Pristine Anabolics Intro

Was that you that got some extras you didn’t order also?

Yep T400 like 4 of them. Didn't even ask for that. Not even as a freebie. So maybe he just unloaded what he had on me. Since it's labled as prestine and bounced. Cause the rest of what I'm missing is orals. And the extra freebies he promised for this hiccup. So he could easily change out the orals.
I remember when R and R took off. He sent a whole bunch of extra Test C with my last order...double what I ordered. In hindsight, he was probably getting rid of the last of his stock before he bounced.
Yep T400 like 4 of them. Didn't even ask for that. Not even as a freebie. So maybe he just unloaded what he had on me. Since it's labled as prestine and bounced. Cause the rest of what I'm missing is orals. And the extra freebies he promised for this hiccup. So he could easily change out the orals.
He could’ve run out of orals. From what I’ve seen from other sources, those are a major PITA. Still, no excuse for not communicating.
I remember when R and R took off. He sent a whole bunch of extra Test C with my last order...double what I ordered. In hindsight, he was probably getting rid of the last of his stock before he bounced.
You ever get it tested to see if it was legit or just oil?
You ever get it tested to see if it was legit or just oil?
No I actually made the order for a buddy. I get Test C for TRT. But I did use his Frog Juice a few times. I know feelz don't matter, but the Frog Juice seemed pretty legit from what I could tell. I used his Tren A as well and I won't use Tren again because I was a complete dick with absolutely no patience for anything. But never had actual testing done. Wish I would have, looking back.
You ever get it tested to see if it was legit or just oil?
In your opinion, Do you believe the recent gear trinity did dish out (luckily my order, sorry for others) Is probably good 2 go? Don't want to spend extra $ on testing but might not be a bad idea given the circumstances. His last test did have a compound in it that wasn't supposed to be there (deca in the bold cyp) but at least it wasn't pure oil haha.
In your opinion, Do you believe the recent gear trinity did dish out (luckily my order, sorry for others) Is probably good 2 go? Don't want to spend extra $ on testing but might not be a bad idea given the circumstances. His last test did have a compound in it that wasn't supposed to be there (deca in the bold cyp) but at least it wasn't pure oil haha.
Unless you’re a drug tested athelete, you should be fine. I believe pristine did some shady shit exiting the way he did, but I don’t think he’d do anything to bring physical harm to anyone.
In your opinion, Do you believe the recent gear trinity did dish out (luckily my order, sorry for others) Is probably good 2 go? Don't want to spend extra $ on testing but might not be a bad idea given the circumstances. His last test did have a compound in it that wasn't supposed to be there (deca in the bold cyp) but at least it wasn't pure oil haha.

I think it's good to go. I got a TONS of vials and I have every confidence they are legit just cause of past orders with him. So what he did I think was..... Send me the majority of what he had left in stock. Cause like I said I got stuff I didn't even order nor asked as a freebie. So he unloaded on me cause my order was large and then scammed other people. But I'm still missing alot.

But in past orders his stuff has been good to go. So I have confidence that it's legit. He just unloaded all he had and bounced. With people's money
Ordered last Thursday, no touchdown or contact. Has anybody heard from him ?

Nope. Read my posts. He won't respond. He took people's money that I'm talking to in messages and they haven't gotten theirs either. I placed a large order. And he unloaded on me. Cause I got stuff I didn't even order or ask a a freebie. So he unloaded his stock on me and scammed other people and me cause I'm still missing alot. Don't expect to get your shipment. Sorry to tell u man. My other part was supposed to be here Monday according to him. Still nothing. And he won't respond in emails or this thread
In your opinion, Do you believe the recent gear trinity did dish out (luckily my order, sorry for others) Is probably good 2 go? Don't want to spend extra $ on testing but might not be a bad idea given the circumstances. His last test did have a compound in it that wasn't supposed to be there (deca in the bold cyp) but at least it wasn't pure oil haha.
If he was legitimately trying to rebrand/relocate, yes. If you got the money to spare, I’d get it tested to be sure.
I 100% believe he unloaded his stock on me now.....think about it. He got a big order from me. What would u rather do? Unload all your stock and pay shipping on 1 order and keep everyone else's money. Or ship smaller orders and pay for shipping on each to unload your stock? Option 1 is what he did. Cause like I said I got stuff I didn't even order or ask for as a freebie.
Yeah I made a 20 vial order on Thursday. Reslly hope he will make good on it as i have been a loyal customer to him for months now

Sorry dude isn't gonna happen. Read my very last post it makes perfect sense what he did. My order was rather large.

This is why I said

I 100% believe he unloaded his stock on me now.....think about it. He got a big order from me. What would u rather do? Unload all your stock and pay shipping on 1 order and keep everyone else's money. Or ship smaller orders and pay for shipping on each to unload your stock? Option 1 is what he did. Cause like I said I got stuff I didn't even order or ask for as a freebie
Im waiting on 20 vialsgoing to really suck if he scammed me out of that money. I still have faith that it will make it to me as he has always seemed like a stand up guy. Him and I had personally conversations concerning his sick kid as I an a healthcare worker that provides the services his child neeeded
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I am currently waiting on 7 vials of test, 7 vials of tren, 2 packs of clomid and 4 nolvas.. going to really suck if he scammed me out of that money. I still have faith that it will make it to me as he has always seemed like a stand up guy. Him and I had personally conversations concerning his sick kid as I an a healthcare worker that provides the services his child neeeded
Sadly, he could’ve been playing you bro.
I am currently waiting on 7 vials of test, 7 vials of tren, 2 packs of clomid and 4 nolvas.. going to really suck if he scammed me out of that money. I still have faith that it will make it to me as he has always seemed like a stand up guy. Him and I had personally conversations concerning his sick kid as I an a healthcare worker that provides the services his child neeeded

I'd take those specifics out. But dude him and I talked like normal people too and had great orders prior to this too. He exit scammed it's obvious now. I'm waiting on the rest of my order. I got a ton of shit. Stuff I didn't even order. And I'm still missing stuff. It's been over 2 weeks now and he won't respond to emails. DO NOT EMAIL HIM. U don't know what's going on at this point.
Sorry dude isn't gonna happen. Read my very last post it makes perfect sense what he did. My order was rather large.

This is why I said

I 100% believe he unloaded his stock on me now.....think about it. He got a big order from me. What would u rather do? Unload all your stock and pay shipping on 1 order and keep everyone else's money. Or ship smaller orders and pay for shipping on each to unload your stock? Option 1 is what he did. Cause like I said I got stuff I didn't even order or ask for as a freebie

Why would he even send you anything if he was trying to exit scam though