PurplePandaLabs Raw source

nah mate, not really interested after looking into it. i seem to have a good thing goin with MCT.

seems like it has a mixed vibe with alot of ppl
It does I was just wondering if the same could be expected with mct sense there both actually mct.
I have some dhb brewed with mct guess I will try it later and see the migyol was ruff at first with me but now I can handle it.
What's crazy I did tren ace in migyol no heating or anything not a bit of pip.
There was a conversation a little ways back about filter membranes and if they have a safety factor to them.

In my line of work when I fly a speaker array I need 2 points of suspension and the safety factor has to be 5x1, meaning I need a suspension system that can support 5x my suspended weight.

So, what I am getting at is would the filters have to have some sort of safety factor to them as well? Basically does a 250ml autofoxx shit the bed at 250ml or can it support more than that before it has the potential to breakdown? Would the filter also have a safety factor when it comes to alcohols and solvents?

I can't find anything that would indicate one way or another if filters (not autofoxx specifically, all filters) have a safety factor, but considering it's related to medical care I can't believe that there is no regulation one way or another. I just can't find anything...
There was a conversation a little ways back about filter membranes and if they have a safety factor to them.

In my line of work when I fly a speaker array I need 2 points of suspension and the safety factor has to be 5x1, meaning I need a suspension system that can support 5x my suspended weight.

So, what I am getting at is would the filters have to have some sort of safety factor to them as well? Basically does a 250ml autofoxx shit the bed at 250ml or can it support more than that before it has the potential to breakdown? Would the filter also have a safety factor when it comes to alcohols and solvents?

I can't find anything that would indicate one way or another if filters (not autofoxx specifically, all filters) have a safety factor, but considering it's related to medical care I can't believe that there is no regulation one way or another. I just can't find anything...
It's probably about like expiration dates they err on the side of safety but shelf life is much longer.
A 250ml would probably do more but who knows how much safely.
There was a conversation a little ways back about filter membranes and if they have a safety factor to them.

In my line of work when I fly a speaker array I need 2 points of suspension and the safety factor has to be 5x1, meaning I need a suspension system that can support 5x my suspended weight.

So, what I am getting at is would the filters have to have some sort of safety factor to them as well? Basically does a 250ml autofoxx shit the bed at 250ml or can it support more than that before it has the potential to breakdown? Would the filter also have a safety factor when it comes to alcohols and solvents?

I can't find anything that would indicate one way or another if filters (not autofoxx specifically, all filters) have a safety factor, but considering it's related to medical care I can't believe that there is no regulation one way or another. I just can't find anything...

yes i can relate to your thought proccess
on this. when we do crane lifts our lifting gear has a SWL (safe working load) now lets say thats it 250kg. well that means u can without doubt lift 250kg safely (if used correctly) but in reality we can lift 150% of that SWL but in court we would be found guilty of breaching safe work practices if there was an incident

i think there would be a similar scenario with the filters
There's actually more customers that like them than not but there's a small minority who don't also.

That’s a blanket statement buddy, lol.

You can say that about anything in life.... one that comes to mind would be the spice girls. Few liked them, but many didn’t... at the end of the day, the world would have been better without them.
That’s a blanket statement buddy, lol.

You can say that about anything in life.... one that comes to mind would be the spice girls. Few liked them, but many didn’t... at the end of the day, the world would have been better without them.
Yeah it is really because there's no real number as far % I'm not into flashy things one reason why I never jumped on another source that's here.
But some folks like all the bells and whistles.
Don't quote me on this but I don't believe he will be doing the sponsor on you tube again after this if I understood correct.
That’s a blanket statement buddy, lol.

You can say that about anything in life.... one that comes to mind would be the spice girls. Few liked them, but many didn’t... at the end of the day, the world would have been better without them.

Some people don't see the bigger picture. With the short attention span they easily get distracted by shiny things. I can see both sides of the coin. U guys make some great points. On the other side the boxes n shiny labels set PPL apart from ur average UGL. Could benefit ur local reseller so to some I could see the appeal.
Some people don't see the bigger picture. With the short attention span they easily get distracted by shiny things. I can see both sides of the coin. U guys make some great points. On the other side the boxes n shiny labels set PPL apart from ur average UGL. Could benefit ur local reseller so to some I could see the appeal.

Does the local reseller get tanks to hand out too? [emoji23][emoji85]

But seriously the boxes with he website and website on the bottles I’m sure doesn’t help the local reseller.... lmao.

So again, still pretty poorly thought out.
Does the local reseller get tanks to hand out too? [emoji23][emoji85]

But seriously the boxes with he website and website on the bottles I’m sure doesn’t help the local reseller.... lmao.

So again, still pretty poorly thought out.

U'd be surprised how dumb/lazy people can be. I've heard from a few people recently who can't figure out WU let alone bitcoin. They're more than happy paying gym prices not to have to figure the shit out or work for it.
U'd be surprised how dumb/lazy people can be. I've heard from a few people recently who can't figure out WU let alone bitcoin. They're more than happy paying gym prices not to have to figure the shit out or work for it.
Crazy. The first thing I did was try to subsidize my habit. Fuck spending more
U'd be surprised how dumb/lazy people can be. I've heard from a few people recently who can't figure out WU let alone bitcoin. They're more than happy paying gym prices not to have to figure the shit out or work for it.

Oh I’m not surprised at all.

I would say the people who can’t figure out WU are minors.

Which brings the point of most minors will pay gym prices based off their limited options. This is horrible because when they get caught the website is on the bottles.

As more and more of this labs bottles are seized both local and fedral level panda just makes the trail that much easier.
umm I don't know if were reading each others posts right.. if I remember (I don't feel like going back and quoting but I will if I have to ;) ) u said"ull be using during pct" hence why I clarified.. and my post didn't say you are nuts?? it said itll kick start ur nuts.. no comma there ..
I may have said during but I meant to kick start my pct. and yes I read your post out of context.
So many issues with this lab. Can't believe they've made it this far.

The first time I used ppl, everything went as expected, but it seems since mid summer last year it's been a complete shit show . They create issues much faster than they can resolve them, and the next issue seems to come along so quickly that the last one is just swept under the rug.
I can only imagine the amount of volume they are doing now. All the negatives are getting posted for sure. If you ship 1500 orders a month, theres going to be mistakes. The positive reviews and comments are expected and rarely get posted. A vast majority of people have not had an issue, so panda continues to grow.
I can only imagine the amount of volume they are doing now. All the negatives are getting posted for sure. If you ship 1500 orders a month, theres going to be mistakes. The positive reviews and comments are expected and rarely get posted. A vast majority of people have not had an issue, so panda continues to grow.

When is lite coin going back up?! Lol
Basically does a 250ml autofoxx shit the bed at 250ml or can it support more than that before it has the potential to breakdown? Would the filter also have a safety factor when it comes to alcohols and solvents?

Would a .22 250ml vs a .22 500 or 1000ml filter membrane be different? I assumed the only difference was the capacity that the funnel itself holds.