Pristine Anabolics Intro

Whoa... Let get something straight, I am not some fucking derekict. I take care of all my financial responsibilities, you make it sound like I neglect my family I order to use gear. Wow that is fucking sad. I am done with this thread. If you guys aren't at desperate to fuck with trenity have at him. I sure as fuck an not gonna sit by why you make me out to be a neglectful peice of shit, just so you can make your point.
Whoa... Let get something straight, I am not some fucking derekict. I take care of all my financial responsibilities, you make it sound like I neglect my family I order to use gear. Wow that is fucking sad. I am done with this thread. If you guys aren't at desperate to fuck with trenity have at him. I sure as fuck an not gonna sit by why you make me out to be a neglectful peice of shit, just so you can make your point.
Bro, no one is making you out to be a derelict. What I’m saying is this though - so you had good bloodwork, and even though he has lied and screwed people over, as long as YOUR bloods came back, all is fine with you to buy from him. That’s like saying “Sure, I understand my brownies have dog shit in the recipe, but hey, as long as it’s not TOO much dog shit, it’s fine by me.” So we overlook shit service, poor communication, bad tested products, gear that is at best, guessed since he doesn’t test his raws because somehow the good outweighs the bad? Low minimum and low prices! Come on bro, that’s like saying “my wife cheats on me, treats me like shit, treats my family like shit, but hey - she gives good head.”
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Bro, no one is making you out to be a derelict. What I’m saying is this though - so you had good bloodwork, and even though he has lied and screwed people over, as long as YOUR bloods came back, all is fine with you to buy from him. That’s like saying “Sure, I understand my brownies have dog shit in the recipe, but hey, as long as it’s not TOO much dog shit, it’s fine by me.” So we overlook shit service, poor communication, bad tested products, gear that is at best, guessed since he doesn’t test his raws because somehow the good outweighs the bad? Low minimum and low prices! Come on bro, that’s like saying “my wife cheats on me, treats me like shit, treats my family like shit, but hey - she gives good head.”

Way too many analogies in your post. It gets confusing. Sounds to me like you eat shit brownies while your wife cheats on you by giving great head to your family? I don’t know. Maybe go see a psychologist or something. [emoji23]
Here’s a “what if” for you to think about.
What if we all forget everything that happened up to this point. Then his next exit could be more damaging than the last and leaving more owed and out of money and he disappears for good. I mean we let him back. Do we blame him then or ourselves!?
Why open yourself or other members/lurkers up for that to happen.

I mean it’s already happened once but the next time could be worse.
It’s not like he hasn’t been given chance after chance with things. But he’d rather have excuse after excuse.

If this last event wasn’t the last straw and we let that shit go then what example are we setting for future sources that will likely think they can get away with anything and still be welcomed here.
Then you got to think of the successful sources here that had to go through the same shit as Prestine has but decided to rise above everything and become better. That’d be like a big middle finger to the few good sources here we have.

They have worked hard to be good sources here and when we let shit slide from a shitty source then they could start fuckin up because they think we’ll just let them get by.
If we don’t keep every source equally accountable then “what if” they decided to not work as hard and the once great source turns to shit because of it.

@Cookieman this isn’t directed entirely at you lol. I started a response and went on a rant I think lol.
Haha..all good man..I guess I was thinking that if I were him it would just be so much easier to fly in under the radar. But who knows what his intentions are. I can't really think like a scammer because I'm not brain doesn't work that way. It's a good thing that there are a bunch of ya'll on here that seem to be good at sniffing this b.s. out
Just curious, and thought I'd ask. If Trenity wanted to come back to scam people, wouldn't it be easier to just rebrand? I never ordered from him, so i don't have a dog in the hunt. I just dont get why he would open up this can of worms. And if he does send packs out to people he left hanging, they should have a bunch of extra shit in those packs for the trouble..js

You would think.. but hammer came back in his own thread and scammed over and over. Eventually rebranded and scammed again.

Why rebrand if you can still scam?
You would think.. but hammer came back in his own thread and scammed over and over. Eventually rebranded and scammed again.

