Pristine Anabolics Intro

This is an odd resurrection to say the least.
Truthfully I was expecting a "new" source to pop up. The fact that you didn't rebrand and came back this way says something.

I doubt I'd be doing any ordering until everyone is made whole and even then I'd proceed with caution.
So @Trenity how about the other BS, like trying to slide in over at SST and losing the key to your brew room? Different stories to different people. TBH, I AM glad you came back and I hope you will fulfill every order.

Of course now there’s some little POS who got another lab to bail him out because of all of this. And of course stories aren’t fully adding up either. Timelines would be nice.

Yes I did tell a member that I was going to get on SST, but I didn't mean I'd be leaving Meso completely to do so. I've been talking to SST mods basically since I started. I've told them that when I'm ready to handle 2 boards I would like to be over there. The last time I talked to an SST mod was in November or December and I told them I would get in touch when I thought I was ready.

I'll admit I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper. I've been using the same shipper since I started, and he's part of my family. He has a pattern of being great until he gets paid and then he fucks off for a few days or more and gets lazy on me. Lies to me about packs going out and then comes back and tells me some actually didn't. I like the safety of having a shipper, but the delays and un-reliablity aren't worth it, so we're not gonna work like that anymore.

The key thing was a lie to buy some time. I had to brew new product and start shipping myself but I needed a couple of days. I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper since I've been here and that's on me. I should have dropped that way of operating several months ago when problems started coming about in the first place.
Yes I did tell a member that I was going to get on SST, but I didn't mean I'd be leaving Meso completely to do so. I've been talking to SST mods basically since I started. I've told them that when I'm ready to handle 2 boards I would like to be over there. The last time I talked to an SST mod was in November or December and I told them I would get in touch when I thought I was ready.

I'll admit I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper. I've been using the same shipper since I started, and he's part of my family. He has a pattern of being great until he gets paid and then he fucks off for a few days or more and gets lazy on me. Lies to me about packs going out and then comes back and tells me some actually didn't. I like the safety of having a shipper, but the delays and un-reliablity aren't worth it, so we're not gonna work like that anymore.

The key thing was a lie to buy some time. I had to brew new product and start shipping myself but I needed a couple of days. I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper since I've been here and that's on me. I should have dropped that way of operating several months ago when problems started coming about in the first place.

Lost the key to the raws room. Did you really think that was going to fool anybody? i mean really, c'mon, man. We've booted sources for less. You should have been straight forward.

The results from W&M should be uploaded, by the way. i'm sure i'm not the only one that would like to see them.
This is an odd resurrection to say the least.
Truthfully I was expecting a "new" source to pop up. The fact that you didn't rebrand and came back this way says something.

I doubt I'd be doing any ordering until everyone is made whole and even then I'd proceed with caution.

Wait. So you would actually CONSIDER ordering again? Dude disappeared for almost a month. Don’t we have a few standards?

@Trenity, things have kinda changed. Customers have really gotten use to tested raws and product testing. I would say you need to step up the game a lot to be successful again. That being said, there is a pretty good opportunity here if you wish to pursue it the right way. I’m sure you could make a lot of money. Consider this a chance to start over using better methods that will earn back trust.

Dudes here actually CRIED until some source at the SST came in and “saved the day” by “hooking them up”. It was pretty sad to watch that level of desperation. Please come back bigger and better so we don’t have to watch guys whore themselves here again.
Lost the key to the raws room. Did you really think that was going to fool anybody? i mean really, c'mon, man. We've booted sources for less. You should have been straight forward.

The results from W&M should be uploaded, by the way. i'm sure i'm not the only one that would like to see them.

I understand, it's always better to be straight forward. I got a little overwhelmed and made a stupid decision in the moment to tell a fib. After sending that email I remember thinking how ridiculous it sounded. W&M tests will be posted in a bit. I want to answer all of my emails first, and there are a lot of them.
Wait. So you would actually CONSIDER ordering again? Dude disappeared for almost a month. Don’t we have a few standards?

@Trenity, things have kinda changed. Customers have really gotten use to tested raws and product testing. I would say you need to step up the game a lot to be successful again. That being said, there is a pretty good opportunity here if you wish to pursue it the right way. I’m sure you could make a lot of money. Consider this a chance to start over using better methods that will earn back trust.

