PurplePandaLabs Raw source

It's a cocktail for death also I lost alot of guy's I knew from that mixture goto sleep and die of afixation drowning on your own vomit.

To be fair, that's any opiate. Little bit of trivia for you, in Breaking Bad that's how Jane dies. You notice she always laid on her side and even taught Jesse to do it. Then when Walt comes in he causes her to roll on her back, where she quickly vomits and chokes to death. That show had tons of awesome little details like that
Ha ha !!!! Hells ya brudda!! White wine will suffice however, I prefer me some GRAPE DRANK with my ennema. More bang for my buck;)
The above post made me scared of DNP now as well. As you know, not to many things scare me in regards to AAS. Check your wickr my friend;)
I get it...I missed responding to your last wickr. I wanted to give my response the time i needed to thoroughly frustrate you. Then I figured no response would fire you up and make you hungry as all hell.
I just responded with something that should please you. That I'm pissed off with the situation should help make you smile! You can help me feel better, though. Just wickr "Shoot it" like we do in the joint, and it'll be a start!
Sorry for going off topic, I won't disrespect the thread again fellas. G'night.
I get it...I missed responding to your last wickr. I wanted to give my response the time i needed to thoroughly frustrate you. Then I figured no response would fire you up and make you hungry as all hell.
I just responded with something that should please you. That I'm pissed off with the situation should help make you smile! You can help me feel better, though. Just wickr "Shoot it" like we do in the joint, and it'll be a start!
Sorry for going off topic, I won't disrespect the thread again fellas. G'night.
None take Ben we talk about everything anyway your welcome to also.
To be fair, that's any opiate. Little bit of trivia for you, in Breaking Bad that's how Jane dies. You notice she always laid on her side and even taught Jesse to do it. Then when Walt comes in he causes her to roll on her back, where she quickly vomits and chokes to death. That show had tons of awesome little details like that
Yeah it's definitely makes you wonder what all the writers have lived thru.
DNP works even at lower doses of 200mg to 250mg per day. You sweat and get hot if you eat a bunch of carbs. I managed to make it through 10 days at work, but the gym I had to take 25mg of dbol to get a close to normal workout in. At night you will sweat a lot... i put a towel under me to soak it up, but lost 6 to 7lbs in 10days (which i could do without DNP but it would cost a lot of muscle). In the morning, the mirror was unbelievable. Clearly lost almost all fat and you have to consider it causes you to hold a bunch of water and you will look your best about 7 days after stopping. At work, I work dealing with a bunch of rude quasi rich people with investments and I can't take it if I'm working because I'm quick to say go f-yourself. Great way to lose fat quickly while retaining muscle, however at what health expense is to be determined so research as much as possible. I've taken higher doses but 250mg or so fits in life a lot better for me.
Is it like a crash diet though. You can drop a ton of weight quick but the moment you stop it all comes back and some more.
Is it like a crash diet though. You can drop a ton of weight quick but the moment you stop it all comes back and some more.

It can be. However, if you let your metabolism rebound slowly after coming off ANY diet then you won't start accumulating fat. Going on a crash diet Like this will certainly drop your metabolic rate, and your maintence calories as a result. So what you may think you're eating is not quite your maintence when u come off, hence the fat rebound.

This is all avoidable. Simply let your bodies metabolism rebound slowly and gradually increase your calories, and start LOW.
Is it like a crash diet though. You can drop a ton of weight quick but the moment you stop it all comes back and some more.

I personally haven’t had the weight come back I’ve used it in contest prep kept the same diet on and off dnp I got leaner and continued to get leaner after it really took weeks off my prep. I have heard people talk about carb loading after because of how depleted it makes you. You do look very flat while on but I would advise against loading up on carbs after just keep the same diet and in my opinion don’t go keto keep carbs in and you should keep off what you lost.
DNP works even at lower doses of 200mg to 250mg per day. You sweat and get hot if you eat a bunch of carbs. I managed to make it through 10 days at work, but the gym I had to take 25mg of dbol to get a close to normal workout in. At night you will sweat a lot... i put a towel under me to soak it up, but lost 6 to 7lbs in 10days (which i could do without DNP but it would cost a lot of muscle). In the morning, the mirror was unbelievable. Clearly lost almost all fat and you have to consider it causes you to hold a bunch of water and you will look your best about 7 days after stopping. At work, I work dealing with a bunch of rude quasi rich people with investments and I can't take it if I'm working because I'm quick to say go f-yourself. Great way to lose fat quickly while retaining muscle, however at what health expense is to be determined so research as much as possible. I've taken higher doses but 250mg or so fits in life a lot better for me.
yo, big guy... would u say its a wonder drug??
how long before u gained the weight back.. assuming u did ??
This is all avoidable. Simply let your bodies metabolism rebound slowly and gradually increase your calories, and start LOW.

