Pristine Anabolics Intro

Long periods of time? I think the longest I went without posting was 5 or 6 days when my child was in the hospital, and it's not like I wasn't answering emails at the time, I was.
Bullshit! I know of three separate times that I called you out for your lack of presence here! You always agreed that you were gonna be more active but never did.
We got behind a couple of times in shipping but everybody who has ever ordered from me has gotten their gear.
Bullshit again!
You left a lot of dudes hanging and took their money and left them out to dry! Some of which were so fucked up about it that they were begging other sources for a hand out! Just because you pop back in and claim to take care of everyone now doesn’t excuse the FACT that you took money and didn’t send out orders! Period!
I've made a few mistakes for sure and disappearing for almost a month is pretty inexcusable, but I came back to take my licks and make things right with those I owe. I get what everyone is saying, but to act like I'm the worst source to ever grace Meso seems a bit hyperbolic to me. I sent out thousands of orders and have handfuls of regular customers that continually enjoyed the product. That right there is a lot more than many sources on the web can say themselves.
You have done nothing but make mistakes! You have also made bullshit excuses every time a ‘mistake’ happens. It doesn’t matter how much you did or how much money you were out of because I could care less. That doesn’t make you a good source! We have good sources here that know how to be good at what they do and they haven’t had half the ‘mistakes’ or ‘bad luck’ that you have!
You are no different than any bad source that’s came on this board! From what you said, you just don’t wanna be seen as the worst source that’s ever been on meso. Right there shows me that’s how you look at things!
We have a source that has the desire to be the BEST that meso has ever seen and you just don’t wanna be the worst! No wonder you can’t be the best because you’re only striving to not be the worst!
Kindly, FUCK OFF!!
Ok guys...where to start?

This was not an exit scam. Like I've said in the past, I will never intentionally scam anyone.

I took what was supposed to be a day trip out of state to help a family member get some squatters out of a property they own. On my way there I was pulled over for a traffic stop. They found a warrant from almost 12 years ago and took me to county. I could have gotten out on a pre-trial probation sort of thing, but that didn't seem like a good idea to me. Long story short, I went to court earlier this week, plead out, got my sentence, and got the good ol ATW on Friday. Time served, free and clear.

Got home late last night. I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but I imagine it's pretty brutal. Whether or not I'm dead in the water here, everybody I owe
will get their packs dropped by end of business tomorrow.

Before all of this I had some issues with my shipper, so I still have to figure out exactly which packs went out and which didn't, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Shipper is gone and will not be a part of my op from now on. Haven't checked emails yet, I'm sure there are a lot, I will start replying to those right now and then I'll catch up here.

To those with outstanding orders, I apologize profusely and I'm going to get you taken care of ASAP.

