PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Dude this is the same shit going on between us like last time. READ MY FUCKING POST. I literally just said I’m eager to help but not at the cost of possibly swaying people here into a bad choice. Im not trusting anyone. That’s why I asked you and everyone else what they thought.

Don't say moronic things with out thinking them through and this won't happen. 90% of what you say is foolhardy at best, the Jano stuff is dangerous . You're not helping. Actually you're putting people in jeopardy. Don't get all wrassled when you publicly fuck and get called on. Move along, this is done.
Don't say moronic things with out thinking them through and this won't happen. 90% of what you say is foolhardy at best, the Jano stuff is dangerous . You're not helping. Actually you're putting people in jeopardy. Don't get all wrassled when you publicly fuck and get called on. Move along, this is done.
Lol, it sounds like he's agreeing with you and you're arguing with each other. Hate to see 2 good guys arguing when from what I can tell, they are basically agreeing with each other
Lol, it sounds like he's agreeing with you and you're arguing with each other. Hate to see 2 good guys arguing when from what I can tell, they are basically agreeing with each other

Where's the hug emoji when you need it.
Don't over think it. If the results make you more comfortable using the raws, more power to you. We are in a difficult situation right now with the lack of testing options, and it's just one piece of data

Finally a voice of reason.

@Thegreek if it helps you and you trust the blind sample process, then go for it. Who cares if it helps anyone else. Just do it for yourself, like others aren't using him for their own reasons.
Don't over think it. If the results make you more comfortable using the raws, more power to you. We are in a difficult situation right now with the lack of testing options, and it's just one piece of data
Well they certainly aren’t making me comfortable now. Lack of testing options was exactly my reasoning but if the only option is unreliable then there is no point. Especially if it could do more harm then good.
Finally a voice of reason.

@Thegreek if it helps you and you trust the blind sample process, then go for it. Who cares if it helps anyone else. Just do it for yourself, like others aren't using him for their own reasons.

Changing numbers from previous samples sent in isn’t really a blind sample.. this is what he was caught doing. Our own reason is he was CAUGHT lying and deceiving people. Key word CAUGHT.

No one should feel comfortable sending a thing to the dude because it’s NOT a blind sample.
Changing numbers from previous samples sent in isn’t really a blind sample.. this is what he was caught doing. Our own reason is he was CAUGHT lying and deceiving people. Key word CAUGHT.

No one should feel comfortable sending a thing to the dude because it’s NOT a blind sample.
Exactly you have your mind made up. Others obviously don't, hes still in business.
Changing numbers from previous samples sent in isn’t really a blind sample.. this is what he was caught doing. Our own reason is he was CAUGHT lying and deceiving people. Key word CAUGHT.

No one should feel comfortable sending a thing to the dude because it’s NOT a blind sample.
I've got a feeling it'll be like everything else around here,people complain, speak out, and than people will do what they want. No point in getting wound up.
Exactly you have your mind made up. Others obviously don't, hes still in business.

He’s still in business not because people haven’t made their mind up. It’s because they are ignorant to what he has done with fraudulent data.

Would you make your mind up and order knowing that a company lies and doesn’t actually deliver what you order? No you wouldn’t.

Would you order from a company not knowing what they do wrong from ignorance? Yes you would.

It’s not a matter of making up your mind, it’s a matter of knowing what he has done. Some do know and some do not. Don’t get those confused.
I've got a feeling it'll be like everything else around here,people complain, speak out, and than people will do what they want. No point in getting wound up.

I’m not worked up lol. But saying things like some haven’t made their mind up is just silly. It’s straight ignorance on the topic at hand is why the dude still makes money. Their is a sucker born every minute.
I’m not worked up lol. But saying things like some haven’t made their mind up is just silly. It’s straight ignorance on the topic at hand is why the dude still makes money. Their is a sucker born every minute.
You could say that about some of the sources around here
I’ve made up my mind. I’m not sending anything. Why you may ask. Well let me tell you. I asked a question. You all spoke and that’s that. I knew there were issues but didn’t know exactly. I believe that’s what this site is about. Asking and learning and most important harm reduction.
He’s still in business not because people haven’t made their mind up. It’s because they are ignorant to what he has done with fraudulent data.

Would you make your mind up and order knowing that a company lies and doesn’t actually deliver what you order? No you wouldn’t.

Would you order from a company not knowing what they do wrong from ignorance? Yes you would.

It’s not a matter of making up your mind, it’s a matter of knowing what he has done. Some do know and some do not. Don’t get those confused.
I doubt it's one reason. Members here use him and his issues are well documented.
I doubt it's one reason. Members here use him and his issues are well documented.

Who uses him here? Name some. I haven’t seen anyone in meso use him for sometime now especially after he was banned for while.

Well documented is correct. Doesn’t mean people have read the well documented pages. Again. Ignorance.
We can't but wonder, Sir, but how would that work when the majority of the samples we accept are unlabeled blind samples whose manufacturer we are not aware of?

Exactly as the samples sent from Mr. @Slab were - whom we would like to thank for doing the business with us.
Again, you weren't tagged in this thread so stay the FUCK in your own thread!This is the last time I'm gonna say it.

Wanna argue with me about it then tag me in your own thread.