PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Does this have you guys worried in any way? I mean, advertisement on youtube and all I'm sure you're on the radar. Or are you guys still just ignoring that?
ive been worried since the tank tops and the crazy facebook page.. I know I keep harping on the t's.. but I cant believe some1 would use mainstream marketing for this type of business..
ive been worried since the tank tops and the crazy facebook page.. I know I keep harping on the t's.. but I cant believe some1 would use mainstream marketing for this type of business..

Let me rephrase that.. Because anyone with half a brain will be worried. My question was more directed at @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and @purplepandalabs because it's a dumb choice and it's basically been ignored by them ever since it has been brought up.

The instagram page was taken down due to backlash but the youtube advertising is still going. Fucking. Retarded.

Have to agree. It is very sloppy and draws unwanted intentions.

You and I have been the primary criticizers regarding their mainstream advertising and dumb decisions. But until more people bitch about their stupid decision I'm guessing it will continue to be ignored.

Also @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I know that I've asked this before and you said you can't disclose any information regarding it because of security reasons but I'll ask a similar question again..

Instead of telling me what the domestic reshippers are doing to destroy customer information after shipping I'll ask how do you guys, or @purplepandalabs verify that the reshipper is properly destroying customer information?

PD being compromised should have people worried that one of the biggest players in the game now is still advertising on youtube and questions regarding sensitive information should be asked and answered.
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Let me rephrase that.. Because anyone with half a brain will be worried. My question was more directed at @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and @purplepandalabs because it's a dumb choice and it's basically been ignored by them ever since it has been brought up.

The instagram page was taken down due to backlash but the youtube advertising is still going. Fucking. Retarded.

You and I have been the primary criticizers regarding their mainstream advertising and dumb decisions. But until more people bitch about their stupid decision I'm guessing it will continue to be ignored.

Everyone says “ I hope this lab or that lab sticks around” but the reality is, this lab can no way stick around with this kind of exposure.

Sure le checks out these pages, but what’s funny to me is... in those videos people make comments with things such as “ yes I love ppl currently using x,y,z” and they are using their real names etc. then to top it off, they are 16,17, year old kids.... and panda doesn’t think this won’t bring more attention to something that should be in the shadows as much as possible?

Shows how ignorant some are when it comes to being anonymous as much as you can and like I’ve said before, shows the intelligence of panda himself in his business decisions and how he looks at each customers security.
So many issues with this lab. Can't believe they've made it this far.

The first time I used ppl, everything went as expected, but it seems since mid summer last year it's been a complete shit show . They create issues much faster than they can resolve them, and the next issue seems to come along so quickly that the last one is just swept under the rug.
Let me rephrase that.. Because anyone with half a brain will be worried. My question was more directed at @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and @purplepandalabs because it's a dumb choice and it's basically been ignored by them ever since it has been brought up.

The instagram page was taken down due to backlash but the youtube advertising is still going. Fucking. Retarded.

You and I have been the primary criticizers regarding their mainstream advertising and dumb decisions. But until more people bitch about their stupid decision I'm guessing it will continue to be ignored.

Also @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I know that I've asked this before and you said you can't disclose any information regarding it because of security reasons but I'll ask a similar question again..

Instead of telling me what the domestic reshippers are doing to destroy customer information after shipping I'll ask how do you guys, or @purplepandalabs verify that the reshipper is properly destroying customer information?

PD being compromised should have people worried that one of the biggest players in the game now is still advertising on youtube and questions regarding sensitive information should be asked and answered.
I think you know what the real answer is. This shitshow of a lab screws up time and time again, and there's no real resolution because they know that for whatever reason, people will keep ordering.
I think you know what the real answer is. This shitshow of a lab screws up time and time again, and there's no real resolution because they know that for whatever reason, people will keep ordering.

The reason why people will keep recording is because they make the process simple. Log on to website, make order and wait.

It was like the websites on the dark web that finally got busted. Before these two websites made it easy you had to do a lot of transfers and jump through hoops to make payment. But, eventually law enforcement agencies were able to take control of the site without the host knowing and even let the transactions keep taking place for months before they made their move to arrest etc. thousands and thousands of users information was collected. So don’t think for a minute any website ordering procedure is a safe bet.

Convenience is not always the viable solution for the long run.....
The "eagle" land
Sorry for my laziness guys but I don't feel like going through 20000 pages to see how PPL raws are. If you have an honest opinion I'd like to hear from you.
Just fyi, respectfully it's frowned upon on meso rx if you ask these type of questions. Spend some time and catch up on things in this thread. Lots of important info to know in the last few months as far as Panda goes that may affect your decision. I can say I have had good results over the last 18 months with international raws from panda.
The reason why people will keep recording is because they make the process simple. Log on to website, make order and wait.

It was like the websites on the dark web that finally got busted. Before these two websites made it easy you had to do a lot of transfers and jump through hoops to make payment. But, eventually law enforcement agencies were able to take control of the site without the host knowing and even let the transactions keep taking place for months before they made their move to arrest etc. thousands and thousands of users information was collected. So don’t think for a minute any website ordering procedure is a safe bet.

Convenience is not always the viable solution for the long run.....
Ha. I just noticed that there web server is based in Panama. Which makes sence do to blocking certain IPs coming from Ch.
Ima have to look into how secure hosting is South America and what rights le has to subpoena records. Prob none tho.