Yo dude. I'm still out a 20 vial pack from you.. am I getting it or not
I had accepted I wasnt gettin my pack and my last email was just a genuine concern and saying I hope that whatever happened to you that you didnt die or get arrested. It's interesting that you had those emails in your box but decided to come here first before emailing back all the people you have left hanging for the last month.
Curious to see how this all pans out but definitely not holding my breath or expecting to get my pack
Lol, you already got hooked up from another source
I got a 150 dollar discount from another source.. I still paid out of pocket for it and if he is coming back to make people whole I dont see why i would be left out of that since I paid him for an order I never recieved
Although that help me thread was a stomach Turner dude still needs to be made whole and brings up a good point about this source not hitting up the people he owed before showing back up here.
LMFAO, good to have you back????
Dude you take this shit too serious.
Fucking steroids detective!! @Trenity was pretty established here already. If he makes it MORE then right for those that he left hanging. Then yeah welcome fucking back!! He had lots of bloodwork to back up his oils. His shipping time wasn’t the best, also not the worst, but we need more dependable domestic “ non private” sources around here.
I had accepted I wasnt gettin my pack and my last email was just a genuine concern and saying I hope that whatever happened to you that you didnt die or get arrested. It's interesting that you had those emails in your box but decided to come here first before emailing back all the people you have left hanging for the last month.
Curious to see how this all pans out but definitely not holding my breath or expecting to get my pack
I agree with you on Pristine going to the ones he owes through email before coming here! That’s another reason why shit seems shady. Instead he comes back to hopefully get a few more orders in the meantime.
Idc if another source helped you out or not. It was definitely not a great idea imo to ask like you did.
That still doesn’t negate the fact that you are still owed for products you have paid for from @Trenity and you should be made whole. If you wasn’t scammed then you wouldn’t have had to ask for help like you did.
Dude you take this shit too serious.
Fucking steroids detective!! @Trenity was pretty established here already. If he makes it MORE then right for those that he left hanging. Then yeah welcome fucking back!! He had lots of bloodwork to back up his oils. His shipping time wasn’t the best, also not the worst, but we need more dependable domestic “ non private” sources around here.
We’re not a source board so no, we don’t need more reliable sources here. Not sure where that train of thought even came from. Being established here vs being a person who doesn’t even keep their own word are two totally different things. He had to have us ride his ass to keep his own word about testing his shit. But hey - if you’re cool with a guy who doesn’t even use separate hoses to dispense gear and mixes shit, have at it.
Dude you take this shit too serious.
Fucking steroids detective!! @Trenity was pretty established here already. If he makes it MORE then right for those that he left hanging. Then yeah welcome fucking back!! He had lots of bloodwork to back up his oils. His shipping time wasn’t the best, also not the worst, but we need more dependable domestic “ non private” sources around here.
I agree bro we do need more dependable domestic sources here. We just don’t need them so bad that we can let them pull shady bullshit and get away with it!
I’m all for a good domestic sources but we shouldn’t have to settle for one. We should strive to make every source here a great source and keep out the shitty ones.
By letting this source back in the door is just saying that we don’t care what a source does and is opening the door up for more shitty sources to come in, and scam and giving Pristine another chance to take others money... again.
I agree bro we do need more dependable domestic sources here.
Interesting - for 3 years now I’ve read member after member tell sources: you need us, we don’t need you. If Meso isn’t a source board, why do we need sources here? Answer is - we don’t. Meso isn’t about finding a source - it’s about harm reduction.
I agree with you on Pristine going to the ones he owes through email before coming here! That’s another reason why shit seems shady. Instead he comes back to hopefully get a few more orders in the meantime.
Idc if another source helped you out or not. It was definitely not a great idea imo to ask like you did.
That still doesn’t negate the fact that you are still owed for products you have paid for from @Trenity and you should be made whole. If you wasn’t scammed then you wouldn’t have had to ask for help like you did.

Agreed 100%. Hindsight is 20/20 , If I could go back I wouldnt have made that post. Regardless, the post was made. A source did offer me a 150 dollar discount on what I considered to be a big order (it was the biggest one I made with pristine). I took the offer because I needed the gear but I still paid double what I initially spent on the gear from pristine. For what its worth he did actually email me this morning at 10am. I didn't notice the email because it went to my spam. My instincts tell me his story his true (why even come back if not, this is all anonymous it's not hard to cut and run). Well see what happens in the next few days , even though he did tell me my pack has been sent I'm not expecting to get one.
Dude you take this shit too serious.
Fucking steroids detective!! @Trenity was pretty established here already. If he makes it MORE then right for those that he left hanging. Then yeah welcome fucking back!! He had lots of bloodwork to back up his oils. His shipping time wasn’t the best, also not the worst, but we need more dependable domestic “ non private” sources around here.
Sucking source cock after you lost your last one ? Not that the community needed confirmation that you are a piece of shit.
We’re not a source board so no, we don’t need more reliable sources here. Not sure where that train of thought even came from. Being established here vs being a person who doesn’t even keep their own word are two totally different things. He had to have us ride his ass to keep his own word about testing his shit. But hey - if you’re cool with a guy who doesn’t even use separate hoses to dispense gear and mixes shit, have at it.
Huh, we’re not a source board?? What are you talking about? We have people selling all sorts of shit here. Call it what you want man. We definitely need more domestic options! Of course I don’t want someone cross contaminated gear. But if I remember correctly TGI had some cross contamination problems. As long as everyone is testing then I’m open to them doing business.
Interesting - for 3 years now I’ve read member after member tell sources: you need us, we don’t need you. If Meso isn’t a source board, why do we need sources here? Answer is - we don’t. Meso isn’t about finding a source - it’s about harm reduction.
Yes in theory that is what the underground is for. Discussion about sources. In reality that’s not what it has become. So if sources are going to be here and this is a harm reduction board then we all need to think about how we can help with harm reduction as it applies to sources that are here.
To prevent scammers, to help newbies that are looking to order, to keep a source accountable, and so on...

We would be fine here without sources, that is true. They’re here though, and until that changes we need to do whatever is necessary in the name of harm reduction to keep people safe and educated as can be with these sources.