PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Started my own thread about this but didn’t get much response so figured I’d post it here. What do you guys think about the importance of hcg in pct? If you have used it what have the pros been and how do you work it into your pct protocol? Thanks
Started my own thread about this but didn’t get much response so figured I’d post it here. What do you guys think about the importance of hcg in pct? If you have used it what have the pros been and how do you work it into your pct protocol? Thanks
Also do you think you can get the same results with just running clomid and nolva?
Started my own thread about this but didn’t get much response so figured I’d post it here. What do you guys think about the importance of hcg in pct? If you have used it what have the pros been and how do you work it into your pct protocol? Thanks
I don't pct but I'm going to start using during cycle just to see if it has any benefits for me during a Blast I notice I don't really have a problem with atrophy as long as I'm banging some pretty regular anyone else notice that?
Started my own thread about this but didn’t get much response so figured I’d post it here. What do you guys think about the importance of hcg in pct? If you have used it what have the pros been and how do you work it into your pct protocol? Thanks

HCG should be used during cycle not during PCT...it can keep u shut down. I've noticed it helps keep my balls from shrinking. I've heard it makes the transition into PCT a little easier but I don't PCT so can't really say for certain. I've also heard some guys complain that it causes Acne flare ups.
Started my own thread about this but didn’t get much response so figured I’d post it here. What do you guys think about the importance of hcg in pct? If you have used it what have the pros been and how do you work it into your pct protocol? Thanks
ive done with and without..
500iu 2x a week.. and then 2 to 3 weeks depending on esther 1000iu 2x a week leading into a pct
nuts stay full.. libido is there as well..
I co sign on hcg during and entering a pct!!
but who am I?? just some momo !
(Posted in brewporn thread, but maybe some guys here can answer my question about pes filter)
First time with a bottle top. Didn't realize it was .22 pes filter. Should I be concerned and re filter with nylon?

It's clear as can be and the filter didn't seem to be damaged. Filtered quickly but it was still drips.

333mg/ml 2/12 ba/bb gso 100ml total.View attachment 85944

View attachment 85943

(Didn't realize I left the garlic powder on counter. Now you fucks know my secret ingredient!!)
.Here are the test results. I'm a little confused about them unless I'm reading them wrong because they are saying that the test is 532mg/ml and I'm not even using ai. I sent in a full sealed vial of the test e 250. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. Thank you for all of your help in this matter I greatly appreciate it. 20180227_092950.jpg 20180227_093051.jpg
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I'm gonna assume you have the 250mg/ml vials? I thought at one point or they still do have 500mg/ml vials. Just clarifying which one you have. If you have 250mg/ml financially you made out but damn that's some serious overdose
Yes had the 250 and edited my first post.
I trust the results but remain confused because I'm using 3mls per week of the test e and I'm not even using ai at the moment. According to the tests I'd be taking 1500mgs per week which I've never done. I'd think I would need ai at that high of a dose so I am definitely confused at the moment.
I trust the results but remain confused because I'm using 3mls per week of the test e and I'm not even using ai at the moment. According to the tests I'd be taking 1500mgs per week which I've never done. I'd think I would need ai at that high of a dose so I am definitely confused at the moment.
Hopefully @PurplePandaLabs Rep. Will have something to say about it. I'm running 1250 test EE righ now in contest prep and doing .5mg of adex EOD and definitely need it.
I'm gonna assume you have the 250mg/ml vials? I thought at one point or they still do have 500mg/ml vials. Just clarifying which one you have. If you have 250mg/ml financially you made out but damn that's some serious overdose
If his gear is really that overdosed it' not a bonus, it' fucking dangerous.
ive done with and without..
500iu 2x a week.. and then 2 to 3 weeks depending on esther 1000iu 2x a week leading into a pct
nuts stay full.. libido is there as well..
I co sign on hcg during and entering a pct!!
but who am I?? just some momo !
Yes that’s exactly what I meant I was thinking of using right before I started pct. I don’t usually pct either but I’ve been on close to a year and I think it’s time to stop for alittle to give my body a break. The compounds are starting not to work as well and I don’t want to up the dose. If I did hcg going into my pct would I have to wait a certain time after my last shot to start or could I start right away?
I'd think I would need ai at that high of a dose so I am definitely confused at the moment.

You could have very high E2 numbers without being symptomatic. Mid-cycle bloodwork coming up soon? Maybe sooner than planned given these results from Analyzer?
.Here are the test results. I'm a little confused about them unless I'm reading them wrong because they are saying that the test is 532mg/ml and I'm not even using ai. I sent in a full sealed vial of the test e 250. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. Thank you for all of your help in this matter I greatly appreciate it. View attachment 85992 View attachment 85993
Thank you for being so patient and also for sending in samples the only logical conclusion I have is mislabeled t 500mg
Which shouldn't be labeled together with regular test.
I haven't spoken to panda about it yet only you and I have seen the results.