PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'll throw in my 2 cents about the jano situation (probably regret it). Right now we don't have any other way to do testing, if someone wants to send him stuff and post the results, I'll take it as another piece of data in my purchasing decision, and go on with life. Suppose I'm being self centered
WHAT. Die mother fucker die mother fucker die. How dare you you go against us gods of meso. You will regret this. How dare you. You can’t use jano. He’s trash. A scammer. Don’t even consider it. Fuck off you fool.

That’s bulling. If 10 other people say the same that’s mob mentality. Besides that he’s making his choice same way I did mine.

Didn’t mean any of that buddy. Just trying to make a point and throw in some FFDP lyrics while I’m at it. I respect your choice.
Bullied wasn't the right wording. Conform to the mob mentality is more accurate. He was on the fence, they persuaded him to their side.

No. i believe everyone that replied provided their feelings on the matter, just like they would in any other discussion.

The facts regarding Jano's mess, a mess that he himself created, are written in stone in multiple threads. Whether you're of the forgiving type or not, you can't change history.

If you want to test with him, by all means, that's your choice, but if you make your results public to the community, don't expect everyone to have the same opinions and feelings as you have.
If you want to test with him, by all means, that's your choice, but if you make your results public to the community, don't expect everyone to have the same opinions and feelings as you have.

That's basically what I said. If it helps him out, why should he care what the consensus says.
don't expect everyone to have the same opinions and feelings as you have.

I'm taking it you are speaking in general and not specifically about me. I respect everyone's opinions, can't say that for many here. As well, I've never advocated for jano, my opinion is solely that if testing would help someone they should do it for themselves, and not for any other reason.
I'm taking it you are speaking in general and not specifically about me. I respect everyone's opinions, can't say that for many here. As well, I've never advocated for jano, my opinion is solely that if testing would help someone they should do it for themselves, and not for any other reason.
Barring the comments about bullying and mob mentality and all that. I understand where you are coming from and what you have been trying to say but be honest. Given the information at hand would you feel comfortable sending him a sample. Would you trust it knowing what you know.
Barring the comments about bullying and mob mentality and all that. I understand where you are coming from and what you have been trying to say but be honest. Given the information at hand would you feel comfortable sending him a sample. Would you trust it knowing what you know.
I would not. But I would not have been comfortable sending it to analyzer either. Being a layman, i have no way of knowing or validating any results they would give me. Simec being a legit company might be the only one id trust but it's not cost effective.

That plus the issues is enough for me not to use his services.
I'm taking it you are speaking in general and not specifically about me. I respect everyone's opinions, can't say that for many here. As well, I've never advocated for jano, my opinion is solely that if testing would help someone they should do it for themselves, and not for any other reason.

That's what i told him.
I think intent is all that matters. Mistakes happen in all walks of life. Yet, if he intentionally misled someone that was going to then put that product in his body. He deserves no second chance. A doctor would not get a second chance, and that's after investing 10 years of post schooling.
Something is in it for panda then. Because there is no way to give that pos a second chance.

I’ve never scammed anyone. Never taken money to knowingly CHEAT and LIE. That’s a huge issue.

It’s not like he was 7 and took a five cent piece of bubble gum. He took large sums of money and falsified the information and lied about it
I said nothing about panda using anyone last conversation we had he's talking with simec for his testing.
I personally don't have that option at the moment it looks like there's no other options which has me kinda wondering wtf.
No I just know he mentioned inquiring with them so it's not a done deal.
I will update the thread if it's going to happen tho.
That will be nice especially with what is going on with the testing options for us. I'm probably going back on soon Still have a decent amount of your products Going to run a test c, tren e, and mast e, cycle with dbol on the back end. It will be my first run using mast so I'm excited to see how that goes. Just want to rehab the shoulder some more.
That will be nice especially with what is going on with the testing options for us. I'm probably going back on soon Still have a decent amount of your products Going to run a test c, tren e, and mast e, cycle with dbol on the back end. It will be my first run using mast so I'm excited to see how that goes. Just want to rehab the shoulder some more.
You mentioned rehab I received some bpc 157 with a gh order I haven’t ever used it but the more I learned about it.
I decided to.
Good for helping heal injuries.
Any of you guy's have experience with it?
I said nothing about panda using anyone last conversation we had he's talking with simec for his testing.
I personally don't have that option at the moment it looks like there's no other options which has me kinda wondering wtf.
Of course, the question becomes how to test hgh, as simec and chemtox dont perform those tests
That will be nice especially with what is going on with the testing options for us. I'm probably going back on soon Still have a decent amount of your products Going to run a test c, tren e, and mast e, cycle with dbol on the back end. It will be my first run using mast so I'm excited to see how that goes. Just want to rehab the shoulder some more.

It would be nice, but it would be nearly useless. The source sending in his own product? That's the oldest trick in the book. Test the good stuff, sell the junk . Then when someone complains, point out the excellent product tested .