PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I thought this was over but since it’s apparent that’s its not and I kinda kicked it off I feel the need to clarify. Analyzer wasn’t answering me. Now I know why. Whoever it was posted lab results from jano. I knew about some issues but not the details. I was considering him but I wanted everyone’s input because that’s what we do here. So I asked. I don’t feel I was bullied or mob mentality was used. I was looking for a way to inform my self and others about the gear we use but after all the info provided I can’t in good conscience send samples to someone that isn’t trusted. At first it was well he can’t alter a test based on the raw supplier because he won’t know and that is a legitimate test. However if the possibility remains that he may not even test it and falsely provide results than fuck that. That hurts me and everyone else who then uses false info to potentially buy garbage. On top of the fact that 10 samples would be like 700$. No fucking way am I spending that to get potentially wrong info. There isn’t enough right to out weigh the wrong. I made my decision based on information not bullying. I can’t see how someone would risk getting that kind of bad info for that kind of money. To me it’s a pretty simple and logical choice I made.
I thought this was over but since it’s apparent that’s its not and I kinda kicked it off I feel the need to clarify. Analyzer wasn’t answering me. Now I know why. Whoever it was posted lab results from jano. I knew about some issues but not the details. I was considering him but I wanted everyone’s input because that’s what we do here. So I asked. I don’t feel I was bullied or mob mentality was used. I was looking for a way to inform my self and others about the gear we use but after all the info provided I can’t in good conscience send samples to someone that isn’t trusted. At first it was well he can’t alter a test based on the raw supplier because he won’t know and that is a legitimate test. However if the possibility remains that he may not even test it and falsely provide results than fuck that. That hurts me and everyone else who then uses false info to potentially buy garbage. On top of the fact that 10 samples would be like 700$. No fucking way am I spending that to get potentially wrong info. There isn’t enough right to out weigh the wrong. I made my decision based on information not bullying. I can’t see how someone would risk getting that kind of bad info for that kind of money. To me it’s a pretty simple and logical choice I made.

Even with the blind testing, if you send him dbol and he tells you it's 98% pure dbol. That's great. If you send him dbol, and he tells you it's 98% pure drol, who are you supposed to believe, him or the source?

That's the main reason I wouldn't use any testing, analyzer or jano(simec maybe if I were rich) unless you can interpret the raw data it takes a certain amount of blind faith to believe the testing.
I thought this was over but since it’s apparent that’s its not and I kinda kicked it off I feel the need to clarify. Analyzer wasn’t answering me. Now I know why. Whoever it was posted lab results from jano. I knew about some issues but not the details. I was considering him but I wanted everyone’s input because that’s what we do here. So I asked. I don’t feel I was bullied or mob mentality was used. I was looking for a way to inform my self and others about the gear we use but after all the info provided I can’t in good conscience send samples to someone that isn’t trusted. At first it was well he can’t alter a test based on the raw supplier because he won’t know and that is a legitimate test. However if the possibility remains that he may not even test it and falsely provide results than fuck that. That hurts me and everyone else who then uses false info to potentially buy garbage. On top of the fact that 10 samples would be like 700$. No fucking way am I spending that to get potentially wrong info. There isn’t enough right to out weigh the wrong. I made my decision based on information not bullying. I can’t see how someone would risk getting that kind of bad info for that kind of money. To me it’s a pretty simple and logical choice I made.
Nothing wrong with how you asked for feedback bud.
It's up to everyone to make their own decisions how ever they feel they should.
I thought this was over but since it’s apparent that’s its not and I kinda kicked it off I feel the need to clarify. Analyzer wasn’t answering me. Now I know why. Whoever it was posted lab results from jano. I knew about some issues but not the details. I was considering him but I wanted everyone’s input because that’s what we do here. So I asked. I don’t feel I was bullied or mob mentality was used. I was looking for a way to inform my self and others about the gear we use but after all the info provided I can’t in good conscience send samples to someone that isn’t trusted. At first it was well he can’t alter a test based on the raw supplier because he won’t know and that is a legitimate test. However if the possibility remains that he may not even test it and falsely provide results than fuck that. That hurts me and everyone else who then uses false info to potentially buy garbage. On top of the fact that 10 samples would be like 700$. No fucking way am I spending that to get potentially wrong info. There isn’t enough right to out weigh the wrong. I made my decision based on information not bullying. I can’t see how someone would risk getting that kind of bad info for that kind of money. To me it’s a pretty simple and logical choice I made.
Nothing wrong with how you asked for feedback bud.
It's up to everyone to make their own decisions how ever they feel they should.
There's a fine line between informing and trying to bully a member into making a decision.
There's also a very bold line between being able to incorporate outside information into your decision making and not having the confidence and self esteem to make your own choice.
If he got "bullied" into changing his mind like you said, the guy needs to get off the internet before he kills himself.

