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Did you hear something about him not testing anymore. I spoke to him a few weeks ago but when I tried to pursue testing I got no response.

"Navy Chief" posted this elsewhere.

You will need to translate from Czech to English.

The student used a university lab to test steroids. And he earned thousands
illustrative photo
Stock Photos
today 03:42 A talented pupil, who is overwhelmed by his professors, at night, Analyzer, who is testing steroids on a commissioned basis in university laboratories. Muscle builders, illegal in the Czech Republic.
Speech is about a 24-year-old master student of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, according to the teachers of an extremely promising chemist. But, as it turns out, also very inventive "entrepreneurs".

He decided to use the multi-million dollar equipment of the faculty to earn even tens of crowns a month. To his "clients", mostly Americans, he made steroid and growth hormone analyzes that foreigners ordered through the internet forum.

For a period of at least one year, when Peter tested at the university buildings dozens, perhaps hundreds of samples, no one noticed. The case of the University was just right. The young man now faces disciplinary proceedings for gross violation of the internal rules of the school.

The most important stage of the story (except for the faculty's laboratories) is the foreign forum MESO-RX, which is focused on steroids and growth hormones. The people who contribute and discuss there come mainly from the United States and the forum is looking for someone who reliably and honestly tests them for the substances they use.

Pull the pills separately into small plastic bags with "zip" closure
Instructions Analyzer
In other words, they are looking for someone to confirm that the products actually contain as much active substance as the vendors in the package leaflets promise.

Analyzes "under"
One of the testers until April this year was also the user, nicknamed Analyzer - highly popular on the forum, especially for low prices, which turned him more and more "customers". Since special equipment is needed for analyzes, costing several million crowns, and costs are massive, only a handful of other people in the world are engaged in similar activities.

For example, while the Swiss company SIMEC accounts for $ 290 ($ 6,200) for steroid analysis and $ 5,200 for the growth hormone test, Analyzer has attracted clients from $ 75 to $ 200 (about 1600 4300 CZK).

On his e-mail, he was also contacted by the editorial staff about a month ago. The analyst promised to conduct a total of four tests of various oral steroids for a total cost of about $ 300 (about $ 6400). Its conditions for sending the samples were as follows:

"Pack the pills separately into small plastic bags with a zipper closure. Mark the bags with numbers or letters and put them in a paper envelope, put it in a small small padded envelope and describe the content as a gift, and you can also put a gift card or a wish card. Send everything by unregistered mail, without insurance, "the Analyzer always instructed clients to pass through the customs without any problems.

Payments in bitcoins
Payment was always made after the package was received, in the virtual currency bitcoin. The target station of the consignments was Brno, namely the seat of the Masaryk University dormitory where the student Petr lives.

Since it is logical that students will not have millions of equipment on their college campuses, the only possible venue for analyzes has become the university's own laboratories.

Many of the analyzes made by the student in the background of Masaryk University are available. The first one is dated April 10, 2017. However, it is not excluded that the analyzes took place earlier. From the frequency of analyzes and samples, it is obvious that such testing was carried out by the student, as well as tens per month, exclusively at night or on weekends, when he was sure he would not be caught by the act.

According to information Rights, Peter does not suffer from a financial emergency. From college he regularly receives scholarships and grants, works on major study projects. But, in comparison with other students, his stellar career has, to a large extent, been jeopardized by this regular, significant gain at the expense of the university's code of ethics.

A disciplinary procedure shall be decided upon
It was clear from the way he had sent the samples and the secrecy he was aware that he was doing something he should not do. It is totally forbidden to use the equipment of the school for its own, even for commercial purposes and without the knowledge of professors.

I did it more to help users than for
own financial benefit
"We are giving rise to disciplinary proceedings," said Ctibor Mazal, director of the Institute of Chemistry at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, who made the decision together with the student's supervisor, Petr Klán, who confronted the student with the case.

The student allegedly confessed immediately, but only to about twenty tests. The rest should be done with a friend in Slovakia.

"I am aware that I have exceeded the ethical limits when I used the equipment of the university, on the other hand I did it more to help the users than for my own financial benefit," defended Petr Petr.

The disciplinary procedure is almost unacceptable at the Faculty of Science. According to one of the teachers there, Peter is aware that he made a mistake, he also feels sorry that he has done a shame at himself and at the whole university.

What will be the result of the commission, teachers do not dare foresee yet. However, according to the Disciplinary Code, play is a warning, conditional exclusion, or final ejection from school.
If you want to have it tested for your own personal satisfaction, and you believe the results will be accurate, then have at it, cowboy. It's your time and money.

Bringing those tests to Meso won't be as cut and dry. You're going to get backlash because many don't trust Jano, and for damn good reason.
It’s not that I want HIM to to test it but what other options are out there. I’m not saying that’s the way I’m going. I’m just looking for confirmation that mine and all of our shit is what it is.
Everybody in this world has their own agenda. I don’t really care what kind of person he is. My point is would you trust a test from him if it’s blind. What motive could he have if he’s got no idea where the sample is from. It then becomes more about his ability and accuracy of the test. Could that be trusted. What other option is there to know if you have bunk oil or raws.

Same motive he had before when he cheated.

Not actually performing the lab but taking previous labs and changing the data a little to make easy, fast money.

He’s a fraud.
It’s not that I want HIM to to test it but what other options are out there. I’m not saying that’s the way I’m going. I’m just looking for confirmation that mine and all of our shit is what it is.

