PurplePandaLabs Raw source


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Panda has it covered.
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Sorry for my laziness guys but I don't feel like going through 20000 pages to see how PPL raws are. If you have an honest opinion I'd like to hear from you.
ull be using this to kick start ur nuts.. before the actual pct does..so u don't use it while pct.. u use it pre pct.. so, while ur waiting for the aas to leave the system u use the hcg.. don't use it longer than I would say 2 and a half weeks ... now if ur on a lot of gear u might have to go 21 days.. seth feroce has a great explaination on his channel.. I suggest u watch it !
Bro yes I’ll be using hcg to kickstart my pct. I didn’t mean I was gonna use it while on my pct. I’m going to use the hcg prior to taking any nolva or clomid. You should prob clarify if something doesn’t sound completely right before you pull the nuts card. Just saying
Bro yes I’ll be using hcg to kickstart my pct. I didn’t mean I was gonna use it while on my pct. I’m going to use the hcg prior to taking any nolva or clomid. You should prob clarify if something doesn’t sound completely right before you pull the nuts card. Just saying
Hey buddy. Just wanted to let you know you might have misread what he said. He didn’t say you were nuts. He’s implying kick starting your nuts using hcg. I forget the science. HPTA comes to mind but it’s late and I’m not looking it up but that’s what hcg does it gets your boys back online to start the process. It’s like warming up the engine after it’s been in the cold for awhile.
Hey buddy. Just wanted to let you know you might have misread what he said. He didn’t say you were nuts. He’s implying kick starting your nuts using hcg. I forget the science. HPTA comes to mind but it’s late and I’m not looking it up but that’s what hcg does it gets your boys back online to start the process. It’s like warming up the engine after it’s been in the cold for awhile.
Lmao dam I really look like an ass. My bad @elitesales305 I def read that wrong. Good looking out bro.
I didn't see your post, but PES filters have limited resistance with BA, even at low percentages. Nylon is a much better choice, it couldn't hurt to refilter.

for the record ive used PES numerous times. BB 18% and BA 2% with no dramas what so ever. not saying its right or wronf just my exp
for the record ive used PES numerous times. BB 18% and BA 2% with no dramas what so ever. not saying its right or wronf just my exp
I've wondered if those charts are totally accurate. From everything I can tell PES filters have zero tolerance with high BA and have limited tolerance at lower BA percentages 3-5%. If we use 1-2% BA it stands to reason that the membrane would have a good chance of holding up. I'd imagine the higher the volume of oil filtered would increase the risk of breakdown. I wonder if slower filtration decreases the perceived risk factor?
for the record ive used PES numerous times. BB 18% and BA 2% with no dramas what so ever. not saying its right or wronf just my exp

I've wondered if those charts are totally accurate. From everything I can tell PES filters have zero tolerance with high BA and have limited tolerance at lower BA percentages 3-5%. If we use 1-2% BA it stands to reason that the membrane would have a good chance of holding up. I'd imagine the higher the volume of oil filtered would increase the risk of breakdown. I wonder if slower filtration decreases the perceived risk factor?
Yea mine was 100ml gso 333mg/ml test e 2/12 ba/bb. It filtered fairly quickly. I'll say around 10min or so, it was still drips. I didn't get the impression the filter was damaged in anyway.

It came out clear with no signs of filter membrane in it.
All good buddy. Just trying to keep the piece. We all know how the littlest thing can set off a huge shit show. Could be something to do with all the steroids. Just guessing though.
Haha I hear ya. The paranoia def doesn’t have anything to do with the Tren I’m running or anything ;):mad:
It came out clear with no signs of filter membrane in it.
Fwiw , in the future just buy pvdf or ptfe and then your covered no matter what solvent or ratio you use . Nylon are ok just make sure they say specifically that they are chemical resistant because some are but some arent , or at least thats what ive seen . I dont know if its just assumed that they are all chem resistant , but i dont know why some are marked CR and some arent ?

I always buy 10+ pvdf at a time because its alot cheaper then buying singles . Then youre good if you end up needing eo or guaiacol in any of your brews . Im not completely sure but i think pvdf and ptfe are the only ones that are safe to use EO with ? Dont quote me on that though lol?!