PurplePandaLabs Raw source

1st time order from PurplePanda. Ordered all international raws. Got a bunch of test e, some npp and bold ace, some anavar and anadrol and proviron and winny, and some tren ace, as well as tons of ancillaries, cialis and t3 and prami and letro and accutane.

Order took under 2 weeks to get to my door and I didn't have to sign for it so got it right away. Everything weighed out and was well packaged and stealth. Wasn't hard to find my product hidden in the stealth.

I am always sketchy on my 1st order from a new source. I am just worried about getting anything at all from my payment, nothing keeping some guy in China from taking your bitcoin or western union and never sending you anything, there is no recourse in this business. I can't exactly show my receipt or call the cops. So I was ecstatic to get my order in and not get scammed. And everything weighed at or above what I bought.

I haven't done any melting point tests yet. But I can compare the look and smell of these products to previous orders from other sources and can say that they all look good and smell familiar.

I'll report back after I do some melting point tests. It's gonna be a while before I run a real cycle so can't share results for a few months.


I freaking love Panda. No min orders. THAT IS HUGE!!!! If you are buying and homebrewing for yourself, a little raw product goes a long way. For instance 1g of t3 or prami or letro will last you a lifetime no kidding. And at many sources 10g is min order!!! You'd have to buy 10+lifetimes of t3 to order from them lol, makes no sense. Suppose you want to try out an expensive oral for the first time. At other places you'd have to buy 10+ grams just to try it, that's alot of orals down the drain if you don't like it. Here you can order 2 grams to see if you would like it at all.

So to be able to order just 1 or 2 grams is awesome. I now have a lifetime (assuming they don't expire too too much) of a couple of drugs. So nice to not have to order these, I can just mix a new batch any time.

RARE SUBSTANCES: TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PANDA BEFORE THEY GET SHUT DOWN!!! Sources get shut down. Take advantage of a good source while it exists. Panda has some compounds YOU WON'T FIND IN RAW FORM ANYWHERE ELSE. Prami and accutane and DNP raws for example. I've not seen these on any other source's list. At Panda they are 2 or 3 dollars a gram lol. Stock up while you can. Save a ton in the future. I rarely see a steroid source also sell DNP raw powder. Panda does and 1kg of DNP will cost you $120, really good price, like the same price of buying 2 bottles of capsules. So you get a lifetime supply cheaper than a 1 or 2 month supply at most places.

PRICES: Panda's prices are good. Especially for such a popular source. Most sources with this level of reputation charge 2-5x of random Chinese sources. For example I used QualityRaws.net once, and they were 2-3x expensive on everything. As an aside qualityraws was shut down just a year after I ordered from them. That's why I say stock up with Panda before they get shut down.

I've quoted probably 50 sources from MadeInChina.com and Alibaba.com. These companies list low prices. But when you ask them for an order quote, they charge more than their price list. The price list usually reflects the price when you buy 1+ kg of raw lol!!! Panda beat every item price!!! No joke. Good reputation source, tons of rare products, best prices. I see no downside.

Customer service: Panda replied within a day every time. I asked a ton of questions, you can tell I am wordy. They answered all my questions quickly and without complaint. Panda is closed during Chinese new year, I wanted to get my order shipped before this happened and told them this when I ordered. Panda made sure eto get my order processed in just one day and I had a tracking number next day. New year is not even over and I have my stuff in the US.


I have only good things to say about Panda. Vicky and crew are super nice in email. Their prices are no kidding the best I've seen with tons of searching. Their selection is better than any I've seen. Customer service is prompt and good. Because selection is so good you can save money by getting everything from one source and only paying one shipping feel. Ordering process is better than most places because you can add to cart like amazon. They have no min orders. And they have like a million testimonials and reputable sponsors. If you're looking for a source... BUY FROM PANDA NOW! BEFORE THEY GET SHUT DOWN!

DISCOUNT CODE: You can find 5% discount codes all day for Panda. Youtube channel "The 44 on Swole" has a 10% discount code. See it in any of his new videos or in the description.

Lol saw you guys all freaked out at my review. Think what you want. I rarely order raws cause I just brew for myself, not a UGL. So I'm ecstatic when I get my order and don't get ripped off. Also I figured what's the point of giving a vague review like "received my order," doesn't really tell anyone much about ordering from them. And I'm a long winded dude.