Why rebrand if you can still scam?
"Why rent and when you can just scam?" The scammers motto...haahaaa...Tmotto...haahaaa...Thats funny shit...and I guess unfortunately a sad reality
I am aware that because I have only been on gear for about 3.5 months now. And It had been 6years since I have used any AAS’s prior to using Prissy’s gear. So My receptors were probably very well primed, more so than most peoples and I know that definitely played a part in allowing me to respond the way I have to them. I know there is fucking better gear out there. But he was the second source I ordered from, and happened to get in when he ran his super bowl promo, which allowed me to end up with a ton of his gear. I haven’t had the need to go elsewhere, and in reality to be fair to everyone, I wouldn’t be able to to say how his gear compares to anyone else’s because I haven’t had the need to make any further purchases.
So my response to him showing back up and trying to make everything good again is bullshit. And bullshit excuses.

Talking about the original order....he told me the 2nd half of the pack was already in the mail and I should get it in a day or 2 and then he disappeared. So he lied. He knew my 2nd half hadn't been shipped out. Even though he told me it had been. So clearly he had this planned. I don't buy the family emergency and then getting busted for a 12 year old warrant. Did he tell you guys that too? Seems he doesn't get his stories straight. Told me he didn't have enough vials. Told some other dude he lost the key to the raws room. So just more bullshit. Imo

And now.....I'm being sent a pack without him even asking me if I want it? Had he contacted me and said this is what happened I'm willing to fix it and send the rest of your pack. I would have said NO. But now I already have something coming to me. Which now I have to worry what the hell is really going on....
So my response to him showing back up and trying to make everything good again is bullshit. And bullshit excuses.

Talking about the original order....he told me the 2nd half of the pack was already in the mail and I should get it in a day or 2 and then he disappeared. So he lied. He knew my 2nd half hadn't been shipped out. Even though he told me it had been. So clearly he had this planned. I don't buy the family emergency and then getting busted for a 12 year old warrant. Did he tell you guys that too? Seems he doesn't get his stories straight. Told me he didn't have enough vials. Told some other dude he lost the key to the raws room. So just more bullshit. Imo

And now.....I'm being sent a pack without him even asking me if I want it? Had he contacted me and said this is what happened I'm willing to fix it and send the rest of your pack. I would have said NO. But now I already have something coming to me. Which now I have to worry what the hell is really going on....
And he kept your address.
I was going to say the benefit of the doubt was that he knew he shorted him and kept the info until the order was fulfilled. I can almost let that slide by.

Yea, he only kept all the addresses until the orders were fulfilled. It wasn’t like he was stopped by cops and then held for a couple weeks on an outstanding warrant or anything...

Did he ever offer an explanation for why he didn’t fill the entire order at once?
Yea, he only kept all the addresses until the orders were fulfilled. It wasn’t like he was stopped by cops and then held for a couple weeks on an outstanding warrant or anything..

Did he ever offer an explanation for why he didn’t fill the entire order at once?

Nope. He told me initially that it was already in the mail and should get it in a couple days and then disappeared. So he lied and knew there wasn't another pack coming to me before he got stopped by the cops and all that shit. No excuse for that. Imo cause according to him the pack should have been in my hands prior to all this warrant and family emergency thing.
I'd rather him say something like. "Dude I got in over my head and had to stop for a month and regroup to get product going again".
Cause I'm willing to bet that's really what happened. Usually when there is ALOT of info to someone's story, it's a lie. Family emergency....pulled over busted by the cops. 12 year old warrant (what was the warrant for????) Had to do time to avoid parole.... Way too much detail to be true Imo. People that lie, I find, create these elaborate stories to try and make it more believable. He had already been caught in 2 lies before disappearing cause he told me he ran out of vials. And told another dude he lost the key to his raw room..... So unless bad luck just surrounds this's all bullshit.
@InFlames Best case scenario you get another pack with no other complications.

Now, we need to burn this bitch to the ground and be prepared for a re-branding.