There was a conversation a little ways back about filter membranes and if they have a safety factor to them.
In my line of work when I fly a speaker array I need 2 points of suspension and the safety factor has to be 5x1, meaning I need a suspension system that can support 5x my suspended weight.
So, what I am getting at is would the filters have to have some sort of safety factor to them as well? Basically does a 250ml autofoxx shit the bed at 250ml or can it support more than that before it has the potential to breakdown? Would the filter also have a safety factor when it comes to alcohols and solvents?
I can't find anything that would indicate one way or another if filters (not autofoxx specifically, all filters) have a safety factor, but considering it's related to medical care I can't believe that there is no regulation one way or another. I just can't find anything...