I do look somewhat like Billy Mays too.


Oh and almost forgot:


And if PPL wants to put me on the payroll so be it. Will work for steroids and boner pills.
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Lol saw you guys all freaked out at my review. Think what you want. I rarely order raws cause I just brew for myself, not a UGL. So I'm ecstatic when I get my order and don't get ripped off. Also I figured what's the point of giving a vague review like "received my order," doesn't really tell anyone much about ordering from them. And I'm a long winded dude.

I do look somewhat like Billy Mays too.


Oh and almost forgot:


And if PPL wants to put me on the payroll so be it. Will work for steroids and boner pills.

Ok just joking about being on the payroll gets you banished to this thread. Don’t venture out of here billy!
DNP is for extreme fat loss. Yes it is superior in results at moderate/high dose to clen/t3. But DNP is super dangerous. Since it causes your body to heat up, if you overdose, there is no antidote! The only thing you can do is chill the body like stand in the cold or take an ice bath. Beyond that the doctors can't save you.

That said, we are the crazy mad scientist experimenters, so we will try this stupid shit, I did. I worked up to 750mg a day. I was a sweaty dude, bed sheets soaked with 2 fans directly on my head and feet. Bouncing between 500mg and 700mg, I lost around 20 lbs in 5 or 6 weeks. Wasn't doing DNP the full time, took some weekend breaks, or would try to make it so I wasn't burning up at work.

I think everyone should try shit for themselves if you are really interested. Just be super careful with this one. More is not better, more is deadly. Be sure to use a pill organizer, cause it will be a bad day if you forgot that you took your dose, and then accidentally take a 2nd dose in one day.

Sorry if we are hijacking this thread.
Tesofensine is a new weight loss drug. Supposed to be promising but I think it's in trials right now and hasn't been approved.

In a double-bind trial with 203 people (with half given a placebo) those taking the placebo had lost 2.0% of body weight while those taking the medication with the active ingredient had experienced far more successful results. For those taking the lowest dose of 0.25 mg, average weight loss was 6.5%, those taking the medium dose of 0.5% lost 11.2% and those taking the highest dose of 1 mg lost 12.6%. In the two highest dose groups, the treatment led to a 4 point drop in BMI in a period of 24 weeks.

Patients being treated with Tesofensine also displayed the following positive results:

  • Reduction in appetite sensations within a period of 14 days, with those being treated reporting a greater level of satiety and less desire to eat.
  • Significant increase in fat oxidation and reduction in fat tissue. The 24 hour fat oxidation increased by 15% and there was a reduction in protein oxidation. Scanning was able to provide confirmation of a statistically significant reduction in fat tissue compared with the placebo control group.
  • Improved levels of insulin sensitivity were noted, leading to a higher metabolism of glucose, making this medication potentially suitable for patients at risk from type II diabetes.
  • After 14 days, a significant increase in energy expenditure at rest of 6% was observed compared with the placebo control group. This increase was directly linked to Tesofensine and any external factors were excluded as possible causes.
DNP is for extreme fat loss. Yes it is superior in results at moderate/high dose to clen/t3. But DNP is super dangerous. Since it causes your body to heat up, if you overdose, there is no antidote! The only thing you can do is chill the body like stand in the cold or take an ice bath. Beyond that the doctors can't save you.
The go to remedy is the 'ol ice water enema. Brings your core temp where it should be. I believe I read somewhere that Frank is a fan of White Wine Enemas?
Went something like "Frank likes long walks one beach, scrapbooking, and white wine enemas." Frank, I apologize if I have your passions listed in the incorrect order!
I've spoken with panda before and I don't go over there but thanks for telling me about it.
I definitely won't hesitate to let him know the damage that will cause.
I have no control over there but I do have some respect with the Boss.

That's cool and really responsible of you. Its a super weird philosophy for any business to have. I hope swoll panda addresses the dosage concerns and reigns in his rep.

