Pristine Anabolics Intro

Yes I did tell a member that I was going to get on SST, but I didn't mean I'd be leaving Meso completely to do so. I've been talking to SST mods basically since I started. I've told them that when I'm ready to handle 2 boards I would like to be over there. The last time I talked to an SST mod was in November or December and I told them I would get in touch when I thought I was ready.

I'll admit I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper. I've been using the same shipper since I started, and he's part of my family. He has a pattern of being great until he gets paid and then he fucks off for a few days or more and gets lazy on me. Lies to me about packs going out and then comes back and tells me some actually didn't. I like the safety of having a shipper, but the delays and un-reliablity aren't worth it, so we're not gonna work like that anymore.

The key thing was a lie to buy some time. I had to brew new product and start shipping myself but I needed a couple of days. I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper since I've been here and that's on me. I should have dropped that way of operating several months ago when problems started coming about in the first place.
This issue with the shipper explains a lot. I knew there was something behind the scenes that was wrong and the fact that it happened to be family explains to me even more why you sounded frustrated a couple times. Family business is though, cause if you can’t trust family, who can you trust right?? Trusting someone to watch my dog for the weekend is a little different than trusting them with my freedom and money maker, that’s how I look at it family or not. The first time your flesh and blood fuck with your best egg, you should have pulled out and clean up the mess. Other wise be prepared to deal with it when the problem gets pregnant, and out of control.
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After reading THIS ridiculous excuse it just reminded me of all of the other ones. I’ve got to side with @bolder on this one. As far as I’m concerned @Trenity can kick rocks and don’t let the door hit him in the ass in the way out. There is no use to accept actions like this since he was a pretty shitty source before he disappeared. Presence in his thread was non-existant for long periods of times and we use to pitch fire and brimstone at TSL when he would tell us he would be gone for work for a few days. This guy needs to take a hike.
If anyone orders from this guy u should be ordering ur taking away from the structural integrity of this place...unless he donates 3000 to anabolic lab immediately test all raws and finished oils...if u order before that happens in my opinion u have no respect for yourself or anyone here...
Still waiting for a reply about the bloods I got done while I was using his gear. Been finished with it for over a month now but I used his product got bloods, I sent an email out to him when I got them back. Which was the first day all the red flags went up. We will see hopefully he follows thru
Still waiting for a reply about the bloods I got done while I was using his gear. Been finished with it for over a month now but I used his product got bloods, I sent an email out to him when I got them back. Which was the first day all the red flags went up. We will see hopefully he follows thru
I wouldn't care if ur test was 15,000 the dude is still a shitty source...ur a bird bro
Sorry, not sorry - this shows how soft Meso has gone. Dude basically comes in here REPEATEDLY and shits on us. How would any of you treat a guest who comes in to your home, shits on your floor, wipes shit on your walls, lies to your face while screwing your wife with an excuse when you catch him with his dick in her? And that’s what we have here. But hey - $50 minimum! Decent gear prices, and we’ll just overlook cross contamination.
Sorry, not sorry - this shows how soft Meso has gone. Dude basically comes in here REPEATEDLY and shits on us. How would any of you treat a guest who comes in to your home, shits on your floor, wipes shit on your walls, lies to your face while screwing your wife with an excuse when you catch him with his dick in her? And that’s what we have here. But hey - $50 minimum! Decent gear prices, and we’ll just overlook cross contamination.
Perfectly fuckin said man...fuck this guy
Sorry, not sorry - this shows how soft Meso has gone. Dude basically comes in here REPEATEDLY and shits on us. How would any of you treat a guest who comes in to your home, shits on your floor, wipes shit on your walls, lies to your face while screwing your wife with an excuse when you catch him with his dick in her? And that’s what we have here. But hey - $50 minimum! Decent gear prices, and we’ll just overlook cross contamination.

You are absolutely right sir.

Unfortunately people will still send in orders.
Seriously? WTF is this?

Yea I fucked up with the wording of that. I’m really sorry and I regret it. I’ve been trying to figure out how to retract that comment all afternoon. Thank you for calling it out. It’s like a 2x4 across my face and I deserve it.

What I intended was that he had better step it up to an entirely different level. That his typical bullshit wasn’t going to be status quo. His mistakes fucked a lot of people and the only way to redeem himself was to run it correctly (ie great customer service, tested raws and product). He’s basically got a one in a million shot at pulling this out of the toilet.

I can see where “bigger and better” was a real bad choice of words due to what it implies. I should have phrased it “don’t suck hairy Bigfoot ass anymore”.
Yea I fucked up with the wording of that. I’m really sorry and I regret it. I’ve been trying to figure out how to retract that comment all afternoon. Thank you for calling it out. It’s like a 2x4 across my face and I deserve it.

What I intended was that he had better step it up to an entirely different level. That his typical bullshit wasn’t going to be status quo. His mistakes fucked a lot of people and the only way to redeem himself was to run it correctly (ie great customer service, tested raws and product). He’s basically got a one in a million shot at pulling this out of the toilet.

I can see where “bigger and better” was a real bad choice of words due to what it implies. I should have phrased it “don’t suck hairy Bigfoot ass anymore”.
Cool bro. Now let me hand you your torch and pitchfork lol
I have to agree. Meso has been getting soft lately. Not sure if it's from all the new members joining this year or what. Definitely not how it was a few years ago

After reading THIS ridiculous excuse it just reminded me of all of the other ones. I’ve got to side with @bolder on this one. As far as I’m concerned @Trenity can kick rocks and don’t let the door hit him in the ass in the way out. There is no use to accept actions like this since he was a pretty shitty source before he disappeared. Presence in his thread was non-existant for long periods of times and we use to pitch fire and brimstone at TSL when he would tell us he would be gone for work for a few days. This guy needs to take a hike.

Long periods of time? I think the longest I went without posting was 5 or 6 days when my child was in the hospital, and it's not like I wasn't answering emails at the time, I was.

I've sent out over $5k in gear credits for bloods and product testing and I've donated $650 to AL. We got behind a couple of times in shipping but everybody who has ever ordered from me has gotten their gear.

I've made a few mistakes for sure and disappearing for almost a month is pretty inexcusable, but I came back to take my licks and make things right with those I owe. I get what everyone is saying, but to act like I'm the worst source to ever grace Meso seems a bit hyperbolic to me. I sent out thousands of orders and have handfuls of regular customers that continually enjoyed the product. That right there is a lot more than many sources on the web can say themselves.
I understand, it's always better to be straight forward. I got a little overwhelmed and made a stupid decision in the moment to tell a fib. After sending that email I remember thinking how ridiculous it sounded. W&M tests will be posted in a bit. I want to answer all of my emails first, and there are a lot of them.
So has anyone been contacted yet and had a confirmation that the rest of their order has been shipped? Cause I sure as fuck haven't.
Long periods of time? I think the longest I went without posting was 5 or 6 days when my child was in the hospital, and it's not like I wasn't answering emails at the time, I was.

I've sent out over $5k in gear credits for bloods and product testing and I've donated $650 to AL. We got behind a couple of times in shipping but everybody who has ever ordered from me has gotten their gear.

I've made a few mistakes for sure and disappearing for almost a month is pretty inexcusable, but I came back to take my licks and make things right with those I owe. I get what everyone is saying, but to act like I'm the worst source to ever grace Meso seems a bit hyperbolic to me. I sent out thousands of orders and have handfuls of regular customers that continually enjoyed the product. That right there is a lot more than many sources on the web can say themselves.
You owe it to the community to leave...ur what my real friends would call no good...get out of here ur a lowlife and so is ur compound mixing brew setup...


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