Pristine Anabolics Intro

Sorry I should have post this yesterday after he replied to my email. he got back to me In Regards to my email about having recieved my bloods. Everything is good except my LDL’s were just over the high end 156. A few people here have seen them, I just had total test done. His gear is fire, at least the gear that I used. Which at the time the bloods were taken I was running his Sustanon 300x2(mon,thurs) Masteron Prop 50mg EOD, winny 50mg ED. Bloods were drawn after 4weeks 39hrs after my last shot(fasted)
t-testosterone = >3000ng/DL !!!
Bloods were drawn at quest diagnostics in Southern California. I was under the impression that quest did not cap there bloodtest. I know labcorp caps theirs at 1500ng/DL but to have received results stating HIGH, and greater than 3000 bummed me out because I would have really had an exact number. Also I had asked my primary care physician to test for shbg, Test, E2 and none of that was done. I think because when he sent me to have it done he didn’t send me the form filled out he sent me down with the order on an actual triplicate paper prescription. So the person at quest didn’t have the order form to go off of. Anyhow, the moral of the story is that Trenity’s Test is g2g. Again I don’t want this to sound shillish, but the results I pulled away from having used his sustanon, which is different from sust 250 were better than I have ever gotten from sustanon. Wish I had order more instead I grabbed more Test E. And Prop that time around. Which I have to say I am running the his enanthate and prop, both of those are g2g too but I don’t have blood to base those off of. Anyhow, I need to err blackout my personal info on my bloodwork and the scan it before posting. I can’t do that until tomorrow. Because my scanner took a shit middle of last month. But promise the results will be up 2morrow for everyone to see.
Remove all your personal info bro.
Since this is alive again...I had the same stopper issue as @Mac11wildcat. I noticed chunks of stopper in the oil after 4 pins.
Luckily I draw with filter needles.

If I calculated your test mg/week correctly I came out with 775mg of test per week. 3000ng/dL is a decent number for testosterone levels but that just proves it is average and no better than anyone else’s gear. Not necessarily fire as you stated. And no source is ever considered g2g even if they are in their thread when needed in order to take care of business which this one isn’t most of the time

His blood test was capped at 3000. His levels were at least 3000. Could be 10,000 for all we know.
Yeah that’s why I was bummed, in the past I have bloods almost touching 4000ng/dL that’s the highest I have Test result showing. I was looking forward to smashing those results. Oh well. Next time I will go with private MD.
Just curious, and thought I'd ask. If Trenity wanted to come back to scam people, wouldn't it be easier to just rebrand? I never ordered from him, so i don't have a dog in the hunt. I just dont get why he would open up this can of worms. And if he does send packs out to people he left hanging, they should have a bunch of extra shit in those packs for the trouble..js
Just curious, and thought I'd ask. If Trenity wanted to come back to scam people, wouldn't it be easier to just rebrand? I never ordered from him, so i don't have a dog in the hunt. I just dont get why he would open up this can of worms. And if he does send packs out to people he left hanging, they should have a bunch of extra shit in those packs for the trouble..js
Needs more money since he blew it all. Probably doesn't want to spend a thousand or so on alibaba labels and easier for him to make a BS story
Just curious, and thought I'd ask. If Trenity wanted to come back to scam people, wouldn't it be easier to just rebrand? I never ordered from him, so i don't have a dog in the hunt. I just dont get why he would open up this can of worms. And if he does send packs out to people he left hanging, they should have a bunch of extra shit in those packs for the trouble..js
He's just not a good dude...the way he did business is wrong and he's a typical liar...always some story that will provoke sympathy to get u on his side...even if his gear was great he's just not someone I want to support...and listen I get the fact people sometimes gotta bodybuild on a budget I'm willing to accept that that is a I get why one might want him back but just don't support this guy...and if you have the means to avoid @Trenity please don't give this man your money he doesn't deserve it...
The road to hell I’d paved with good intentions. This thread began with all kinds of good intentions. Promise to be active in the thread. Promise to test raws before releasing goods. Etc, etc, etc. well guess what? There still just intentions. All show and no go. This is about the best example we could have of a lab that should just leave and rebrand and hope not to be recognized by someone.
Since this is alive again...I had the same stopper issue as @Mac11wildcat. I noticed chunks of stopper in the oil after 4 pins.
Luckily I draw with filter needles.

His blood test was capped at 3000. His levels were at least 3000. Could be 10,000 for all we know.
I said the gear I used is good to go. Don’t start putting words in my mouth homeboy. Don’t make your issue with Trenity and issue between you and I. I wanted to how to go about providing Trenity my bloods and he told me to just post them on the board for you guys to see. Which is fine, that is the plan now that I have been given the instructions on what he wanted done with them. I would have just held off saying anything, but I felt obligated to answer the question.

