Pristine Anabolics Intro

seeing results?

Results so far have been great. Up 7 pounds as of today. Very little water retention, constantly full, vascularity is getting a little crazy. The veins that start to show on my head really freak my wife out. Strength is up, appetite is crazy, and I'm really starting to feel my cardio ability increasing. I used to be a pack a day smoker for close to 20 years so the cardio aspect is big for me.

being that the DHB is a cypionate ester could you do every other 2 days, or every third day? EOD on a C ester seems alot no?

The only reason I started out pinning EOD was my fear of pip. I didn't want to pin more than 1ml of dhb at a time because I was worried it would cripple me. Next time I run it, I'll probably do 1.5-2ml E3D. I think the terrible PIP is mythical or from bad/hasty brews.
Shit...all of this talk about DHB has me about to take the plunge and get in on this. I've been doing some reading and I'm liking what I'm seeing. How do you guys think it would go with NPP? Or should I throw it in after the NPP with some Var?
Shit...all of this talk about DHB has me about to take the plunge and get in on this. I've been doing some reading and I'm liking what I'm seeing. How do you guys think it would go with NPP? Or should I throw it in after the NPP with some Var?
I'm stacking it with NPP. I love NPP, too early on the DHB to tell, but I'm thinking it will make a great bulking stack.
First time running NPP, and I am starting to see what all of the fuss is about. I am just getting fuller and fuller by the day. Easy to gain weight on it. Haven't seen much as far as strength, but I'm sure it's right around the corner
First time running NPP, and I am starting to see what all of the fuss is about. I am just getting fuller and fuller by the day. Easy to gain weight on it. Haven't seen much as far as strength, but I'm sure it's right around the corner
I gained around 15-17 lbs. in a 14 week cycle of NPP and Test. I kept most of it off cycle as well. Love NPP.
I am in the upper midwest. its starting to get cold. Do you guys think if I ordered the DHB it would crash during transit or sitting in my mail box until I got home from work? If it did I could always reheat it up right? Is there a certain temp it would have to reach to get it back stable again without damaging the hormone itself?
I am in the upper midwest. its starting to get cold. Do you guys think if I ordered the DHB it would crash during transit or sitting in my mail box until I got home from work? If it did I could always reheat it up right? Is there a certain temp it would have to reach to get it back stable again without damaging the hormone itself?

It is likely that it will crash a bit. You don't have to worry about applying enough heat to damage the hormone. You can get it back into solution with a coffee pot/hot plate/hair dryer/candle warmer, etc without issue.