PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Bro yes I’ll be using hcg to kickstart my pct. I didn’t mean I was gonna use it while on my pct. I’m going to use the hcg prior to taking any nolva or clomid. You should prob clarify if something doesn’t sound completely right before you pull the nuts card. Just saying
umm I don't know if were reading each others posts right.. if I remember (I don't feel like going back and quoting but I will if I have to ;) ) u said"ull be using during pct" hence why I clarified.. and my post didn't say you are nuts?? it said itll kick start ur nuts.. no comma there ..
Hey buddy. Just wanted to let you know you might have misread what he said. He didn’t say you were nuts. He’s implying kick starting your nuts using hcg. I forget the science. HPTA comes to mind but it’s late and I’m not looking it up but that’s what hcg does it gets your boys back online to start the process. It’s like warming up the engine after it’s been in the cold for awhile.
hcg mimicks leutinizing hormone.. wich is the chemical signal to turn em on!!!
Fwiw , in the future just buy pvdf or ptfe and then your covered no matter what solvent or ratio you use . Nylon are ok just make sure they say specifically that they are chemical resistant because some are but some arent , or at least thats what ive seen . I dont know if its just assumed that they are all chem resistant , but i dont know why some are marked CR and some arent ?

I always buy 10+ pvdf at a time because its alot cheaper then buying singles . Then youre good if you end up needing eo or guaiacol in any of your brews . Im not completely sure but i think pvdf and ptfe are the only ones that are safe to use EO with ? Dont quote me on that though lol?!
u are plethora of info my friend.. may u live forever.. cuz I'm gonna need ur help on the quest to be the biggest baddest mothafucka on stage!!
u are plethora of info my friend.. may u live forever.. cuz I'm gonna need ur help on the quest to be the biggest baddest mothafucka on stage!!

I just like to read alot and experiment on myself ( and other when theyll let me :eek::D) so ive pick up a good bit of info along the way ... I try to help where I can on topics im knowledge and experienced with , and sit back and shut my mouth when Im not . So i just sound more knowledgeable than i actually am ;):)
So I had a mess up with a shipment ordered 140g of test prop and only got 15 grams.
I was quite pissed off at first and with the way most labs have responded before I wasn’t expecting anything.

A few days later I was told they will reship it after the holidays.
I will keep everyone posted but so far so good! Can’t complain!
The best part was I messaged the rep here on meso and he told me if they give me any issues to talk to him. Straight up good guys.
Probably be out for awhile if not indefinitely I know that would be to much heat for my liking.
I always liked him don't know about any of the new guy's.

Honestly I really don't know for certain. I know a few people have said he's still accepting orders n responding thru email. In all reality he's halfway around the world from the local remailer so there's not much LE could really do to him. But is it worth taking the risk?
Honestly I really don't know for certain. I know a few people have said he's still accepting orders n responding thru email. In all reality he's halfway around the world from the local remailer so there's not much LE could really do to him. But is it worth taking the risk?
shit.. if le is on him.. I would not be contacting him or any affiliate..
that's just more evidence for u and him..
If a test 500 can mistakenly be mislabeled as 250. Makes you wonder if a test 250 sticker Could get thrown on a mast or primo vial. Could really be havoc. I remember that guy got sent halo instead of adex or something. Glad people are sending stuff off.
If a test 500 can mistakenly be mislabeled as 250. Makes you wonder if a test 250 sticker Could get thrown on a mast or primo vial. Could really be havoc. I remember that guy got sent halo instead of adex or something. Glad people are sending stuff off.
Meant primo sticker thrown on a test vial.