You’re right. These bloods could be 10,000 but we’ll never know since the test is capped. In an instance such as this you can only be assured of what was tested for. And that is a ceiling of 3,000. It could also be 3,010. We don’t know so the testing shows the gear to be at least mediocre but it doesn’t show it to be fire or g2g. This is no dig against you @88GENERAL88. It’s only to make sure that others reading these posts later don’t think that this test showed this gear to be some kind of outstanding gear. It did show it to be at least average but not exceptional.
You’re right. These bloods could be 10,000 but we’ll never know since the test is capped. In an instance such as this you can only be assured of what was tested for. And that is a ceiling of 3,000. It could also be 3,010. We don’t know so the testing shows the gear to be at least mediocre but it doesn’t show it to be fire or g2g. This is no dig against you @88GENERAL88. It’s only to make sure that others reading these posts later don’t think that this test showed this gear to be some kind of outstanding gear. It did show it to be at least average but not exceptional.

Even if someone did pull some fabulous numbers, it doesn't mean that their gear is somehow better than the next guys.
Test is Test. There are no super secret ultra high quality raws.

i don't think a lot of newer guys understand that if they get this ridiculous TT number back on their blood work, all it means is that the gear is overdosed.

A lot of guys think that's great, more bang for their buck. In reality, it shows that neither the raws nor the finished product has ever been tested, and that the brewer isn't adept at brewing the desired concentration to match label claims.
Even if someone did pull some fabulous numbers, it doesn't mean that their gear is somehow better than the next guys.
Test is Test. There are no super secret ultra high quality raws.

i don't think a lot of newer guys understand that if they get this ridiculous TT number back on their blood work, all it means is that the gear is overdosed.

A lot of guys think that's great, more bang for their buck. In reality, it shows that neither the raws nor the finished product has ever been tested, and that the brewer isn't adept at brewing the desired concentration to match label claims.

You are exactly right. I want gear that is brewed to match the label claims. Not have to guess how many milligrams I’m taking with each vial I open.
You’re right. These bloods could be 10,000 but we’ll never know since the test is capped. In an instance such as this you can only be assured of what was tested for. And that is a ceiling of 3,000. It could also be 3,010. We don’t know so the testing shows the gear to be at least mediocre but it doesn’t show it to be fire or g2g. This is no dig against you @88GENERAL88. It’s only to make sure that others reading these posts later don’t think that this test showed this gear to be some kind of outstanding gear. It did show it to be at least average but not exceptional.
Again, you are putting words in my mouth, I never said they could have been higher than 3000ng/DL. I said in the past I have had bloods at almost 4000ng/dL and WAS HOPING THEY would be higher. Another member said that they in reality they could be higher. You know what they very well could be. But I am in a position to where I think that we have the same understanding, it states >3000 and that’s all we have to go by. But feel free to hold each every word I have used up to a flame. Gear is good, gear is fire, gear is g2g. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO WORD IT YOUR HEIRESS?? Again, you aren’t in any other sources thread Saying this kind of shit. Trust me, I checked. You have made your point but your beef or whatever the fuck your issue is, has nothing to do with me. This isn’t meant to be a shill. I am not some hype man, but i was happy with my results I got when I used his gear, and to me that’s what matters, and I should be able to share that without someone trying to make me feel like I am some ducking g shill.I am not retarded, I don’t think Trenity sprinkled little blesssings on each vial before sending them to Me, and I was not stoked on the communication that I went thru when I dealt with him. I can tell you that much. I voiced that shit in the past.
Some of you sound really blessed. unfortunately, I don’t have it like that. I have to work with what I have. I can’t meet $200 +minimums. I have only been working for about 3.5 months I have a 9year son, bills, rent, and soon to be ex wife and I just got it if prison. That my reality. But that doesn’t mean that I should not be able to use good gear. Or someone in a similar financial situation as me, should have the ability to use good shit. I am not using gear that’s test came back contaminated, nothing taboo for me. If I went that route I would brew that shit myself so I know wtf I am getting. But test isn’t just test if it’s underdosed. Keep that in mind. And based on RESULTS trenity’s Testosterone’s all came back fine.
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You are exactly right. I want gear that is brewed to match the label claims. Not have to guess how many milligrams I’m taking with each vial I open.

Couldn't agree more. That's really the gold standard.

When you really think about it, there is no such thing as fire gear. The highest quality gear one can get is pharma.

If someone pulls higher TT numbers from UGL Test than they do from pharma, (at the same dose) then the UGL Test is overdosed, plain and simple.

The quality of the raws that went into the UGL gear aren't better than what went into the pharma gear. That's a guarantee.

My bad, i'm quoting your post for my soundboard here. Didn't mean to take away from your original response with my rant.

you are putting words in my mouth, I never said they could have been higher than 3000ng/DL. I said in the past I have had bloods at almost 4000ng/dL and WAS HOPING THEY would be higher. Another member said that they in reality they could be higher. You know what they very well could be. But I am in a position to where I thing that we have the same understanding which is because it states >3000 that’s all we have to go by. But feel free to hold each every word I have used up to a flame. Gear is good, gear is fire, gear is g2g. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO WORK IT YOUR HEINESS?? Again you aren’t in any other sources thread Saying this kind of shit. Trust me, I checked. You have made your point but your beef or whatever the fuck your issue is, has nothing to do with me.

