Pristine Anabolics Intro

yall are wrong about Jano. He will accept blind aas samples if they are common substances, not designer stuff. They only need to be labeled numerically to identify for customer purpose. Ive been in contact with him about getting some tests done but having issues with my bank about buying crypto
Who is Jano?
First order with Pristine. T/A and communication were very good. Fill levels are gorgeous! I have a question, I have never run DHB, what would be a good dosing protocol? I want to tack it on to the last 6-8 weeks of my NPP cycle.
300mg/wk has been treating me very well. Pip is very tolerable and was nonexistent after first few pins. I split it up to three pins a week also to help with pip. I’m actually about to bump up to 375/wk. Its pretty awesome!
300mg/wk has been treating me very well. Pip is very tolerable and was nonexistent after first few pins. I split it up to three pins a week also to help with pip. I’m actually about to bump up to 375/wk. Its pretty awesome!
What have you noticed in terms of it's effects?

Are you able to distinguish it from the other compounds you may be running?
Fullness like a mofo, vascular as hell, and a big hunger! Like big-big. I feel that I like it more than tren bc I’ve had no sides and an increased appetite. Don’t get me wrong tren is great but as of right now I think 1-test-cyp is better. At least for me...
And you definitely know something new is going on if added in mid cycle. I wanted to finish my cycle with it and was worried about needing to run it longer like eq but I believe 6-8 weeks is good
First order with Pristine. T/A and communication were very good. Fill levels are gorgeous! I have a question, I have never run DHB, what would be a good dosing protocol? I want to tack it on to the last 6-8 weeks of my NPP cycle.

I'm running it at 350/wk with prop and mast p at the same dose (1ml of each EOD). I'm absolutely loving it. No sides to speak of, starving all the time, kind of a constant pump, vascularity is up and I'm holding very little water. Been on around 6 weeks and I'm up 6 lbs (207 to 213). Gains are dry as hell though. I think it would be a great compound to run with npp on a bulk. I'm going more for a recomp kind of cycle right now.
We now have Sustanon 300 and Aromasin ready to go.

Each ml of sust contains:

36mg Test Propionate
72mg Test Phenylpropionate
72mg Test Isocaproate
120mg Test Decanoate
Updated List
*Minimum - None
*Shipping - $10 (Free on orders over $100)
*Carrier is Safflower Oil
* Oral filler is protein powder
* Capsule size 0

10mL Vials
Mega Test 150 - $25 (100mg Test Prop, 50mg Test Base -- Contains MCT)
Sust 300 - $30
Test E 250 - $25
Test C 250 - $25
Test P 100 - $15
Tren A 100 - $30
Tren E 200 - $45 (Out of Stock)
Mast P 100 - $30
Mast E 200 - $45
Deca 300 - $35
NPP 150 - $30 (Contains MCT)
EQ 300 - $35
Inj. Superdrol 40mg/mL - $30 (Contains MCT)
DHB/1-Test Cyp 100mg/mL - $35 (Contains MCT)

30 Count Orals
Dbol 25mg - $25
Adrol 25mg - $25
Winny 25mg - $25
Var 25mg - $30
Sdrol 10mg - $30
Lady Var 5mg - $25 (50 Count)
Tadalafil 10mg - $20
Sildenafil - 25mg - $20
Nolva - 25mg - $20
Aromasin - 12.5mg - $25


Tuta to Tuta, Proton to Proton is strongly preferred, we will ignore and delete emails from non-encrypted sources (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc)

Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
I've got to step out for a while. All orders over $100 in my inbox when I get back will get 15% off their order and a free pack of aromasin.
Dose and how long you plan on running it?
I'm thinking 2 pins, 2 ml each, Monday and Thursday. I've been on NPP eod at 150 mg
for 8 weeks so, I might run this cyle out to 16 weeks and run the DHB for 8 weeks. I'm on TRT from a doctor at 200mg. every 5 days, so I am not adding any test. So, basically NPP at 150 eod, DHB at 400 a week and just what my TRT is.
I'm thinking 2 pins, 2 ml each, Monday and Thursday. I've been on NPP eod at 150 mg
for 7 weeks so, I might run this cyle out to 16 weeks and run the DHB for 8 weeks. I'm on TRT from a doctor at 200mg. every 5 days, so I am not adding any test. So, basically NPP at 150 eod, DHB at 400 a week and just what my TRT is.
I read your post last night and that’s what I’m doing. Last eight weeks. I was was a lil worried it wouldn’t be enough time to be useful but it’s the way to go
I read your post last night and that’s what I’m doing. Last eight weeks. I was was a lil worried it wouldn’t be enough time to be useful but it’s the way to go
I bought enough to go 400 mg a week for 12, longer if I like it, probably run the test at 500