I am no DNP guy but this seems likely. Been a fair few good/bad threads on DNP and the commonality is that the guys who took it slow and had everything else nailed down seemed to do fine with DNP. The ones whose shit wasn't right pre-DNP weren't right after either.
I have heard people talk about carb loading after because of how depleted it makes you.
I dont understand this , its just an excuse people use to eat like shit afterwards . There's absolutely no rebound from dnp IF you stick to my meal plan . After a few days(4-5) your atp production will become efficient enough again that you will fill back out just eating your regular meal plan( given you arent keto or some shit lol) ...

yo, big guy... would u say its a wonder drug?
No its absolutely 100% not a miracle drug . Ive been on 600mg and it will literally make me so hungry ill out eat that 600mg of dnp like nothing . So then you're just hot as a mf'r , bloated , and not even losing weight . 400mg im good , can stick to my diet , sides are minimal training is still somewhat intense . I ended my bulk at mid 250 6 weeks ago , today im sitting at 222 been off for two weeks. Theres no such thing as dnp rebound if your diet is on point .
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I am no DNP guy but this seems likely. Been a fair few good/bad threads on DNP and the commonality is that the guys who took it slow and had everything else nailed down seemed to do fine with DNP. The ones whose shit wasn't right pre-DNP weren't right after either
100% agree , if you cant diet down without dnp you wont be able to with dnp . Dnp is for people whos nutrition is already 100% on point , and just used as a means to speed up the process not a solution to a shit diet !
100% agree , if you cant diet down without dnp you wont be able to with dnp . Dnp is for people whos nutrition is already 100% on point , and just used as a means to speed up the process not a solution to a shit diet !
Reinforcing the fact there are no shortcuts. AAS won't work if you don't work. DNP won't work if you eat shit. Nothing is free. You habe to earn it all.
yo, big guy... would u say its a wonder drug??
how long before u gained the weight back.. assuming u did ??
I didn't gain it back... maintenance cals and continued to get leaner. It kickstarted everything nicely. If you watch 44swole on youtube.. this guy has never actually ran a cutting cycle... he just takes dnp to lose fat... when I cut for extended period of time I lose A bunch of muscle... I'm 41 possibly that's why.. but I'm thinking of dnp occasionally and keep blasting! YouTube removed his main channel so DNP video is gone...he's sponsored by panda too
I dont understand this , its just an excuse people use to eat like shit afterwards . There's absolutely no rebound from dnp IF you stick to my meal plan . After a few days(4-5) your atp production will become efficient enough again that you will fill back out just eating your regular meal plan( given you arent keto or some shit lol) ...

No its absolutely 100% not a miracle drug . Ive been on 600mg and it will literally make me so hungry ill out eat that 600mg of dnp like nothing . So then you're just hot as a mf'r , bloated , and not even losing weight . 400mg im good , can stick to my diet , sides are minimal training is still somewhat intense . I ended my bulk at mid 250 6 weeks ago , today im sitting at 222 been off for two weeks. Theres no such thing as dnp rebound if your diet is on point .
I take dbol or anavar with it to kill my DNP carb cravings... orals kill my appetite.
I dont understand this , its just an excuse people use to eat like shit afterwards . There's absolutely no rebound from dnp IF you stick to my meal plan . After a few days(4-5) your atp production will become efficient enough again that you will fill back out just eating your regular meal plan( given you arent keto or some shit lol) ...

No its absolutely 100% not a miracle drug . Ive been on 600mg and it will literally make me so hungry ill out eat that 600mg of dnp like nothing . So then you're just hot as a mf'r , bloated , and not even losing weight . 400mg im good , can stick to my diet , sides are minimal training is still somewhat intense . I ended my bulk at mid 250 6 weeks ago , today im sitting at 222 been off for two weeks. Theres no such thing as dnp rebound if your diet is on point .

The cravings are for real that’s for damn sure on higher doses I don’t want to say you can’t have enough will power to keep it under control but wow and then your right there is no point in using it if you can’t keep the eating under control. After doing high dose once 600mg I’ve done 800 as well I slowly worked my way up to that point. There is no way I would go that high again 400mg seems to be where I can still keep things under control and not feel completely useless from having shit energy and eating the entire kitchen another funny thing was how it was completely carbs I was craving freaking cereal was the shit.
I take dbol or anavar with it to kill my DNP carb cravings... orals kill my appetite.
I like modafinil , it kills two birds with one stone . No lethargy during the day , and suppresses your appetite most of the day . Its just the end of the day when it wears off you start craving again lol
I like modafinil , it kills two birds with one stone . No lethargy during the day , and suppresses your appetite most of the day . Its just the end of the day when it wears off you start craving again lol
Would ephedrine caffeine be overkill with dnp? Or can they work together?
. There is no way I would go that high again 400mg seems to be where I can still keep things under control and not feel completely useless from having shit energy and eating the entire kitchen another funny thing was how it was completely carbs I was craving freaking cereal was the shit.
No doubt , ive experimented pretty extensively with dnp :D and 400mg really is the perfect balance between fat loss and unwanted side effects for me atleadt and pretty much anyone ive talked to thats used a good bit . Definitely not a more is better kinda drug !