Pristine Anabolics Intro

I can imagine with 400/wk for 12weeks and your test dose you’d see dramatic results dude.
we'll see, got good results with a similar cycle of test and mass last winter. But at the time, didn't like the way mast made me feel. Looking for more endurance and athleticism this time, not as much bulk
It’s become the flavor of the month since Torro made it famous around these parts. Just wondering what the rage is.
for me, I wanted to run an equipoise or primo cycle, and it popped up in my research (I think from @picholas thread), and everything I read about it seemed to point in the direction I wanted to go.
I'm thinking 2 pins, 2 ml each, Monday and Thursday. I've been on NPP eod at 150 mg
for 8 weeks so, I might run this cyle out to 16 weeks and run the DHB for 8 weeks. I'm on TRT from a doctor at 200mg. every 5 days, so I am not adding any test. So, basically NPP at 150 eod, DHB at 400 a week and just what my TRT is.

If you don't mind keep in touch with me about this cycle. I'm trying NPP on my next cycle, and was planning on trying DHB after that. Very curious of the synergy between the two.

Any particular reason you are running just TRT dose of test this cycle?
If you don't mind keep in touch with me about this cycle. I'm trying NPP on my next cycle, and was planning on trying DHB after that. Very curious of the synergy between the two.

Any particular reason you are running just TRT dose of test this cycle?
I want to see how the other compounds shine. I've heard some guys say they've gotten great results from lower test. I have test other than my trt i could run, but i want to let the NPP and DHB shine

Been doing 5x5 with 405 on squats. You motivated me to try 5 wheels. This is 505 using a Texas squat bar. Felt pretty smooth. Tren E and A combo keeping me strong!

Damn bro, very impressive. Glad the tren is doing you right! Do you compete?