Pristine Anabolics Intro

Huh, we’re not a source board?? What are you talking about? We have people selling all sorts of shit here. Call it what you want man. We definitely need more domestic options! Of course I don’t want someone cross contaminated gear. But if I remember correctly TGI had some cross contamination problems. As long as everyone is testing then I’m open to them doing business.
TGI’s cross contamination was minuscule, not 25%
Sucking source cock after you lost your last one ? Not that the community needed confirmation that you are a piece of shit.
Hah, I just got a fat pack from TGI. This place is loaded with sources you idiot! So go suck white power dick your faggot toy soldier!
Just when I was about to bury this thread, it is reincarnated with the same old drama. Without sounding like I have nuts pressed against my chin, I for one thinks it does take some balls to come back, and take accountability for his fuck up. I have made a shit ton of mistakes in my life. Even though I feel like I have paid my debt to society for my fuck ups there will always be those people that I won’t be able to make happy. Just glad your children have their dad back homeboy. You definitely have your fair share of work cut out for you, but something tells me that you are already aware of that since you came back to face the music. In my eyes, it takes a real man to do that.
Just when I was about to bury this thread, it is reincarnated with the same old drama. Without sounding like I have nuts pressed against my chin, I for one thinks it does take some balls to come back, and take accountability for his fuck up. I have made a shit ton of mistakes in my life. Even though I feel like I have paid my debt to society for my fuck ups there will always be those people that I won’t be able to make happy. Just glad your children have their dad back homeboy. You definitely have your fair share of work cut out for you, but something tells me that you are already aware of that since you came back to face the music. In my eyes, it takes a real man to do that.
Takes a man to lie to paying customers? :rolleyes:
Huh, we’re not a source board?? What are you talking about? We have people selling all sorts of shit here. Call it what you want man. We definitely need more domestic options! Of course I don’t want someone cross contaminated gear. But if I remember correctly TGI had some cross contamination problems. As long as everyone is testing then I’m open to them doing business.

i suppose it depends on your definition of a source board.

To me, a source board is a forum like BoP or ASF, where sources pay to get protection and the board is centered around that aspect of this lifestyle, with huge, annoyingly animated banners on each of the subforums where each source has their own admin rights.

Sources don't have that here. Sure, we have sources, but that's a small part of Meso, despite being a very active part of this forum.

Just my 2cc's.
Dude you take this shit too serious.
Fucking steroids detective!! @Trenity was pretty established here already. If he makes it MORE then right for those that he left hanging. Then yeah welcome fucking back!! He had lots of bloodwork to back up his oils. His shipping time wasn’t the best, also not the worst, but we need more dependable domestic “ non private” sources around here.
Made my shit come through EVERTIME! I've been to jail owing hella money for way worse shit to real bad people. Got out and made shit whole again. Jail happens!
Takes a man to lie to paying customers? :rolleyes:
No that's not at all what I am saying, and please understand I am not letting the fact that trenity happened to have been me source at one time cloud my judgement, there is not a single excuse that will cause me to not forget about these actions, what I was saying is that he didn't have to come back here, but he is doing so with his tail between his legs. I think he should be given the opportunity to make people whole, and follow thru with the changes that were being spoken of prior to the disappearing act. He knows that he has to make things right, If he thinks he isn't going to be held accountable for the drama then he should start packing up shop. He never did me wrong and it sucks that others had been wronged. Tbh I would much rather see trenity be given a chance to redeem himself, and take every bit of business and dollar away from potential canadian420 who has no excuse for being a peice of shit. Maybe if trenity manages get smoothed out he throws one of those prissy promos. I for one would advertise it on venoms thread. So if he really does have clients, at least trenity could capitalize on that and use those funds to donate to AL.
How do you go 12 years without anyone seeing that warrant? In the last 12 years you have never had official police contact? Not even one traffic stop in 12 years?

