what I mean?
True but I did get a good portion of my order. Just not the full thing. And he did say it was supposed to be here on a certain day. So that leaves me wondering. Well why didn't he just take all my money? Know what I mean?
Was that you that got some extras you didn’t order also?