Pristine Anabolics Intro

don't want to pop caps of all. how about two samples .5 off a crashed one after I reheat it and .5 out of one that isn't. all batch one.
No problem with me. Can you email me at info (at) janoshik dot com to sort out the details please?

Thank you.
20 years, damn that’s great man! That’s also very unusual for anyone who drives a vehicle daily. Or anyone in a state where they do check points on the road.

It’s not impossible... Just making an observation is all...
The trick in Ohio is to never drive more than 9mph over the speed limit. LE motto 9 your fine 10 your mine (so I've heard)
Only 4 acres left. 4 acres of pristine oceanfront property. No pun intended. Because of all the interest I’m bumping my price on these last 4 to $2500.00. But I’m also throwing in a mermaid or a dolphin, your choice. Free! Thats a $6,400 value.
Agreed 100%. Hindsight is 20/20 , If I could go back I wouldnt have made that post. Regardless, the post was made. A source did offer me a 150 dollar discount on what I considered to be a big order (it was the biggest one I made with pristine). I took the offer because I needed the gear but I still paid double what I initially spent on the gear from pristine. For what its worth he did actually email me this morning at 10am. I didn't notice the email because it went to my spam. My instincts tell me his story his true (why even come back if not, this is all anonymous it's not hard to cut and run). Well see what happens in the next few days , even though he did tell me my pack has been sent I'm not expecting to get one.

Well r&r reappeared to tell everyone they were gonna be one got refunded.
Still waiting for a reply about the bloods I got done while I was using his gear. Been finished with it for over a month now but I used his product got bloods, I sent an email out to him when I got them back. Which was the first day all the red flags went up. We will see hopefully he follows thru
Were the bloods fucked up or just wanting your credit? Just curious
Were the bloods fucked up or just wanting your credit? Just curious
Sorry I should have post this yesterday after he replied to my email. he got back to me In Regards to my email about having recieved my bloods. Everything is good except my LDL’s were just over the high end 156. A few people here have seen them, I just had total test done. His gear is fire, at least the gear that I used. Which at the time the bloods were taken I was running his Sustanon 300x2(mon,thurs) Masteron Prop 50mg EOD, winny 50mg ED. Bloods were drawn after 4weeks 39hrs after my last shot(fasted)
t-testosterone = >3000ng/DL !!!
Bloods were drawn at quest diagnostics in Southern California. I was under the impression that quest did not cap there bloodtest. I know labcorp caps theirs at 1500ng/DL but to have received results stating HIGH, and greater than 3000 bummed me out because I would have really had an exact number. Also I had asked my primary care physician to test for shbg, Test, E2 and none of that was done. I think because when he sent me to have it done he didn’t send me the form filled out he sent me down with the order on an actual triplicate paper prescription. So the person at quest didn’t have the order form to go off of. Anyhow, the moral of the story is that Trenity’s Test is g2g. Again I don’t want this to sound shillish, but the results I pulled away from having used his sustanon, which is different from sust 250 were better than I have ever gotten from sustanon. Wish I had order more instead I grabbed more Test E. And Prop that time around. Which I have to say I am running the his enanthate and prop, both of those are g2g too but I don’t have blood to base those off of. Anyhow, I need to err blackout my personal info on my bloodwork and the scan it before posting. I can’t do that until tomorrow. Because my scanner took a shit middle of last month. But promise the results will be up 2morrow for everyone to see.
Sorry I should have post this yesterday after he replied to my email. he got back to me In Regards to my email about having recieved my bloods. Everything is good except my LDL’s were just over the high end 156. A few people here have seen them, I just had total test done. His gear is fire, at least the gear that I used. Which at the time the bloods were taken I was running his Sustanon 300x2(mon,thurs) Masteron Prop 50mg EOD, winny 50mg ED. Bloods were drawn after 4weeks 39hrs after my last shot(fasted)
t-testosterone = >3000ng/DL !!!
Bloods were drawn at quest diagnostics in Southern California. I was under the impression that quest did not cap there bloodtest. I know labcorp caps theirs at 1500ng/DL but to have received results stating HIGH, and greater than 3000 bummed me out because I would have really had an exact number. Also I had asked my primary care physician to test for shbg, Test, E2 and none of that was done. I think because when he sent me to have it done he didn’t send me the form filled out he sent me down with the order on an actual triplicate paper prescription. So the person at quest didn’t have the order form to go off of. Anyhow, the moral of the story is that Trenity’s Test is g2g. Again I don’t want this to sound shillish, but the results I pulled away from having used his sustanon, which is different from sust 250 were better than I have ever gotten from sustanon. Wish I had order more instead I grabbed more Test E. And Prop that time around. Which I have to say I am running the his enanthate and prop, both of those are g2g too but I don’t have blood to base those off of. Anyhow, I need to err blackout my personal info on my bloodwork and the scan it before posting. I can’t do that until tomorrow. Because my scanner took a shit middle of last month. But promise the results will be up 2morrow for everyone to see.

If I calculated your test mg/week correctly I came out with 775mg of test per week. 3000ng/dL is a decent number for testosterone levels but that just proves it is average and no better than anyone else’s gear. Not necessarily fire as you stated. And no source is ever considered g2g even if they are in their thread when needed in order to take care of business which this one isn’t most of the time
I said the gear I used is good to go. Don’t start putting words in my mouth homeboy. Don’t make your issue with Trenity and issue between you and I. I wanted to how to go about providing Trenity my bloods and he told me to just post them on the board for you guys to see. Which is fine, that is the plan now that I have been given the instructions on what he wanted done with them. I would have just held off saying anything, but I felt obligated to answer the question.
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