PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Holy cow! A 250mg/ml came back as 532 mg /ml???

This has to be an issue with mislabeled gear, which is DAMGEROUS!!!!!

What if a girl was using this?

So many “what if” scenarios that can happen with this grotesquely over dosed gear it’s not even funny.
Holy cow! A 250mg/ml came back as 532 mg /ml???

This has to be an issue with mislabeled gear, which is DAMGEROUS!!!!!

What if a girl was using this?

So many “what if” scenarios that can happen with this grotesquely over dosed gear it’s not even funny.
Yeah they are definitely going to have to label one compound at a time.
Then there's no possibility of something being mislabeled I know they don't mix compounds when labeling for that reason.
Yes that’s exactly what I meant I was thinking of using right before I started pct. I don’t usually pct either but I’ve been on close to a year and I think it’s time to stop for alittle to give my body a break. The compounds are starting not to work as well and I don’t want to up the dose. If I did hcg going into my pct would I have to wait a certain time after my last shot to start or could I start right away?
ull be using this to kick start ur nuts.. before the actual pct does..so u don't use it while pct.. u use it pre pct.. so, while ur waiting for the aas to leave the system u use the hcg.. don't use it longer than I would say 2 and a half weeks ... now if ur on a lot of gear u might have to go 21 days.. seth feroce has a great explaination on his channel.. I suggest u watch it !
Got some lab test from my recent batch of international rws from ppl. Target overdose 5-10 %. i do a minimum of 500 ml per batch so the overdose can vary.

Sent to analyzer.

Target dose :
Ripped 225 - 75/75/75 Test p/Tren a/Mast p
Ripped 400 200 /100/100 Test e/tren E/Mast E
Tren A 100mg
Npp 100mg
Tesp p 100mg
Deca 200mg
EQ 200mg
wtf,, 500+ on a 250mg bottle..
I'm sorry.. but this fuckery needs to stop!
when will the excuses end for this ugl..
if the guy that labels wasn't also running the silk screen press for the tanks this wouldn't of happened.. pay that fuckin zipper a real salary and maybe hell take his job serious.. for fucks sake,,
how off can these machines be that test these compounds..
could 2 compounds that are totally different in nature.. show as test on a lab result?
kinda like how tren shows as e2?? might b a stupid question but..
idk .. ive ramped up and down on the test prop and no need for ai.. also libido never went up or down??
I know these are things one shouldnt complain about but I'm starting to think are these compounds actually what they claim to b..
look at the op of the test e result.. at that concentration the dude knows for sure he would need ai.. ??
so how is he not needing it??
I could be throwing a turd against the wall here but.. its weird that ive also been scratching my head at times with this ugl and the first and only cycle ive ran with them..
Link didn't work but I found it... fucking bizarre... double dosed Test, but TT is only rolling in the 1700s at 750 (really 1500)mg/week?

Nothing makes sense.

His results don’t show what his free testosterone is. When getting bloods it is really better to have the full breakdown, not just get the total test.

Doing so, helps analyze what is really going on.
His results don’t show what his free testosterone is. When getting bloods it is really better to have the full breakdown, not just get the total test.

Doing so, helps analyze what is really going on.

I agree, but honestly, that number is so low for even the as-labeled dosing it just makes no sense.
Got some lab test from my recent batch of international rws from ppl. Target overdose 5-10 %. i do a minimum of 500 ml per batch so the overdose can vary.

Sent to analyzer.

Target dose :
Ripped 225 - 75/75/75 Test p/Tren a/Mast p
Ripped 400 200 /100/100 Test e/tren E/Mast E
Tren A 100mg
Npp 100mg
Tesp p 100mg
Deca 200mg
EQ 200mg
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Man that's spot on. Interesting since they were overdosed.
I didn't gain it back... maintenance cals and continued to get leaner. It kickstarted everything nicely. If you watch 44swole on youtube.. this guy has never actually ran a cutting cycle... he just takes dnp to lose fat... when I cut for extended period of time I lose A bunch of muscle... I'm 41 possibly that's why.. but I'm thinking of dnp occasionally and keep blasting! YouTube removed his main channel so DNP video is gone...he's sponsored by panda too

LMAO... Still being advertised on youtube. Keep it up PPL. Get too big I hope you don't take too many customers down with you.

I'd hate to see that the domestic guy isn't properly removing customer information. PD was just compromised recently and I'm sure PPL is on the radar now too.
Have you contacted Analyzer to validate the results that maybe he made a mistake in his calculation or something.
Before we just jump to conclusions it's overdosed?
I trust the results but remain confused because I'm using 3mls per week of the test e and I'm not even using ai at the moment. According to the tests I'd be taking 1500mgs per week which I've never done. I'd think I would need ai at that high of a dose so I am definitely confused at the moment.

While i've heard that 500 mg/ml could be brewed to be virtually painless, i wouldn't hold my breath thinking PPL has that recipe down to a science.

Maybe i'm wrong? Either way, did you experience much PIP with your 750/1500 (?) mg injections?
While i've heard that 500 mg/ml could be brewed to be virtually painless, i wouldn't hold my breath thinking PPL has that recipe down to a science.

Maybe i'm wrong? Either way, did you experience much PIP with your 750/1500 (?) mg injections?

Fuck that!
Love running the high MG gear but I've done 1.5 ML's of T500, you would be knowing it was brewed that strong. Even with the cut of something smooth..you feel that shit.
While i've heard that 500 mg/ml could be brewed to be virtually painless, i wouldn't hold my breath thinking PPL has that recipe down to a science.

Maybe i'm wrong? Either way, did you experience much PIP with your 750/1500 (?) mg injections?
There's been a ton of complaints about pip recently. It's usually written off and assumed it's because if the mig, wonder if everyone is shooting high mg stuff without realizing.

Hard to make sense of this at a 1.5 grams of test his bloods should've been higher too.
There's been a ton of complaints about pip recently. It's usually written off and assumed it's because if the mig, wonder if everyone is shooting high mg stuff without realizing.

Hard to make sense of this at a 1.5 grams of test his bloods should've been higher too.

The thing is he had Estro readings, his Estro would never be that low. Noone would not peak high with that much test.

No not yet I will hopefully it was a typo it's happened before with someone

I think that's pretty important, he did have issues in the past but it was never this significant.
wtf,, 500+ on a 250mg bottle..
I'm sorry.. but this fuckery needs to stop!
when will the excuses end for this ugl..
if the guy that labels wasn't also running the silk screen press for the tanks this wouldn't of happened.. pay that fuckin zipper a real salary and maybe hell take his job serious.. for fucks sake,,
how off can these machines be that test these compounds..
could 2 compounds that are totally different in nature.. show as test on a lab result?
kinda like how tren shows as e2?? might b a stupid question but..
idk .. ive ramped up and down on the test prop and no need for ai.. also libido never went up or down??
I know these are things one shouldnt complain about but I'm starting to think are these compounds actually what they claim to b..
look at the op of the test e result.. at that concentration the dude knows for sure he would need ai.. ??
so how is he not needing it??
I could be throwing a turd against the wall here but.. its weird that ive also been scratching my head at times with this ugl and the first and only cycle ive ran with them..
Why don't you keep the racist slurs to yourself that's more than once you've thrown them around.
I don't mind the flaming or criticism but the racist shit immature.


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