Sorry I should have post this yesterday after he replied to my email. he got back to me In Regards to my email about having recieved my bloods. Everything is good except my LDL’s were just over the high end 156. A few people here have seen them, I just had total test done. His gear is fire, at least the gear that I used. Which at the time the bloods were taken I was running his Sustanon 300x2(mon,thurs) Masteron Prop 50mg EOD, winny 50mg ED. Bloods were drawn after 4weeks 39hrs after my last shot(fasted)
t-testosterone = >3000ng/DL !!!
Bloods were drawn at quest diagnostics in Southern California. I was under the impression that quest did not cap there bloodtest. I know labcorp caps theirs at 1500ng/DL but to have received results stating HIGH, and greater than 3000 bummed me out because I would have really had an exact number. Also I had asked my primary care physician to test for shbg, Test, E2 and none of that was done. I think because when he sent me to have it done he didn’t send me the form filled out he sent me down with the order on an actual triplicate paper prescription. So the person at quest didn’t have the order form to go off of. Anyhow, the moral of the story is that Trenity’s Test is g2g. Again I don’t want this to sound shillish, but the results I pulled away from having used his sustanon, which is different from sust 250 were better than I have ever gotten from sustanon. Wish I had order more instead I grabbed more Test E. And Prop that time around. Which I have to say I am running the his enanthate and prop, both of those are g2g too but I don’t have blood to base those off of. Anyhow, I need to err blackout my personal info on my bloodwork and the scan it before posting. I can’t do that until tomorrow. Because my scanner took a shit middle of last month. But promise the results will be up 2morrow for everyone to see.