Dudes here actually CRIED until some source at the SST came in and “saved the day” by “hooking them up”. It was pretty sad to watch that level of desperation. Please come back bigger and better so we don’t have to watch guys whore themselves here again.

Yes I'd consider it as I stated if everyone was made whole then cautiously if I did.

I wouldn't order today and we should have standards here and the fact he didn't rebrand is a start.
So you only sold one batch, correct?

Thank you. Appreciate that.

If @stevonov gets back here, I will offer him a free test for every single bottle he has, only if he sends me 0.1-0.5 ml out of each bottle. I have this interesting thing in mind.
I also have unopened bottles of the T
Wait. So you would actually CONSIDER ordering again? Dude disappeared for almost a month. Don’t we have a few standards?

@Trenity, things have kinda changed. Customers have really gotten use to tested raws and product testing. I would say you need to step up the game a lot to be successful again. That being said, there is a pretty good opportunity here if you wish to pursue it the right way. I’m sure you could make a lot of money. Consider this a chance to start over using better methods that will earn back trust.

Dudes here actually CRIED until some source at the SST came in and “saved the day” by “hooking them up”. It was pretty sad to watch that level of desperation. Please come back bigger and better so we don’t have to watch guys whore themselves here again.
That level of gear was ugly.
I understand, it's always better to be straight forward. I got a little overwhelmed and made a stupid decision in the moment to tell a fib. After sending that email I remember thinking how ridiculous it sounded. W&M tests will be posted in a bit. I want to answer all of my emails first, and there are a lot of them.
Good to have you back! Other sources are getting fat while your were away.
Yes I did tell a member that I was going to get on SST, but I didn't mean I'd be leaving Meso completely to do so. I've been talking to SST mods basically since I started. I've told them that when I'm ready to handle 2 boards I would like to be over there. The last time I talked to an SST mod was in November or December and I told them I would get in touch when I thought I was ready.

I'll admit I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper. I've been using the same shipper since I started, and he's part of my family. He has a pattern of being great until he gets paid and then he fucks off for a few days or more and gets lazy on me. Lies to me about packs going out and then comes back and tells me some actually didn't. I like the safety of having a shipper, but the delays and un-reliablity aren't worth it, so we're not gonna work like that anymore.

The key thing was a lie to buy some time. I had to brew new product and start shipping myself but I needed a couple of days. I've told a few lies to cover for my shipper since I've been here and that's on me. I should have dropped that way of operating several months ago when problems started coming about in the first place.
Lol, damn family. Just remember it was supposedly a cousin who got Elite popped.

Truth goes a LONG way here bud. I know there are behind the scenes things that happen that we will never fully know or even partially know, but truth is pretty much king around here. You coming back gives me faith that you will make things right, but honestly - I wouldn’t give that little faggot whonwent begging for sources to help out a damn thing.
Ok so WTF!? This mother fucker lies to members then disappears without notice scamming members then comes back here with probably another lie about where he’s been and that’s ok!?
Just get better and come back stronger!?
What in the actual fuck!? Hell no! Y’all too fast to give a second chance! Fuck that! How could anyone trust this dude after everything that has happened?
Just setting someone up (or yourselves) for it to happen again!
He probably took the money he stole to buy more raws so he could start selling again! But y’all can believe the I had a warrant in another state I didn’t know about and went to jail for a month story! Excuses and lies!

He’d had a better chance rebranding than coming back here!
Fuck bros y’all mother fuckers are getting soft!

I ain’t buying this story or anything else this POS is selling!!
There are going to be a lot of happy people when they find out you are back @Trenity Especially since someone else went private. You know how meso works. You will be busy as fuck in no time, as long as you make people whole who got screwed. Btw, this is not me giving a gtg. Just predicting the future
There are going to be a lot of happy people when they find out you are back @Trenity Especially since someone else went private. You know how meso works. You will be busy as fuck in no time, as long as you make people whole who got screwed. Btw, this is not me giving a gtg. Just predicting the future
Or people will wise up and realize this is all a sham. It really is a shame that Meso is tolerating this and Venom. Are we that desperate?
Hey @Trenity ur really just a piece of shit...ur social skills are better than Canada's sole provider of venom tho...either post something that proves u went to jail or fuck off...even a property bag u were released with...something anything
Ok so WTF!? This mother fucker lies to members then disappears without notice scamming members then comes back here with probably another lie about where he’s been and that’s ok!?
Just get better and come back stronger!?
What in the actual fuck!? Hell no! Y’all too fast to give a second chance! Fuck that! How could anyone trust this dude after everything that has happened?
Just setting someone up (or yourselves) for it to happen again!
He probably took the money he stole to buy more raws so he could start selling again! But y’all can believe the I had a warrant in another state I didn’t know about and went to jail for a month story! Excuses and lies!