89% of there hits come from US.
Others Aussi
Does this have you guys worried in any way? I mean, advertisement on youtube and all I'm sure you're on the radar. Or are you guys still just ignoring that?
Not ignoring anything what about all the banners on the forums not alot of difference he's already deleted his presence on social media.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. @Jeffg353 What is your take on current business affairs and the direction Big Panda is going with marketing visibility.

Do you have say in matters or can you voice your concerns if you have any?

I Like PPL so I am asking out of reapect.

Not to speak for PPLrep but we're 2 guys halfway around the world. In all reality we don't have much pull in Pandas day-to-day business decisions. I know I don't have any $$ invested in the business n it's not like I'm getting stock options. We can freely voice our concerns but who's to say they won't fall on deaf ears. He did get rid of the Instagram shit after it was brought up.

It's kind of funny cuz the things u have issues with here like the boxes or tanks everyone loves/raves about on ASF.
Ha. I just noticed that there web server is based in Panama. Which makes sence do to blocking certain IPs coming from Ch.
Ima have to look into how secure hosting is South America and what rights le has to subpoena records. Prob none tho.

89% of there hits come from US.
Others Aussi
You are right it would be more trouble than they would like. considering all the cartels they could be pursuing.
Not to speak for PPLrep but we're 2 guys halfway around the world. In all reality we don't have much pull in Pandas day-to-day business decisions. I know I don't have any $$ invested in the business n it's not like I'm getting stock options. We can freely voice our concerns but who's to say they won't fall on deaf ears. He did get rid of the Instagram shit after it was brought up.

It's kind of funny cuz the things u have issues with here like the boxes or tanks everyone loves/raves about on ASF.
I guess we surfing the wave. How long the sets are coming who knows so Lets Ride.
Thanks Gentleman!
Let me rephrase that.. Because anyone with half a brain will be worried. My question was more directed at @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and @purplepandalabs because it's a dumb choice and it's basically been ignored by them ever since it has been brought up.

The instagram page was taken down due to backlash but the youtube advertising is still going. Fucking. Retarded.

You and I have been the primary criticizers regarding their mainstream advertising and dumb decisions. But until more people bitch about their stupid decision I'm guessing it will continue to be ignored.

Also @PurplePandaLabs Rep. I know that I've asked this before and you said you can't disclose any information regarding it because of security reasons but I'll ask a similar question again..

Instead of telling me what the domestic reshippers are doing to destroy customer information after shipping I'll ask how do you guys, or @purplepandalabs verify that the reshipper is properly destroying customer information?

PD being compromised should have people worried that one of the biggest players in the game now is still advertising on youtube and questions regarding sensitive information should be asked and answered.
He doesn't have anything to leave.
Not to speak for PPLrep but we're 2 guys halfway around the world. In all reality we don't have much pull in Pandas day-to-day business decisions. I know I don't have any $$ invested in the business n it's not like I'm getting stock options. We can freely voice our concerns but who's to say they won't fall on deaf ears. He did get rid of the Instagram shit after it was brought up.

It's kind of funny cuz the things u have issues with here like the boxes or tanks everyone loves/raves about on ASF.

People are really ranting and raving about boxes and tanks?

Clearly they don’t see the implications this can have as a whole.

Boxes that the items come in, are just more baggage to toss out also known as evidence. Not to mention the fact it takes larger packaging...

Tanks, advertising illegal drugs seller in a gym and advertising across town “ I use steroids illegally” doesn’t sound like the brightest idea. I know, I know... it doesn’t actually have pandas name on the tank... but people recognize Nike without the name Nike....
People are really ranting and raving about boxes and tanks?

Clearly they don’t see the implications this can have as a whole.

Boxes that the items come in, are just more baggage to toss out also known as evidence. Not to mention the fact it takes larger packaging...

Tanks, advertising illegal drugs seller in a gym and advertising across town “ I use steroids illegally” doesn’t sound like the brightest idea. I know, I know... it doesn’t actually have pandas name on the tank... but people recognize Nike without the name Nike....
There's actually more customers that like them than not but there's a small minority who don't also.
I've wondered if those charts are totally accurate. From everything I can tell PES filters have zero tolerance with high BA and have limited tolerance at lower BA percentages 3-5%. If we use 1-2% BA it stands to reason that the membrane would have a good chance of holding up. I'd imagine the higher the volume of oil filtered would increase the risk of breakdown. I wonder if slower filtration decreases the perceived risk factor?

yeh thats a good point with the BA %, ive filtered a decent brew at once with no dramas. filtered very fast. now i havent had any testing done on the sterility of the finished product so i cant proove its all good. other than not having any infections

when i brewed my TRNE and TNE i used nylon filter tho
Yea mine was 100ml gso 333mg/ml test e 2/12 ba/bb. It filtered fairly quickly. I'll say around 10min or so, it was still drips. I didn't get the impression the filter was damaged in anyway.

It came out clear with no signs of filter membrane in it.
View attachment 86048

i use prefiltered MCT oil and it filters like water.. constant pace with low PSI.

now ivw used GSO from supermarket before and that took 3 times as long and i still didnt notice any filter damage. i used autofoxx filters