PurplePandaLabs Raw source

So guys i just wanna put this out there and be transparent ... @PurplePandaLabs Rep. has offered to sponsor me for another mouth with @Atlas_Physiques ... this will be from him personally nothing to do with ppl .... i have nothing to do with ppl in anyway ... i have ordered from them 1 time and haven’t even received anything yet ... again just wanted to let the brothers here know
So guys i just wanna put this out there and be transparent ... @PurplePandaLabs Rep. has offered to sponsor me for another mouth with @Atlas_Physiques ... this will be from him personally nothing to do with ppl .... i have nothing to do with ppl in anyway ... i have ordered from them 1 time and haven’t even received anything yet ... again just wanted to let the brothers here know
That's cool. 60 days is better than 30 : )
So guys i just wanna put this out there and be transparent ... @PurplePandaLabs Rep. has offered to sponsor me for another mouth with @Atlas_Physiques ... this will be from him personally nothing to do with ppl .... i have nothing to do with ppl in anyway ... i have ordered from them 1 time and haven’t even received anything yet ... again just wanted to let the brothers here know
Glad to be able to give back.
I know it will be a epic transformation.
I’m curious to why you would wanna cruise on Tren E? Why not just blast it instead?
I like the ace myself but am always looking to incorporate in compounds according to my goals. I’d like to put in some Tren E on a bulk at some point.
I keep track of my cycles now in a notebook so I can go back and look at notes and dosages I was taking. I just started doing this recently, but wish I would have done it sooner. I think it will help me in preparing for future cycles. And seeing that everyone reacts differently keeping a log can help me with my own trials and errors.
I have done Tren E once (few yrs ago) at 400 wk. I didn’t feel or noticed much difference in anything. It was probably bunk af lol. So I’ve just been running ace ever since.

Reason i cruise with tren is because it helps maintain my size when coming off a blast. Plus i dont run tren at high doses. Before this ive only ran it at 200mg. I don't use tren to bulk.
I’m curious to why you would wanna cruise on Tren E? Why not just blast it instead?
I like the ace myself but am always looking to incorporate in compounds according to my goals. I’d like to put in some Tren E on a bulk at some point.
I keep track of my cycles now in a notebook so I can go back and look at notes and dosages I was taking. I just started doing this recently, but wish I would have done it sooner. I think it will help me in preparing for future cycles. And seeing that everyone reacts differently keeping a log can help me with my own trials and errors.
I have done Tren E once (few yrs ago) at 400 wk. I didn’t feel or noticed much difference in anything. It was probably bunk af lol. So I’ve just been running ace ever since.
I like tren e for bulking. I don't seem to put on as much weight as I do with deca but it seems like more solid weight. Deca scares me these days because I have shoulder problems and deca makes them go away so I end up pushing my shoulder too hard and when I come off it's a wreck. That's why I've pretty much dropped any deca runs and am sticking with tren as my go to for cutting or bulking.
No what's your diet. Lol your macros aren't your diet. That doesn't tell me nutrient sources or timing

Nutrient timing is irrelevant. Im not gonna post every meal i eat bcus its to much to type. Proteins come from mainly whey,eggs,chiken,fish,milk,turkey,cheese. Carbs from oats, bread, cereal, potatoes, fats eggs, bacon, sausage, pnutbutter.
Nutrient timing is irrelevant. Im not gonna post every meal i eat bcus its to much to type. Proteins come from mainly whey,eggs,chiken,fish,milk,turkey,cheese. Carbs from oats, bread, cereal, potatoes, fats eggs, bacon, sausage, pnutbutter.
But the bottom line is tren e has never done anything for me in 3 weeks ..... tren is amazing at what it does but i think people are looking at it unrealistic ... and i don’t see the need for you to cruse on tren
But the bottom line is tren e has never done anything for me in 3 weeks ..... tren is amazing at what it does but i think people are looking at it unrealistic ... and i don’t see the need for you to cruse on tren

I look better on a tren cruise than a 250mg test cruise. I don't like test.
Nutrient timing is irrelevant. Im not gonna post every meal i eat bcus its to much to type. Proteins come from mainly whey,eggs,chiken,fish,milk,turkey,cheese. Carbs from oats, bread, cereal, potatoes, fats eggs, bacon, sausage, pnutbutter.
OK well at least you're aware the issue is your lack of detail with your nutrition. Stop looking to drugs as a fix.
Looking for some feedback. Brewed up some primo at 125mg/ml. Came out nice. Thursday night took a 1ml pin to see how it was. No pip and very smooth. Friday night had a headache. Woke up Saturday with the same headache and some body aches. Didn’t feel sick just kinda beat up. Saturday night into Sunday morning definitely had some sort of fever while I was trying to sleep. Woke up Sunday morning with the same headache and body aches but no fever. Felt hungover most of the day. Night sweats and restless again last night but not as bad. Not as bad today but took Advil in the middle of the night so not to sure if I’m ok or it’s the Advil. Is this coincidence with the primo pin or did I have a reaction. Was supposed to pin 2ml tonight but not sure what to do. Any thoughts.
At that time just test. It was a little more than what I normally take but definitely not high. Still like a trt dose.