I honestly don't understand all the hate on this thread..
I have been using PSL's EP gear for about 2 years now and can only speak positively about it. I have already run several competitiom on their EP gear and regularly post updates with progression of my shape.
If something was not right that the gear would be underdosed or poor quality then I would have been the first to address them about it but the opposite is true.
To back this up. Some pics of my current shape, you can see my cycle and everything in my log on Meso…
Brutha, we all you know that you're legit.
Many people follow you that aren't poopy heads, that resort to really obnoxious words that are the
SAME repeated lines over and over. (plays violin)
These are fake accounts here that just stalk PSL, any reader can see clearly through it all , yet they think so highly of themselves that PSL is here to service them and they derailed us? In fact it's the silent reads that we're here serving. Most silent readers laugh at these comments. Because grown mean don't act like po-poo cock'a doo-doo Mt Mampy Pampy poopy pants like these REPEATERS DO..
You have been killing it with your logs, and your arms are bigger than some of these guys quads.. Keep doing you brutha and just put those accounts on ignore. I have NOOO clue what they go on about, its beneath me. When our name can't leave their mouth you know we're doing something right.
It's sad actually to see that some possess this very unusual and super out of the ordinary crazy, bizarre "intensity" for the company here at PSL.
Just weird...
Why they make accounts, threads/posts investmenting with such passion and feeling under the spell of PSL
that has them compelled to actually make topics and discussions which keeps us relevant LOL, and its just with the same small handful that are demented.
Sometimes I wish to say - Truly, are you ok? I mean that too..
Because this is very odd and unusual behavior on their parts. Is this company truly & really of any great significance or value to them?
Facts, they should carry on , we only have so much time in the day yet they waste their lives.
I strongly encouraged that some of them manage their time and investments more wisely because it never worked elsewhere and it will never work here, most of us don't even see them, ignore works great.
Have a great evening Rigeu... Keep killing it, with the real good stash of EP and not the bad pile that is sold..