MESO has always been my first stop for information. The wealth of knowledge here is unsurpassed. I check that other board because like many others (at first) I thought the free flow of information was supported there. Boy was I wrong. One thread was locked because they questioned the dosage. That's crazy. None the less I spoke my piece and its cool of you to say something to him about it. Looking forward to contributing here as best I can but most importantly I am here to listen to guys far more knowledgeable than me.
The go to remedy is the 'ol ice water enema. Brings your core temp where it should be. I believe I read somewhere that Frank is a fan of White Wine Enemas?
Went something like "Frank likes long walks one beach, scrapbooking, and white wine enemas." Frank, I apologize if I have your passions listed in the incorrect order!
Ha ha !!!! Hells ya brudda!! White wine will suffice however, I prefer me some GRAPE DRANK with my ennema. More bang for my buck;)
The above post made me scared of DNP now as well. As you know, not to many things scare me in regards to AAS. Check your wickr my friend;)
@Jeffg353 is a good guy. I dont think he should be confined to the PPL thread. He was open and honest about being a rep for PPL.

Only thing different would be his word towards other sources wont carry as much weight, but to be honest anyones opinion should only be taken lightly.

Its good that he wants to help out with orders and answer questions. PPL gets very busy, look at what the rep here had to do to keep PPL alive from their mistake.

We are all a steroid family in then end, and we should stick together. Jeff has decided to help one of our sources and shouldnt be bashed for it.
I agree with this, I'm late to this party.

He is not a rep here, he is a member and we should give him a chance at it.
Tried domestic test e and EQ w/ grapeseed carrier. 5 weeks in. I get severe cold-like symptoms every week for 2 days. Grapeseed allergic reaction? All sterile containers, vials, whatmans...
Ha ha !!!! Hells ya brudda!! White wine will suffice however, I prefer me some GRAPE DRANK with my ennema. More bang for my buck;)
The above post made me scared of DNP now as well. As you know, not to many things scare me in regards to AAS. Check your wickr my friend;)

Is it is dangerous no doubt you realize how strong this stuff is when you take it. the results are real and so is the danger I don’t want to say there is a completely safe way to do it but you can run it and be pretty safe. In my opinion there is no need to go above 400mg a day as long as you can resist the carb cravings the fat melts right off.
Ha ha !!!! Hells ya brudda!! White wine will suffice however, I prefer me some GRAPE DRANK with my ennema. More bang for my buck;)
The above post made me scared of DNP now as well. As you know, not to many things scare me in regards to AAS. Check your wickr my friend;)
It’s really not as scary as people make it out to be. You have to be responsible with it just like anything else. If you do some research on it some guys say “don’t touch it your gonna die” and others say “it’s an effective drug as long as you use it responsibly”. I made my own determination. And that is it’s an effective drug as long as it’s used right. The sides can be vicious for sure. You just have to find the right dose that works best for you.
And just to add to the enema convo. Nothing outways a Colombian coffee enema. Clean as a whistle after that!
Most all Xanax bars are pressed with fentanyl now a days. The profit margins are just too big
Why put an opiate in a benzodiazepine? Seems fentanyl would be more than $1 which is a bulk price for 2mg Xanax bar ugl pressed (unless u get Mercurius 100x 4mg Double Pressed Hulks they are $2.20) I get the combo idea and synergy of opiates and benzodiazepine, but never heard this before. Just fyi, benzos and opiates are addictive as heck, don't do drugs!
Why put an opiate in a benzodiazepine? Seems fentanyl would be more than $1 which is a bulk price for 2mg Xanax bar ugl pressed (unless u get Mercurius 100x 4mg Double Pressed Hulks they are $2.20) I get the combo idea and synergy of opiates and benzodiazepine, but never heard this before. Just fyi, benzos and opiates are addictive as heck, don't do drugs!

They do this without telling the consumer. The drug dealer is making more money by doing.

Same concept with the cutting of coke, meth etc with fent. Not about the user, it’s about the mighty dollar who sells the drugs.

If I can cut the drug with fent and double my profits, as a dealer most will do it.

In Chicago and other cities they are actually handing out the antidote to fent to drug users on the streets Incase they accidentally use a drug that was cut with fent... it’s that bad right now.
It’s really not as scary as people make it out to be. You have to be responsible with it just like anything else. If you do some research on it some guys say “don’t touch it your gonna die” and others say “it’s an effective drug as long as you use it responsibly”. I made my own determination. And that is it’s an effective drug as long as it’s used right. The sides can be vicious for sure. You just have to find the right dose that works best for you.
And just to add to the enema convo. Nothing outways a Colombian coffee enema. Clean as a whistle after that!

This seems like a very dangerous mix of conversations. DNP and enemas :eek:

Just to clarify, nobody do a DNP enema! :confused::):(