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Would ephedrine caffeine be overkill with dnp? Or can they work together?
Ive tried the ephedrine approach , and it sounds good in theory but doesnt work well you get about am hour of energy then right back to feeling like shit. Modaf works in a completely different way then ephedrine and it will actually will keep you alert and energetic mostly all day . Makes sense though im pretty sure it was originally released as a treatment for narcolepsy ?
Ive tried the ephedrine approach , and it sounds good in theory but doesnt work well you get about am hour of energy then right back to feeling like shit. Modaf works in a completely different way then ephedrine and it will actually will keep you alert and energetic mostly all day . Makes sense though im pretty sure it was originally released as a treatment for narcolepsy ?
Yea moda is great. I've never used it more than 2 days in a row. I like to space the moda out or just use it when I need it. How many days straight have you done moda for? Notice any tolerance buildup or anything?
Ohh yeah :) lets just say it makes it more than bareable . You're not nessacarily gonna feel 100% but much better than a bunch of caffeine an ephedrine . Probably is a little safer too honestly?
I work with a few people on weight loss and they need a little help, but not phentermine or adipex so I was asking it helps with hunger cravings in general.. even if it' just 2 days on and 2 days off etc
Yea moda is great. I've never used it more than 2 days in a row. I like to space the moda out or just use it when I need it. How many days straight have you done moda for? Notice any tolerance buildup or anything?
Youll build up a bit of tolerance after 2 weeks or so .. ive used it for 3 months straight once i dont recommend it unless you wanna feel worthless for a week after , but you wont withdraw or anything youre just tired. A 10-14 day run with dnp isnt gonna be that bad though . Anymore i use it a couple days a week , and when im on dnp and it doesnt effect me much fwiw..
I work with a few people on weight loss and they need a little help, but not phentermine or adipex so I was asking it helps with hunger cravings in general.. even if it' just 2 days on and 2 days off etc
Yeah the appetite suppression is similar to phent , without the meth'd out feels . But you have to stick to the few day on few day off approach or the appetite suppression will stop after a few weeks .
I like modafinil , it kills two birds with one stone .

I like it as well, but don't use it for weightloss....

Only issue with it is that if you have any spergy issues before, Modding-up will make that 10x more apparent. I become an Aspy ideal specimen after a few days modded.

Does wonders for work output, not so much for my personal life.
Anybody know of any active coupon codes, or a page # that they might be on? Found 5% off one, if not.
Thanks again doods
Only issue with it is that if you have any spergy issues before, Modding-up will make that 10x more apparent. I become an Aspy ideal specimen after a few days modded.

Does wonders for work output, not so much for my personal life.
Hahaha thats hilarious im the same exact way ! if I dose to high or run it too long I turn into the freaking RainMan :D lol ... No I only use mod a few days a week for the same reason (work output ) , and the occasional run with dnp purely for the energy , and the appetite supression is just a nice bonus !
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@PurplePandaLabs Rep. whats up with the dyazide??
@LordSamuilo u take a diuretic pre contest??

Not if you can get away without it , but if you do need it stick to a thiazide type diuretic . You atleast have chance to fill back out if you over shoot a little . Too much lasix and your fucked , and spironolactone needs to build up in your system and be timed right . So unless you have a coach that knows what hes doing stay away from it too .

There's some decent natural diuretics too , that may be all your really need . Just dont sleep on em because they're natural , they'll flatten you out like a pancake too , or worse!
The cravings are for real that’s for damn sure on higher doses I don’t want to say you can’t have enough will power to keep it under control but wow and then your right there is no point in using it if you can’t keep the eating under control. After doing high dose once 600mg I’ve done 800 as well I slowly worked my way up to that point. There is no way I would go that high again 400mg seems to be where I can still keep things under control and not feel completely useless from having shit energy and eating the entire kitchen another funny thing was how it was completely carbs I was craving freaking cereal was the shit.
Yea I don’t go above 400mg. Even at that dose the lethargy was killing me. Idk I’m super sensitive to stuff tho. The craving are def a bitch. Is it better to eat more carbs while on dnp even tho that makes the sides worse or is it better to try to lay off of them. Any input anyone. @LordSamuilo
Yea I don’t go above 400mg. Even at that dose the lethargy was killing me. Idk I’m super sensitive to stuff tho. The craving are def a bitch. Is it better to eat more carbs while on dnp even tho that makes the sides worse or is it better to try to lay off of them. Any input anyone. @LordSamuilo
Bro you can go 100% keto if you wanted to and will get the same results(if not better) than you get eating a ton of carbs .. im not sure how that ridiculous myth got stArted but ive definitely never noticed a difference.. i like going lower carb not nessacarily keto , but it definitely keeps the heat down a bit . And you're gonna be flat regardless on dnp so carb intake is a moot point to that end too .

All macros create atp , not just carbs . So if you take carbs away , proteins and fats will create atp through their given metabolic pathway and dnp will still disrupt the efficiency of atp prodution the same exact way.
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Bro you can go 100% keto if you wanted to and will get the same results(if not better) than you get eating a ton of carbs .. im not sure how that ridiculous myth got stArted but ive definitely never noticed a difference.. i like going lower carb not nessacarily keto , but it definitely keeps the heat down a bit . And you're gonna be flat regardless on dnp so carb intake is a moot point to that end too .

All macros create atp , not just carbs . So if you take carbs away , proteins and fats will create atp through their given metabolic pathway and dnp will still disrupt the efficiency of atp prodution the same exact way.
Gotcha thenkyiubfor your input. I also try n keep the carbs down while running it. I know guys that swear doing a keto diet while running dnp is the best way and then guys that like to eat more carbs. I don’t cut the carbs out complete I just eat less of them while on. Thanks man

