Progress/training log part 2:getting beary serious

To me the worst part about losing weight is I cant wear my boxers. They got stretched out and I had to go get new ones.
Feels great to slim down, but it can be costly.

Also don't stress about the scale so much. 3 lbs could be water, could be you need a dump.

Mirror > Scale always

Yeah i know what ya mean, I've bought a couple new sets over the course.of this cut haha

Yeah im thinkin it's water, just weighed myself out of the shower and i was a bit under what i was this morning and that's after a full day of eating.

Generally i agree about the scale thing, but when i get to 220 is when i get to stop cutting and i can start being strong again haha
Alright deload day 2

1.clean n jerk 4x3 135lb
2.power shrug 4x4 135lb
3.OHP 4x4 115lb
4.BOR 4x4 135lb
5.seated cable row 2x12 100lb
6.Cardio i did a fuckin bitch ton of cardio, for some reason i was feeling it so after my initial 4 rounds of HIIT consisting of jumping jacks tire flips and sprints i decided i wasn't done and did an additional 4 rounds.

don't know how long the sprints were, im terrible at guessing distances lol maybe 40 yards each way? Idk

Regardless, i am in surprisingly decent cardiovascular condition lol

Girl gets here tomorrow so from tomorrow after work till tuesday i am just going to be fucking her brains out as often as i can, been taking small daily dose of liquid cialis all week and just gonna take one larger dose tomorrow morning and just destroy that little woman, thankfully her sexual appetite rivals my own haha
Alright deload day 2

1.clean n jerk 4x3 135lb
2.power shrug 4x4 135lb
3.OHP 4x4 115lb
4.BOR 4x4 135lb
5.seated cable row 2x12 100lb
6.Cardio i did a fuckin bitch ton of cardio, for some reason i was feeling it so after my initial 4 rounds of HIIT consisting of jumping jacks tire flips and sprints i decided i wasn't done and did an additional 4 rounds.

don't know how long the sprints were, im terrible at guessing distances lol maybe 40 yards each way? Idk

Regardless, i am in surprisingly decent cardiovascular condition lol

Girl gets here tomorrow so from tomorrow after work till tuesday i am just going to be fucking her brains out as often as i can, been taking small daily dose of liquid cialis all week and just gonna take one larger dose tomorrow morning and just destroy that little woman, thankfully her sexual appetite rivals my own haha

You do it the opposite as me. I usually jerk n clean.

Thank you thank you, i'll be here all week.
Deload day 3

1.front squat 4x4 135lb
2.SLDL 6x4 135lb
3.incline bench 4x4 135lb
4.side lateral raise 4x12 20lbs
5.4 rounds hit battle ropes iumping jacks and air squats holding a 45

Had a blast, girl is in town and went to the gym with me, super proud of her. She worked up to a double on front squats with the 45lb big kids bar, and her top set of incline bench was 4 reps with 30lbs, not bad for her first time ever, plus she beasted through the cardio like a champ, had a great time.
Ok first day of new program, supposed to be yesterday but it was the first truly nice day since my girl has been here and we wanted to do outdoor stuff ao after work she and i went on a nice big walk and stayed out to watch the sunset.

Tonight was

1.bench 2x10 135lb
2.squat 10x2 275lb
3.bench 1xamrap 9 rpe 135lb got 20
4.OHP 6x3 115lb pulldown 4x8 120lb

So just gettin back into it, last few weekends i got off base a bit, this weekend bein ma birthday i couldn't help it haha. Anyways...first real slip I've had but i am back on top of things, tracking macros and workoutson point so no worries. Didn't weigh myself cuz i know the water weight would be ridiculous and just freak me out so i will do first official weigh in next week i think haha.

Good workout though, nothing special.

The girlfriend did great again tonight she got 13 reps on her bench press amrap with the 45lb big kid bar, and on her overhead press she worked up to 45lb for her top set of 3 so real proud of her for being a champ haha.
Glad you enjoyed the weekend brother and you know what I said, this isn't worth it unless you can spend the time and health with the person you're with so I'm glad you went off track and enjoyed your time with her that's more important then staying on track and losing half a pound more or whatever it would have been
Glad you enjoyed the weekend brother and you know what I said, this isn't worth it unless you can spend the time and health with the person you're with so I'm glad you went off track and enjoyed your time with her that's more important then staying on track and losing half a pound more or whatever it would have been

Yes sir i agree withbya there, but now it's time to get back on track and start crushin it again haha
Good workout tonight

1.flat bench 4x2 165lb
2.deadlift 225x5 275x5 315x5 365x5 315x5
3.DB incline press 3x8 80lb
4.SLDL 2x8 185lb
5. 4 rounds of HIIT

Felt good tonight, have been having some very unusual tightness in my hamstrings on my heavier sets of squats the other night, and on my top det of 365 desds tonight...foam rolled and stretched plenty as usual. Just gonna stay on top of that and hopefully it's just from that big walk the other day and will go away soon.
Rest day today, new program is 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off. Was gonna do 4 straight so next week I could start back on monday like i had planned but i need to rest tonight, moved a fucking lot of glass today plus it was raining so i was soggy as fuck all day from being in and out of the rain and uhhhh...yeah haha.
Good early workout today

1.flat DB bench 4x8 60 70 75 80
2.deadlift 405x3 rpe 9 3x3 325
3.incline fly 3x12 35lb
4.pendlay row 5x5 135lb pulldown 4x10 120lb
6.destroyed bi's n tri's cuz im goin to get my haircut and my stylist is cute so i figured even though i have a gf i may as well walk in with a sick pump lmao

Subbed in pendlay rows for BOR just to switch it up, never done them before but those are actually pretty tough haha

Anyways gonna cut dis hair then goin to work out on my friends farm and make some extra cash money.
Pretty phenomenal workout tonight, was tired as shot and moved many thousands of pounds of glass today but surprisingly felt great in the gym.

1.bench 115x5 155x4 185x3 3x2 205lb all paused
2.squat 10x2 275lb squats felt fuckin easy tonight, did first 5 sets beltless then tossed the belt on so i could get theough the last half a little quicker cuz it was getting late
3.bench 3x6 135lb pulldown 4x8 120 130 140 140

Idk just felt great tonight, not complaining lol
Woekout today was

1.incline DB press 4x8 70 75 80 75
2.deadlift 1x5 385lb 3x3 315lb
3.incline flys 3x12 40lb
4.BOR 5x5 135lb pulldown 4x10 120lb

Deadlifts felt so so but i got through, just and out as quick as possible, gym was packed with goofballs.

Finally pushed into the 220's, weighed myself this morning for shits n giggles and was 229.4lb so we shall see how it goes when i do my official weigh in on tuesday.