You are absolutely right. My beef is not with you. In the past I rode sources asses pretty hard then I got tired of it after running the Brew Kit out of here and took a break for a while. That’s a good thread to see how I treat sources that don’t deserve to be here. That was a time when we had a new lab opening up here every week and they were all scams. It was a lot of work weeding through those guys to get rid of them before they caused to much harm. That is what we’re doing here. We are all on the same side. I’m dealing with this source. I’m not attacking you. Just trying to make sure that someone who comes behind you realizes it’s at least average and doesn’t think this juice is the hottest shit to hit the streets.
Couldn't agree more. That's really the gold standard.

When you really think about it, there is no such thing as fire gear. The highest quality gear one can get is pharma.

If someone pulls higher TT numbers from UGL Test than they do from pharma, (at the same dose) then the UGL Test is overdosed, plain and simple.

The quality of the raws that went into the UGL gear aren't better than what went into the pharma gear. That's a guarantee.

My bad, i'm quoting your post for my soundboard here. Didn't mean to take away from your original response with my rant.

Quote away brother
Fuck this, I posted my experience of the gear, you don’t like it, eat a dick. By the way this isn’t addressed to anyone specific. Just in general
Just curious, and thought I'd ask. If Trenity wanted to come back to scam people, wouldn't it be easier to just rebrand? I never ordered from him, so i don't have a dog in the hunt. I just dont get why he would open up this can of worms. And if he does send packs out to people he left hanging, they should have a bunch of extra shit in those packs for the trouble..js
Here’s a “what if” for you to think about.
What if we all forget everything that happened up to this point. Then his next exit could be more damaging than the last and leaving more owed and out of money and he disappears for good. I mean we let him back. Do we blame him then or ourselves!?
Why open yourself or other members/lurkers up for that to happen.

I mean it’s already happened once but the next time could be worse.
It’s not like he hasn’t been given chance after chance with things. But he’d rather have excuse after excuse.

If this last event wasn’t the last straw and we let that shit go then what example are we setting for future sources that will likely think they can get away with anything and still be welcomed here.
Then you got to think of the successful sources here that had to go through the same shit as Prestine has but decided to rise above everything and become better. That’d be like a big middle finger to the few good sources here we have.

They have worked hard to be good sources here and when we let shit slide from a shitty source then they could start fuckin up because they think we’ll just let them get by.
If we don’t keep every source equally accountable then “what if” they decided to not work as hard and the once great source turns to shit because of it.

@Cookieman this isn’t directed entirely at you lol. I started a response and went on a rant I think lol.

Again, you are putting words in my mouth, I never said they could have been higher than 3000ng/DL. I said in the past I have had bloods at almost 4000ng/dL and WAS HOPING THEY would be higher. Another member said that they in reality they could be higher. You know what they very well could be. But I am in a position to where I think that we have the same understanding, it states >3000 and that’s all we have to go by. But feel free to hold each every word I have used up to a flame. Gear is good, gear is fire, gear is g2g. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO WORD IT YOUR HEIRESS?? Again, you aren’t in any other sources thread Saying this kind of shit. Trust me, I checked. You have made your point but your beef or whatever the fuck your issue is, has nothing to do with me. This isn’t meant to be a shill. I am not some hype man, but i was happy with my results I got when I used his gear, and to me that’s what matters, and I should be able to share that without someone trying to make me feel like I am some ducking g shill.I am not retarded, I don’t think Trenity sprinkled little blesssings on each vial before sending them to Me, and I was not stoked on the communication that I went thru when I dealt with him. I can tell you that much. I voiced that shit in the past.
Some of you sound really blessed. unfortunately, I don’t have it like that. I have to work with what I have. I can’t meet $200 +minimums. I have only been working for about 3.5 months I have a 9year son, bills, rent, and soon to be ex wife and I just got it if prison. That my reality. But that doesn’t mean that I should not be able to use good gear. Or someone in a similar financial situation as me, should have the ability to use good shit. I am not using gear that’s test came back contaminated, nothing taboo for me. If I went that route I would brew that shit myself so I know wtf I am getting. But test isn’t just test if it’s underdosed. Keep that in mind. And based on RESULTS trenity’s Testosterone’s all came back fine.
I mean no disrespect man and honestly I skimmed through this post until I got to you not having the extra money to run AAS and still be financially comfortable after doing so. Maybe you need to rethink your priorities and hold of on cycling until you get on your feet.
Save back some cash to where it doesn’t take from your bills or family. I have a family and bills as well but I try to make sure they are taken care of and I’m not struggling before I purchase AAS or whatever else.
I understand getting shit for as cheap as possible but that shouldn’t mean that the only way you can run a cycle is by settling for a source with cheap prices.
Save up coins and then you’ll open yourself up for more sources you can choose from.
Just a thought bro. :)