Pristine Anabolics Intro

I can’t get the pastebin to open on Tapatalk

Does it show the link to the raw pastebin on tapatalk or just blank?

Any update on the tren e? I'm looking to place another, definitely gtg.

Tren E ended up doing you right after all? Got more on the way, hard to give an ETA, sometimes 5 days, sometimes 35 days. Sooner rather than later I hope.

This man’s T/A is faster than Amazon. Bravo, sir.

We aim to please bro. Thanks for the order!
3rd order from PA landed today. Took 3 days, including the day I ordered. Same ridiculously fast shipping, good communication, and vials filled to the top as usual. Love the small sized USPS boxes as they fit in my mailbox and I don't have to worry about strangers stealing my packs off my doorstep. Thanks Tren.
No PCT other than nolva? It's my first cycle and I keep getting torn between hearing use only nolva and use nolva and clomid. TBH I trust you guys more than some peptide website.
No PCT other than nolva? It's my first cycle and I keep getting torn between hearing use only nolva and use nolva and clomid. TBH I trust you guys more than some peptide website.

i would do Nolva only. The less the drugs the better. IMO.
All you really want to do is block Estrogen from exerting it's dominance while your Test levels bottom out.
i would do Nolva only. The less the drugs the better. IMO.
All you really want to do is block Estrogen from exerting it's dominance while your Test levels bottom out.

Thanks, a lot of these "first cycles" i found online were 500mg of test, which I'm following, but advocated for like 3.5mg of adex a week. I was running 2 and eventually dropped to 1 just because I'm a little paranoid about gyno.

A lot of the stuff I've been reading recommends some pretty high PCT even for beginner cycles. I think what a lot of them are considering beginner is even more than what I'm doing though.
Thanks, a lot of these "first cycles" i found online were 500mg of test, which I'm following, but advocated for like 3.5mg of adex a week. I was running 2 and eventually dropped to 1 just because I'm a little paranoid about gyno.

A lot of the stuff I've been reading recommends some pretty high PCT even for beginner cycles. I think what a lot of them are considering beginner is even more than what I'm doing though.

That's a lot of Adex. i guess some people would need it, but for the average Joe aromatizer (new word i just made up) that would crash E2.

i'm of the ilk where i prefer to use the least amount of stuff like AI's to get the desired effect, and only when it's use is absolutely necessary.
i would do Nolva only. The less the drugs the better. IMO.
All you really want to do is block Estrogen from exerting it's dominance while your Test levels bottom out.
Nolva only is old school though. Clomid is the way to go with actually getting the nuts going again with test production and Nolva & Clomid together work synergistically.
Trenity, you still planning on adding bold cyp to the list? I'd stock up on loads of that. Really liked EQ but the ester is a bit long, literally its only downside. I'd add bold cyp to any cycle tbh.