PurplePandaLabs Raw source

At that time just test. It was a little more than what I normally take but definitely not high. Still like a trt dose.

Ive been on their primo for 3 weeks now. Havent had any feverish sides. Although i was having headaches a couple days a weeks for about the entire day. My bp is high tho so it could be to blaim or the tren im on.
Ive been on their primo for 3 weeks now. Havent had any feverish sides. Although i was having headaches a couple days a weeks for about the entire day. My bp is high tho so it could be to blaim or the tren im on.
The tren is the reason for the high BP and probably the headaches.
To those that I was having the Tren E vs. Tren A convo with, I have another question. I'm 6 weeks in to this Tren E cycle, can I switch to Tren A or add it in somehow? This cycle is just kinda disappointing so far. The Tren E seems so much weaker than Tren A.
Ive been on their primo for 3 weeks now. Havent had any feverish sides. Although i was having headaches a couple days a weeks for about the entire day. My bp is high tho so it could be to blaim or the tren im on.
I know this is going to take away from my problem but While we’re on the subject of you and your tren I’m just going to come out and say it. I think you’re a fucking idiot to cruise on tren and then blast it. I know I sound like a dick but you and I have had a lot of pm’s and I really don’t think you have a good understanding of brewing and using aas. I’m not veteran by any means but tren is one of the greatest compounds and also one of the worst. You are not even close to being a pro in looks or understanding. I don’t think you understand the consequences of your actions. You may not like what I’m saying but I think you should get blood work and a physical ASAP and possibly consider coming off clean and do a proper pct or trt if that’s what you NEED. When all is normal and you’re more knowledgeable on brewing and using then start a cycle again if your health is in order. Again this is not me trying to start shit with you I just don’t want you thinking there aren’t consequences to this lifestyle.
Sometimes adding something new can mess with your system a little but you wouldn't think that small of an amount would.
Yeah I’m just wondering if one had something to do with the other. Now I’m just being a bitch because I was supposed to start tonight at 2ml. I think I’ll wait till Wednesday and by then I should be ok and I’ll see what happens when I go for 2.
To those that I was having the Tren E vs. Tren A convo with, I have another question. I'm 6 weeks in to this Tren E cycle, can I switch to Tren A or add it in somehow? This cycle is just kinda disappointing so far. The Tren E seems so much weaker than Tren A.
I would stick it out just to know sure but if you’re dead set I would imagine you could taper down the E while tapering up the A. Maybe skip a week with no E and then the following week half the amount of E with half the amount of A then the 3rd week is all A and no E. Something to that effect.
I know this is going to take away from my problem but While we’re on the subject of you and your tren I’m just going to come out and say it. I think you’re a fucking idiot to cruise on tren and then blast it. I know I sound like a dick but you and I have had a lot of pm’s and I really don’t think you have a good understanding of brewing and using aas. I’m not veteran by any means but tren is one of the greatest compounds and also one of the worst. You are not even close to being a pro in looks or understanding. I don’t think you understand the consequences of your actions. You may not like what I’m saying but I think you should get blood work and a physical ASAP and possibly consider coming off clean and do a proper pct or trt if that’s what you NEED. When all is normal and you’re more knowledgeable on brewing and using then start a cycle again if your health is in order. Again this is not me trying to start shit with you I just don’t want you thinking there aren’t consequences to this lifestyle.

Not bashing or trying to be a dick (rare for me, i know) but the lad is, from his profile, 29 years old.

With age comes wisdom. At his age, i and many others were in a similar boat, with the same mode of thinking.

It wasn't until mid/late 30s that i realized, this lifestyle has consequences and that misuse/abuse could potentially shorten my life span and/or cause quality of life complications down the road.

i definitely give you kudos for trying to talk a little sense into him. i hope he takes the advice.
Not bashing or trying to be a dick (rare for me, i know) but the lad is, from his profile, 29 years old.

With age comes wisdom. At his age, i and many others were in a similar boat, with the same mode of thinking.

