PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Would a .22 250ml vs a .22 500 or 1000ml filter membrane be different? I assumed the only difference was the capacity that the funnel itself holds.
The membrane size (circumference) is the same because the media bottles are always the same size (45 & 33, I think those are the actual opening sizes, apologize if I'm incorrect there) so, in my mind that lends itself to the idea that IF the volume was dictating differences in filter it would then have to be a thickness change.

Without having clear evidence, I would say it's relatively safe to assume that those units can handle more than advertised.

Not gospel folks!! Don't listen to me!!
The membrane size (circumference) is the same because the media bottles are always the same size (45 & 33, I think those are the actual opening sizes, apologize if I'm incorrect there) so, in my mind that lends itself to the idea that IF the volume was dictating differences in filter it would then have to be a thickness change.

Without having clear evidence, I would say it's relatively safe to assume that those units can handle more than advertised.

Not gospel folks!! Don't listen to me!!
I assumed(it's not safe to assume usually) that since it's a sealed sterile filter, once you open bag and dumped whatever liquid youre filtering, it's no longer "sterile" so you dispose of it. So if you were filtering 1000ml obviously it's better to use a 1000ml filter vs lets say 250ml filter 4 times. And the life of the filter would be determined by what you filtered, tar vs water based whatever(exaggerating).
Maybe that's why it's hard to find an answer. Maybe there isn't one. I dunno. Carry on.
Maybe that's why it's hard to find an answer. Maybe there isn't one
I agree with this. Between all of the different variables involved we are trying to hit a moving target so to speak. It changes based on what is going on in any specific circumstance.
When is lite coin going back up?! Lol
May go lower... I bought more at 130 and sold at 220. The key is to always buy the dip to offset loses. It may go to 190 or 180 then it depends on bitcoin, but we are almost headed higher. All time highs in July, it will be a great year for litecoin
Would a .22 250ml vs a .22 500 or 1000ml filter membrane be different? I assumed the only difference was the capacity that the funnel itself holds.
So remember these filters are for aqueous solutions. The filters are the same. Easily these filters can filter 1000ml of water based fluid (250ml is just a more convenient size reservoir) Here is a really good link: https://www.the-scientist.com/?arti...ts-of-Today-are-Built-to-Last-and-Throw-Away/

Tons of specific info in here.

Remember if you use a glass fiber prefilter your bottletop filters will last a lot longer.
Would just like to share some blood test results w you guys from panda's injectables. I ran their test/deca blend at 500/400 per week and also dbol on and off throughout my 12 cycle. These results are around 1-2 weeks after the end of the cycle. Gained about 20lbs, the gear is great and the service is top notch!
I can no longer buy bitcoin with my credit card on coinbase, my credit card company declines the transactions. i caled the card company and they said they do not recognize cyrpto-currency and will not process these transactions. Anyone else have this problem and what can i do to purchase bitcoins. Thanks..
Would just like to share some blood test results w you guys from panda's injectables. I ran their test/deca blend at 500/400 per week and also dbol on and off throughout my 12 cycle. These results are around 1-2 weeks after the end of the cycle. Gained about 20lbs, the gear is great and the service is top notch!
Thanks for posting just dm me when you get ready for your credit.
I can no longer buy bitcoin with my credit card on coinbase, my credit card company declines the transactions. i caled the card company and they said they do not recognize cyrpto-currency and will not process these transactions. Anyone else have this problem and what can i do to purchase bitcoins. Thanks..
I have never been able to with mine thats y I have to use wu
I can no longer buy bitcoin with my credit card on coinbase, my credit card company declines the transactions. i caled the card company and they said they do not recognize cyrpto-currency and will not process these transactions. Anyone else have this problem and what can i do to purchase bitcoins. Thanks..

I have never been able to with mine thats y I have to use wu

Use a debit card or bank transfer. Coinbase isn't accepting any credit cards anymore. Can also look into localbitcoins.com or a bitcoin ATM.
That’s a blanket statement buddy, lol.

You can say that about anything in life.... one that comes to mind would be the spice girls. Few liked them, but many didn’t... at the end of the day, the world would have been better without them.
I only liked the fat one with low self of steam.. plumper spice??
now that u posted the spice whores. have u guys seen the game of thrones chik with the homemade porn?? I forget her name on the show.. the chik was was the imps gf and ex hooker??
the vid I saw on ph.. looks like her
now that u posted the spice whores. have u guys seen the game of thrones chik with the homemade porn?? I forget her name on the show.. the chik was was the imps gf and ex hooker??
the vid I saw on ph.. looks like her

They actually started several pornstars. Believe 7 of them.

But sibil kili or whatever her name was went by dilira in her pornstar days.
ummm... who are the others that did porn.. I would like to see this!!

I just did a quick google just now and looks like the girl with that was part of the 17 wives and each main that was in a brothel or prostitution lol.

Ironic.... pornstars playing rolls as brothel woman and prostitutes lmao