Pristine Anabolics Intro

That's a lot of Adex. i guess some people would need it, but for the average Joe aromatizer (new word i just made up) that would crash E2.

i'm of the ilk where i prefer to use the least amount of stuff like AI's to get the desired effect, and only when it's use is absolutely necessary.
Old school protocol was .25mg of adex EOD with every cycle
Dont know if that would hold true nowadays
Trenity, you still planning on adding bold cyp to the list? I'd stock up on loads of that. Really liked EQ but the ester is a bit long, literally its only downside. I'd add bold cyp to any cycle tbh.

Yes. Got a small batch of bold cyp on the way. I want to try it myself and I want to see how it sells.

Are you planning on making that 50mg tne that you mentioned awhile back?

TNE 50 is sitting, has been for a couple weeks now. I think it's ready to go. It's gonna be $15/vial.

If you do carry HCG, would you carry Bac water too? Kind of a one-stop-shop....

Not sure if my source ships bac water with the kits or not. If he doesn't, I'll probably leave that to the water boy. I hear he has some high quality H20.
Yes. Got a small batch of bold cyp on the way. I want to try it myself and I want to see how it sells.

TNE 50 is sitting, has been for a couple weeks now. I think it's ready to go. It's gonna be $15/vial.

Not sure if my source ships bac water with the kits or not. If he doesn't, I'll probably leave that to the water boy. I hear he has some high quality H20.
Yeah, don't worry about the water
Today's Promos:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on oils and orals (Mix and Match)
- Additional 10% off orders over $250
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Today's Promos:

- Buy 3 get 1 free on oils and orals (Mix and Match)
- Additional 10% off orders over $250
- Additional 15% off orders over $500

Pastebin Link:

Btw, it's being questioned why I'm nicer to this source than sasquatch. One, it's because this source hasn't screwed up the sasquatch has and continues to do. Two, he's small and just getting started, as he gets bigger, will be asking more (like sending out his own gear for testing). And 3, his communication and response to the board has been very good. I'm not giving this source a gtg, but done ok by me
Btw, it's being questioned why I'm nicer to this source than sasquatch. One, it's because this source hasn't screwed up the sasquatch has and continues to do. Two, he's small and just getting started, as he gets bigger, will be asking more (like sending out his own gear for testing). And 3, his communication and response to the board has been very good. I'm not giving this source a gtg, but done ok by me

For the record, with these new testing options popping up, we are going to be doing a lot more testing of our raws and finished product.

Got my package for doing bloods. Thanks again @Trenity Are you ever going to switch everything over to MCT?

Thanks for posting the bloods, much appreciated! Yes we will be switching to MCT pretty soon. Probably going mainly with MCT and do some smaller batches with safflower for guys that can't tolerate MCT.

does the test that jano tested have a batch number? do you use batch numbers?

Yes sir, we do use batch numbers. This testing was performed on:

Test E - Batch #41
Test C - Batch #23
For the record, with these new testing options popping up, we are going to be doing a lot more testing of our raws and finished product.

Thanks for posting the bloods, much appreciated! Yes we will be switching to MCT pretty soon. Probably going mainly with MCT and do some smaller batches with safflower for guys that can't tolerate MCT.

Yes sir, we do use batch numbers. This testing was performed on:

Test E - Batch #41
Test C - Batch #23
Glad to see you’re switching, unfortunately I can’t handle the safflower oil. I tried four times and each time it crippled me. It’s strange tho, the first day it doesn’t bother me it’s the day after the pip was getting me.
Glad to see you’re switching, unfortunately I can’t handle the safflower oil. I tried four times and each time it crippled me. It’s strange tho, the first day it doesn’t bother me it’s the day after the pip was getting me.

Damn bro, I am sorry to hear that. What product is that happening with? Haven't gotten many pip complaints with the safflower.
Damn bro, I am sorry to hear that. What product is that happening with? Haven't gotten many pip complaints with the safflower.
Test C, it sucks cause it’s the only oil that’s ever done me that way, EO doesn’t even bother me. I love how smooth it pins and like I said it’s not immediately comes the following day.
Guys, @Trenity has offered to replace my vials of test C in safflower for MCT when it’s finished. It’s a decent amount he’s replacing, he didn’t have to because after all I should have done a test run of 1-2 vials with the safflower since I’d never ran it before but I’ve never had an issue with ANY other oil, not even EO.

Call me shill, source sucker—whatever you want, but this man read my comment and contacted me to make it right because he said he wants all his customers to be able to run the gear they purchased. I offered pics with name and date to verify the amount I had and he refused and took me at my word. Speaks volumes in my book because he didnt have to a thing about it.
Guys, @Trenity has offered to replace my vials of test C in safflower for MCT when it’s finished. It’s a decent amount he’s replacing, he didn’t have to because after all I should have done a test run of 1-2 vials with the safflower since I’d never ran it before but I’ve never had an issue with ANY other oil, not even EO.

Call me shill, source sucker—whatever you want, but this man read my comment and contacted me to make it right because he said he wants all his customers to be able to run the gear they purchased. I offered pics with name and date to verify the amount I had and he refused and took me at my word. Speaks volumes in my book because he didnt have to a thing about it.

Shill. Source sucker. :p:D