Well, we're short on options at the moment. Like i said, if it's for your own personal use, and you absolutely feel the need to test, it'll come down to how much you trust the results.

When it comes to Jano, i believe he knows what he's doing and is capable of testing, but for me personally, he blew it with the ludicrous lies that he told to Mands. That's just my personal feelings, of course, and everyone should come to their own conclusions after reading everything that was posted on this subject.
Mixed reviews?????

He’s a liar, plain and simple. It is proven and documented. Why are people even bringing his name up still???

Who cares if he has the ability to do what he says. He provided fraudulent lab testing results in the past and lied about it for a year and a half for the purpose of manipulating meso members in the direction that HE chooses to send them via positive lab results he provides.

In this dark world of illegal drugs (despite the general positive nature of those who utilize PEDs) there can be underhanded business going on if a proven liar of fraudulent lab results starts providing testing for this community.

*Behind the scenes one lab orders a “hit” on another lab. So they pay the hitman (Jano) to provide unfavorable lab results. Jano makes a killing and the legit lab gets slandered.*

*Behind the scenes one lab starts sending out bunk HGH. To cover it up they pay Jano to provide favorable lab testing results. Jano makes a killing and the lab gets to continue providing bunk HGH*

I should mention that these examples are REAL and already played out in real life. I can link to the threads where Jano’s results determined the fate of the lab and his results are NOT VALID!
Well for one thing, members generally don't believe lab results posted by labs.
I really don’t want to do this with you again. So let’s put the past in the past and look at the present. I have raws and finished that I would like to get tested. What are my options then besides bloods that would really only show me how my body is handling external test. How do you know Besides test that the stuff you are taking is legit. Feels and results are great indicators but not definitive proof of the quality.

It's all very relevant as it points to a pattern of bad judgement . Maybe you're too eager. Either way Jano has already show his hand, it's not to be trusted .

To answer your question, how do I know? I don't use sketchy sources and I get bloodwork. And when that source seems to sketch, I bail . Because they're not my Bros or friend .

If you wanna use him, that's your choice . Just don't expect alot of acceptance of the results
I get it. Thanks for responding. I guess I’m just disappointed that not only do I feel that the results can not be trusted but if it’s not going to benefit anyone here either then it’s not worth it. Just sucks that we don’t have good ways to find out the truth about what’s really being bought from this lab or any other.
It's all very relevant as it points to a pattern of bad judgement . Maybe you're too eager. Either way Jano has already show his hand, it's not to be trusted .

To answer your question, how do I know? I don't use sketchy sources and I get bloodwork. And when that source seems to sketch, I bail . Because they're not my Bros or friend .

If you wanna use him, that's your choice . Just don't expect alot of acceptance of the results
Of course I’m eager. It helps me as much as it helps everyone else but it’s not worth it if the test is bullshit or won’t matter to the people here. At that point if no one will benefit then fuck it.
Of course I’m eager. It helps me as much as it helps everyone else but it’s not worth it if the test is bullshit or won’t matter to the people here. At that point if no one will benefit then fuck it.

No . No it doesn't because Jano isn't trustable. Remember what he did to Mands. His whole attitude screams scammer. This is a dirty game man . Lots of underhanded shit goes down. You're WAY too eager to trust these guys .
Everybody in this world has their own agenda. I don’t really care what kind of person he is. My point is would you trust a test from him if it’s blind. What motive could he have if he’s got no idea where the sample is from. It then becomes more about his ability and accuracy of the test. Could that be trusted. What other option is there to know if you have bunk oil or raws.

Your logic is to try to contain him. Similar to domesticating a wild animal. Sure! You can live with a tiger in your living room. And it may be just fine for a while. Until that day comes when he eats your children in their sleep.
Your logic is to try to contain him. Similar to domesticating a wild animal. Sure! You can live with a tiger in your living room. And it may be just fine for a while. Until that day comes when he eats your children in their sleep.

Hmmm, get rid of the children and have a beautiful beast that would easily be the center of attention when friends or Jehovah's witnesses stop by? Sounds like a win, win. :D
No . No it doesn't because Jano isn't trustable. Remember what he did to Mands. His whole attitude screams scammer. This is a dirty game man . Lots of underhanded shit goes down. You're WAY too eager to trust these guys .
Dude this is the same shit going on between us like last time. READ MY FUCKING POST. I literally just said I’m eager to help but not at the cost of possibly swaying people here into a bad choice. Im not trusting anyone. That’s why I asked you and everyone else what they thought.
Your logic is to try to contain him. Similar to domesticating a wild animal. Sure! You can live with a tiger in your living room. And it may be just fine for a while. Until that day comes when he eats your children in their sleep.
My logic PRIOR to everyone’s input was a blind test can’t be altered. However after all the input and the possibility of just basically photoshopping a good test then fuck no im not going to waste my time and money. Plus like I’ve said before I’m here for you guys as much as my self. No way would I consider getting tests done if I thought it could hurt rather than help.
My logic PRIOR to everyone’s input was a blind test can’t be altered. However after all the input and the possibility of just basically photoshopping a good test then fuck no im not going to waste my time and money. Plus like I’ve said before I’m here for you guys as much as my self. No way would I consider getting tests done if I thought it could hurt rather than help.
Don't over think it. If the results make you more comfortable using the raws, more power to you. We are in a difficult situation right now with the lack of testing options, and it's just one piece of data