PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I really don’t want to do this with you again. So let’s put the past in the past and look at the present. I have raws and finished that I would like to get tested. What are my options then besides bloods that would really only show me how my body is handling external test. How do you know Besides test that the stuff you are taking is legit. Feels and results are great indicators but not definitive proof of the quality.

It’s not that I want HIM to to test it but what other options are out there. I’m not saying that’s the way I’m going. I’m just looking for confirmation that mine and all of our shit is what it is.

Who turned him over is the main question... wonder if it was a rival who also lives in czech ? You know... his compitition that you are thinking of using.

While Jano being competition is a logical answer...have you even considered sources wanting Analyzer gone?
Before Analyzer there wasn't a lower cost testing option available. I know I busted a source for a shitty product. Maybe he fucked Analyzer. Sources use to make a living off "Gym guys" who didn't know much about bloods and testing. The "feel".
I see many sides to this that sources would've wanted him gone just as much as Jano.

Don't say moronic things with out thinking them through and this won't happen. 90% of what you say is foolhardy at best, the Jano stuff is dangerous . You're not helping. Actually you're putting people in jeopardy. Don't get all wrassled when you publicly fuck and get called on. Move along, this is done.

So you know...Jano consulted with a source I use to review Analyzers testings. He is knowledgeable about things, and he can read the data to understand the questions to ask and how to criticize the tests.

He did a great job consulting that lead to a retest, and recalculation of the original test...catching errors made by Analyzer.

But again the other side is how much he can be trusted..just saying that knowledge does exist that he has.
While Jano being competition is a logical answer...have you even considered sources wanting Analyzer gone?
Before Analyzer there wasn't a lower cost testing option available. I know I busted a source for a shitty product. Maybe he fucked Analyzer. Sources use to make a living off "Gym guys" who didn't know much about bloods and testing. The "feel".
I see many sides to this that sources would've wanted him gone just as much as Jano.

So you know...Jano consulted with a source I use to review Analyzers testings. He is knowledgeable about things, and he can read the data to understand the questions to ask and how to criticize the tests.

He did a great job consulting that lead to a retest, and recalculation of the original test...catching errors made by Analyzer.

But again the other side is how much he can be trusted..just saying that knowledge does exist that he has.

Don’t think anyone is arguing that he doesn’t have knowledge and lots of it.

It’s the fact he is a fraud and has been caught.
Again you backed up what my point was in this post. Look at his post history. He has zero clue to what jano has done from ignorance.

Many will use this scammer just like people use scamming labs for roids. But they would not use knowing what he has done.
There's a fine line between informing and trying to bully a member into making a decision.
Is that suppose to be an insult?

Who is Felicia ?

Some 12 year old super star boy band? Try to contribute something to this board other than banter.
You argue that people don't know Janos issues. But @Thegreek does and was still considering using him. Then the meso mob mentality basically attacked him and changed his mind. If that's what you consider contributing to this board, I'll never be contributing.
You argue that people don't know Janos issues. But @Thegreek does and was still considering using him. Then the meso mob mentality basically attacked him and changed his mind. If that's what you consider contributing to this board, I'll never be contributing.

Then please don’t ever contribute! We are simply warning others of the risks of a proven bad situation! I would certainly hope that there is a mob mentality when it comes to right and wrong. It’s called moral duty.

Your mentality is hey let the kid shoot up heroin because he thinks the risks are ok. No! The kid needs an intervention from the “mob mentality.”

But not you. You are the guy that chimes into threads to point out that Jano didn’t pay the shipping fee to defend him of a $20 shipping charge misunderstanding, meanwhile there are MUCH bigger issues at play when it comes to him. Your .02 cents to defend every source is beginning to show.
My point was forget the drama and bullshit. If he tests sample x from me and doesn’t know me or where the sample came from or the ugl. Just a straight up test of a finished oil or raw can the test be trusted and accurate.
I'm going to use jano myself I think everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs.
I know I have screwed up before and I am thankful others give me a chance to do so.
I don't like the way he handled it but we have already had words about it.
I can't say what you or anyone else should do but that's my 2 cents on it.
I know each and every member here has at one time or another done something we weren't proud of but we got a chance to fix it so for myself I'm giving him a shot if something went down and I thought he wasn't being honest to me I would put him on blast and move on.
Then please don’t ever contribute! We are simply warning others of the risks of a proven bad situation! I would certainly hope that there is a mob mentality when it comes to right and wrong. It’s called moral duty.

Your mentality is hey let the kid shoot up heroin because he thinks the risks are ok. No! The kid needs an intervention from the “mob mentality.”

But not you. You are the guy that chimes into threads to point out that Jano didn’t pay the shipping fee to defend him of a $20 shipping charge misunderstanding, meanwhile there are MUCH bigger issues at play when it comes to him. Your .02 cents to defend every source is beginning to show.
I chimed in to keep things accurate. Shouldn't one make their decision based off the facts?
I'm going to use jano myself I think everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs.
I know I have screwed up before and I am thankful others give me a chance to do so.
I don't like the way he handled it but we have already had words about it.
I can't say what you or anyone else should do but that's my 2 cents on it.
I know each and every member here has at one time or another done something we weren't proud of but we got a chance to fix it so for myself I'm giving him a shot if something went down and I thought he wasn't being honest to me I would put him on blast and move on.

You work for a source. I’m sure you would use Jano. You are his prime customer. A LAB itself!
I chimed in to keep things accurate. Shouldn't one make their decision based off the facts?

You always chime in on the side of the source. ALWAYS. So don’t come here bashing us for telling people to be weary of a source or lab testing service when WE are promoting facts as well.
You always chime in on the side of the source. ALWAYS. So don’t come here bashing us for telling people to be weary of a source or lab testing service when WE are promoting facts as well.
They pay me well to chime in on their behalfs.:rolleyes:

No one's bashing. I gave my opionio, and was told my opinion was essentially wrong. MY OPINION. HOW could an opinion be wrong, it's an opinion. It's wrong because it goes against the meso mob thats why.
They pay me well to chime in on their behalfs.:rolleyes:

No one's bashing. I gave my opionio, and was told my opinion was essentially wrong. MY OPINION. HOW could an opinion be wrong, it's an opinion. It's wrong because it goes against the meso mob thats why.
No it may be wrong because your post history has made you lose credibility.