Even with the blind testing, if you send him dbol and he tells you it's 98% pure dbol. That's great. If you send him dbol, and he tells you it's 98% pure drol, who are you supposed to believe, him or the source?

That's the main reason I wouldn't use any testing, analyzer or jano(simec maybe if I were rich) unless you can interpret the raw data it takes a certain amount of blind faith to believe the testing.
I agree with you completely but blind faith is based on zero info. That’s why it’s called blind faith. The info I got was negative. No need for blind faith now because there is no faith in an accurate test.
There's also a very bold line between being able to incorporate outside information into your decision making and not having the confidence and self esteem to make your own choice.
If he got "bullied" into changing his mind like you said, the guy needs to get off the internet before he kills himself.
If you are referring to me go back and read my posts and while you’re at it take your 20 posts and your opinions and go fuck yourself if you think I’m the kind of person who would put any personal weight into an Internet forum and kill myself. You don’t know shit about me.
I'm going to use jano myself I think everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs.
I know I have screwed up before and I am thankful others give me a chance to do so.
I don't like the way he handled it but we have already had words about it.
I can't say what you or anyone else should do but that's my 2 cents on it.
I know each and every member here has at one time or another done something we weren't proud of but we got a chance to fix it so for myself I'm giving him a shot if something went down and I thought he wasn't being honest to me I would put him on blast and move on.

I'm sorry, but stow that bullshit. "right their wrongs"? That's not how this world works . Once you're proven a scammer, you're dog shit . See around here we stick up for the good guys. We don't give POS scammers a second chance. I'd expect nothing less though out of you. Same lab that used a bath tub sketch job to brew it's oils. Knowing that he was a Sketcher . You put all your customers health at risk to make a buck .

It's AMAZING that there are labs that have been around for YEARS without any major hick ups . No bunk gear . No hairs in vials . No untrusted Brewers. ND then there's guys like you . No wonder you'd want to use Jano .
There's also a very bold line between being able to incorporate outside information into your decision making and not having the confidence and self esteem to make your own choice.
If he got "bullied" into changing his mind like you said, the guy needs to get off the internet before he kills himself.
Bullied wasn't the right wording. Conform to the mob mentality is more accurate. He was on the fence, they persuaded him to their side.
If you are referring to me go back and read my posts and while you’re at it take your 20 posts and your opinions and go fuck yourself if you think I’m the kind of person who would put any personal weight into an Internet forum and kill myself. You don’t know shit about me.
I think everyone takes this forum shit too serious.
Bullied wasn't the right wording. Conform to the mob mentality is more accurate. He was on the fence, they persuaded him to their side.

Love how when you get called out you start the whole “ mob” mentality thing. No one persuaded him.It was only you trying to persuade him to use them calling people bullies because people didn’t agree with you.
I'm going to use jano myself I think everyone deserves a chance to right their wrongs.
I know I have screwed up before and I am thankful others give me a chance to do so.
I don't like the way he handled it but we have already had words about it.
I can't say what you or anyone else should do but that's my 2 cents on it.
I know each and every member here has at one time or another done something we weren't proud of but we got a chance to fix it so for myself I'm giving him a shot if something went down and I thought he wasn't being honest to me I would put him on blast and move on.

Something is in it for panda then. Because there is no way to give that pos a second chance.

I’ve never scammed anyone. Never taken money to knowingly CHEAT and LIE. That’s a huge issue.

It’s not like he was 7 and took a five cent piece of bubble gum. He took large sums of money and falsified the information and lied about it
If you are referring to me go back and read my posts and while you’re at it take your 20 posts and your opinions and go fuck yourself if you think I’m the kind of person who would put any personal weight into an Internet forum and kill myself. You don’t know shit about me.
? I didn't say you were or that I knew you. Calm down.
Love how when you get called out you start the whole “ mob” mentality thing. No one persuaded him.It was only you trying to persuade him to use them calling people bullies because people didn’t agree with you.
Don't put words in my mouth. I never told him to use jano. I said who cares what meso thinks, if it would help him.
Bullied wasn't the right wording. Conform to the mob mentality is more accurate. He was on the fence, they persuaded him to their side.
Definitely wasn’t bullied and I still don’t see mob mentality. I wasn’t attacked or at least I didn’t feel that way. The only person that I could say anything about is @Robfromga and that’s only because him and I have a stupid way of communicating that we are saying the same thing and sometimes that gets lost in the bullshit.
I'll throw in my 2 cents about the jano situation (probably regret it). Right now we don't have any other way to do testing, if someone wants to send him stuff and post the results, I'll take it as another piece of data in my purchasing decision, and go on with life. Suppose I'm being self centered