It wasn't until mid/late 30s that i realized, this lifestyle has consequences and that misuse/abuse could potentially shorten my life span and/or cause quality of life complications down the road.

i definitely give you kudos for trying to talk a little sense into him. i hope he takes the advice.
Thanks I hope so. I was debating on pming it but I figured if I put it out there in the open and he argues and you guys think it was out of line I would Apologize and try and pull the post. If you guys agree maybe it will help if he hears more than just me. Thanks again bro.
Not bashing or trying to be a dick (rare for me, i know) but the lad is, from his profile, 29 years old.

With age comes wisdom. At his age, i and many others were in a similar boat, with the same mode of thinking.

It wasn't until mid/late 30s that i realized, this lifestyle has consequences and that misuse/abuse could potentially shorten my life span and/or cause quality of life complications down the road.

i definitely give you kudos for trying to talk a little sense into him. i hope he takes the advice.
Damn you know ive always heard about gear having the potential to shorten our lifespan but i wasnt sure how true it is. Is it because of it possibly enlarging our heart?
I would stick it out just to know sure but if you’re dead set I would imagine you could taper down the E while tapering up the A. Maybe skip a week with no E and then the following week half the amount of E with half the amount of A then the 3rd week is all A and no E. Something to that effect.
So you would just stick it out with the E? This stuff doesn't even deserve to be called Tren. It ain't the same!
Damn you know ive always heard about gear having the potential to shorten our lifespan but i wasnt sure how true it is. Is it because of it possibly enlarging our heart?

There's many factors. Misuse/abuse can fuck up lipid profiles and blood pressure. In the long term that can lead to heart and kidney problems. Long term elevation of hematocrit/hemoglobin is another thing to consider.

While you can throw more drugs into the body to negate some of the side effects, the skinny of it is, the human body wasn't designed to keep and hold Test levels like you see during a typical blast.

Moderation is the key. Misuse/abuse of just about anything we put into our bodies can have negative effects over time.
Damn you know ive always heard about gear having the potential to shorten our lifespan but i wasnt sure how true it is. Is it because of it possibly enlarging our heart?
A retired pro BB (I'm not giving his name) who trains all the BB at the gym I lift at just had a heart attack followed by open heart surgry, he' 47 yrs old. So yes there are real dangers.
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So you would just stick it out with the E? This stuff doesn't even deserve to be called Tren. It ain't the same!
I mean ultimately it’s your call. If I brewed it myself or got it from a reliable source I would definitely consider sticking it out. If your total cycle is 12 weeks you have at least 7-8 more solid weeks in front of you. A lot can still happen
Damn you know ive always heard about gear having the potential to shorten our lifespan but i wasnt sure how true it is. Is it because of it possibly enlarging our heart?

There's many factors. Misuse/abuse can fuck up lipid profiles and blood pressure. In the long term that can lead to heart and kidney problems. Long term elevation of hematocrit/hemoglobin is another thing to consider.

While you can throw more drugs into the body to negate some of the side effects, the skinny of it is, the human body wasn't designed to keep and hold Test levels like you see during a typical blast.

Moderation is the key. Misuse/abuse of just about anything we put into our bodies can have negative effects over time.

A retired pro BB (I'm not giving his name) who trains all the BB at the gym I lift at just had a heart attack followed by open heart surgry, he' 47 yrs old. So yes there are real dangers.

A lot of people grossly underestimate the amount of extra stress that is placed on the body when you’re carrying around 20-30 pounds extra muscle.
A lot of people grossly underestimate the amount of extra stress that is placed on the body when you’re carrying around 20-30 pounds extra muscle.
It’s true

At 255 I sleep fine

At 265 I wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I’m suffocating from sleep apnea

That’s a 10 pound difference and the effects are drastic, of course the lighter I am, the better off I am, but I’ll never be super light cuz I like being a beast
I mean ultimately it’s your call. If I brewed it myself or got it from a reliable source I would definitely consider sticking it out. If your total cycle is 12 weeks you have at least 7-8 more solid weeks in front of you. A lot can still happen
It is homebrew but I just pinned 200mg of ace anyway. We'll see how it goes.