He’d had a better chance rebranding than coming back here!
Fuck bros y’all mother fuckers are getting soft!

I ain’t buying this story or anything else this POS is selling!!

I'm a naturally skeptical guy so I get this line of thinking. Truth is I have more raws than I've ever had, if I was trying to exit scam I would have tried to get rid of a lot more of them. If I was going to do that on purpose to buy more raws why would I come back under this brand? To send half of the raws I just bought back out as product to those I owe? Doesn't make much sense. In the 2 weeks prior to getting arrested I dropped over 4 grand on raws, testing, and an AL donation. Why would I do that if I was planning to bounce? I get the paranoia but sometimes shit just happens. I lost my real job, put my family in a really rough spot and probably lost my main source of income here. Not like I'm having the time of my life. I understand if nobody else wants to order from me, makes sense to me to be skeptical. I mainly posted here again to let those I left hanging that they would be made whole.
Or people will wise up and realize this is all a sham. It really is a shame that Meso is tolerating this and Venom. Are we that desperate?

It very well may be a sham but many people were very happy with prissy for a while. I am not a customer so I have no skin in the game. But, if people are buying venoms shit straight outta the gate there is no question that prissy is gonna get bombarded again. Again. I do not think it is a good idea to order from this lab at this time. @Trenity still has a lot of hoops to jump through to get this majorly de-railed train back on the tracks. (If that can even happen)
I'm a naturally skeptical guy so I get this line of thinking. Truth is I have more raws than I've ever had, if I was trying to exit scam I would have tried to get rid of a lot more of them. If I was going to do that on purpose to buy more raws why would I come back under this brand? To send half of the raws I just bought back out as product to those I owe? Doesn't make much sense. In the 2 weeks prior to getting arrested I dropped over 4 grand on raws, testing, and an AL donation. Why would I do that if I was planning to bounce? I get the paranoia but sometimes shit just happens. I lost my real job, put my family in a really rough spot and probably lost my main source of income here. Not like I'm having the time of my life. I understand if nobody else wants to order from me, makes sense to me to be skeptical. I mainly posted here again to let those I left hanging that they would be made whole.
That’s just your word bro. You’ve already admitted that you’ve lied to buy more time. Why would this be anything different? I’m actually not saying this bad chain of events couldn’t have happened because it can.
When you start lying about little things like a lost key to your raws room (lol) then when a big thing like jail comes up then you no longer look credible.
Some members begged other sources to help them when you bailed (for whatever reason) was pathetic! I’m not sure how you’re gonna make them whole when some other source did? I’d assume that will not matter because you are the one who owes them and will do what’s right and take care of them.
That will be the first step to move forward.

To be skeptical of you is an understatement. You have shown you don’t care to “fib” or lie if you think it’ll help you buy some time. By admitting it makes you look even less credible in anything you post. How do we know that you didn’t go to jail for sourcing? We don’t! How do we know that this isn’t another scam in the works? We don’t!
How do we know this isn’t a set up by LE!? We don’t. It’s all speculation at this point.
How do you expect me to believe anything you say when you admitted to lying, no matter how small the ‘fib’ was?

Edit; @Trenity all your posts seem sincere and you come across as being genuine. You either have the worst luck known to man or are great at bullshitting lol. I don’t know which is worse!? Lol
Neither are good qualities in what I look for in a source lol.
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Or people will wise up and realize this is all a sham. It really is a shame that Meso is tolerating this and Venom. Are we that desperate?

Yes. That’s why when I read the line “you need us we don’t need you” to the new sources I think of all the desperate or shameless non-researchers that’ll buy from anyone.