PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey guys, been a while since I last been on here. Was looking at this source and got through maybe 40 pages. Seemed okay on those 40 pages but this thread has 1000+ pages and no way I'm going to be able read all of it. Is this source gtg? I saw when I was skipping through there was a hair in a vial, was that taken care of?
The hair was sent back to the owner.

Hey guys, been a while since I last been on here. Was looking at this source and got through maybe 40 pages. Seemed okay on those 40 pages but this thread has 1000+ pages and no way I'm going to be able read all of it. Is this source gtg? I saw when I was skipping through there was a hair in a vial, was that taken care of?
No one will give you a good to go around here.
I can suggest following what's happening currently that should help you make an informed decision.
The reason for that is this or any source can shit the bed pretty quick.
^^This a source is only as good as their last product sent out. It can belly up any time. Always be wary, sensible, and realistic.

That said I'm going to give an update on my previous order. I only have like 5 posts or something so you can easily find it.

I did NOT test the powders so I can't tell you all the actual validity whether it's legit or not. But you can take my anecdote. (You should assume I'm lying to you though.)

Running test/tren/deca. With letrozole/anastrozole as AIs. I definitely got hardcore night sweats and morning nausea. As well as it being a nice juicy orange on the brew with the tren. My junk is working overtime so something has to be test. The deca, I'm more "unsure" of. I'm running it only 200mg/w for joint relief. I have been having crispy smooth elbows these last couple weeks but that could be unrelated.It could legit be luck. That said, If the tren and test are on point though, I don't see why the deca wouldn't.
IF I don't take the AI's for a couple days I do get itchy nips. The alledged AIs definitely clear it up and it goes away. It appears legit to me

Overall I'm def pleased with ppl. I will reiterate I DID NOT TEST ANYTHING. And also yes, it took over 50 days from order to received but yeah that's how shit goes down in the illegal drug buying town. Sometimes it's just luck, fam. When all is said and done, I'm satisfied enough to make a second larger order.
Anyone have personal experience with ppl’s domestic primo Ace raws? I know it’s faked a lot and before I drop the cash I wanna know what’s up.. thanks guys
Anyone have personal experience with ppl’s domestic primo Ace raws? I know it’s faked a lot and before I drop the cash I wanna know what’s up.. thanks guys
I didnt get it tested but its was legit from my experience...

Edit : I made an injectable solution with it and it was potent . Pip was pretty rough , test flu every single time id shoot it , basically all the terrible side effects you hear about the injectable ace having ...
I didnt get it tested but its was legit from my experience...

Edit : I made an injectable solution with it and it was potent . Pip was pretty rough , test flu every single time id shoot it , basically all the terrible side effects you hear about the injectable ace having ...
Thanks man, I’m going to give it go. I will be prepared for the sides.. never used primo before but some guys say it’s worth it so why not. Now if I’m running Tren Ace and test rn could I throw some mast p in with the primo or am I wasting gear?
Hey guys, been a while since I last been on here. Was looking at this source and got through maybe 40 pages. Seemed okay on those 40 pages but this thread has 1000+ pages and no way I'm going to be able read all of it. Is this source gtg? I saw when I was skipping through there was a hair in a vial, was that taken care of?

GTG in the sense that are very reliable in sending product, when they get your money. Also the rep here steps in very often to help with always keeping the ball rolling if a problem arises.
But as others would tell you, GTG, never extends to the point that mistakes don't happen with all sources, and every order has potential to go bad in a hurry.
GTG in the sense that are very reliable in sending product, when they get your money. Also the rep here steps in very often to help with always keeping the ball rolling if a problem arises.
But as others would tell you, GTG, never extends to the point that mistakes don't happen with all sources, and every order has potential to go bad in a hurry.

You've been reading and paying attention. Good on you!
Wish more new members would do the same.
Thanks man, I’m going to give it go. I will be prepared for the sides.. never used primo before but some guys say it’s worth it so why not. Now if I’m running Tren Ace and test rn could I throw some mast p in with the primo or am I wasting gear?
I would just go with mast or primo , theyre very similar and you wont see much difference using both at the same time imo ( maybe other than the rate at which you go bald lol ) ... so yeah a waste imo .
GTG in the sense that are very reliable in sending product, when they get your money. Also the rep here steps in very often to help with always keeping the ball rolling if a problem arises.
But as others would tell you, GTG, never extends to the point that mistakes don't happen with all sources, and every order has potential to go bad in a hurry.
Yeah I leaned that with Astro labs years ago, one day he was legit af and everyone thought he was a god source that would be around forever, then he started underdosing. It's why I was asking is ppls is still good after all this time since it seems they got started here last year.
Would like to get some feedback on my cut stack. Running 150mgtest-e/300mgtren-e for the first 2 weeks then add 500mg primo-e from week 3-12. Been cruising on 150test/150tren so it shuldnt take long to get fully saturated with the tren. Shuld i up the tren to 400mg or keep at 300mg? Is it smart to add the primo in week 3 or shuld i start it now? Highest ive ran tren was 200mg pw on a bulk.

Stats 5'7 180lbs 16-17% bf
Would like to get some feedback on my cut stack. Running 150mgtest-e/300mgtren-e for the first 2 weeks then add 500mg primo-e from week 3-12. Been cruising on 150test/150tren so it shuldnt take long to get fully saturated with the tren. Shuld i up the tren to 400mg or keep at 300mg? Is it smart to add the primo in week 3 or shuld i start it now? Highest ive ran tren was 200mg pw on a bulk.

Stats 5'7 180lbs 16-17% bf
lol. How old are you?