You have the best driving history I have ever heard of in my life...
I haven't had any contact with LE in over 20 years. Just saying
No that's not at all what I am saying, and please understand I am not letting the fact that trenity happened to have been me source at one time cloud my judgement, there is not a single excuse that will cause me to not forget about these actions, what I was saying is that he didn't have to come back here, but he is doing so with his tail between his legs. I think he should be given the opportunity to make people whole, and follow thru with the changes that were being spoken of prior to the disappearing act. He knows that he has to make things right, If he thinks he isn't going to be held accountable for the drama then he should start packing up shop. He never did me wrong and it sucks that others had been wronged. Tbh I would much rather see trenity be given a chance to redeem himself, and take every bit of business and dollar away from potential canadian420 who has no excuse for being a peice of shit. Maybe if trenity manages get smoothed out he throws one of those prissy promos. I for one would advertise it on venoms thread. So if he really does have clients, at least trenity could capitalize on that and use those funds to donate to AL.
I have mixed feelings. I honestly think to myself - this guy (@Trenity) must have THE worst luck I’ve ever seen or he’s just a straight up bullshitter who just keeps pushing the boundaries to see how much he can do to piss people off and still have people welcome him here and give him their money. I opt for the latter. While I hate Venom/Canadianb420, hoping Prissy gets his shit together to steal business from him is like chemo - using poison to kill poison.
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You hear about con artists who rob old people out of their entire retirement savings on the news once in a while. We wonder how they could’ve been so naive. This is fucking proof that it pays to be a scammer. Holy shit, guys were bitching and crying for days, damn near needed a grievance counselor on here. Then a simple “Im back” message makes it all ok. Some of you act like the Virgin Mary just made an appearance. Makes me want to start selling off parcels of my Arizona oceanfront property to you all. God damn easy victims right here in this thread alone.
You hear about con artists who rob old people out of their entire retirement savings on the news once in a while. We wonder how they could’ve been so naive. This is fucking proof that it pays to be a scammer. Holy shit, guys were bitching and crying for days, damn near needed a grievance counselor on here. Then a simple “Im back” message makes it all ok. Some of you act like the Virgin Mary just made an appearance. Makes me want to start selling off parcels of my Arizona oceanfront property to you all. God damn easy victims right here in this thread alone.
Excuse after excuse, story after story. Far enough out there that it just might actually be true. Makes me wonder if he just spins this shit in front of his friends and says “watch me fool these idiots again with a sob story and see how many more sales come in!”
You hear about con artists who rob old people out of their entire retirement savings on the news once in a while. We wonder how they could’ve been so naive. This is fucking proof that it pays to be a scammer. Holy shit, guys were bitching and crying for days, damn near needed a grievance counselor on here. Then a simple “Im back” message makes it all ok. Some of you act like the Virgin Mary just made an appearance. Makes me want to start selling off parcels of my Arizona oceanfront property to you all. God damn easy victims right here in this thread alone.

who said it was ok
who said it was ok
The people who ooze the “make us whole again” and all will be forgiven bs.

BTW, my land sale starts at noon. 40 acres just outside of Phoenix, right on the ocean. Great view of the Gulf of Mexico. $1000 an acre. I accept Moneygram and Walmart to Walmart transfer.
The people who ooze the “make us whole again” and all will be forgiven bs.

BTW, my land sale starts at noon. 40 acres just outside of Phoenix, right on the ocean. Great view of the Gulf of Mexico. $1000 an acre. I accept Moneygram and Walmart to Walmart transfer.
PayPal too?
I have mixed feelings. I honestly think to myself - this guy (@Trenity) must have THE worst luck I’ve ever seen or he’s just a straight up bullshitter who just keeps pushing the boundaries to see how much he can do to piss people off and still have people welcome him here and give him their money. I opt for the latter. While I hate Venom/Canadianb420, hoping Prissy gets his shit together to steal business from him is like chemo - using poison to kill poison.
Ahahahahahahahaha, you definitely know how to make me laugh homeboy
I haven't had any contact with LE in over 20 years. Just saying

20 years, damn that’s great man! That’s also very unusual for anyone who drives a vehicle daily. Or anyone in a state where they do check points on the road.

It’s not impossible... Just making an observation is all...
So you only sold one batch, correct?

Thank you. Appreciate that.

If @stevonov gets back here, I will offer him a free test for every single bottle he has, only if he sends me 0.1-0.5 ml out of each bottle. I have this interesting thing in mind.
sound good jano
don't want to pop caps of all. how about two samples .5 off a crashed one after I reheat it and .5 out of one that isn't. all batch one.