PurplePandaLabs Raw source

People make it sound like it is lol.
This is personal i know but for me I need to eat tons of food for tren to work it's magic. I need tons of carbs and I can only get it in with junk food. Pizza or burgers and fries most night evenings. My body type just eats that up. Having said that I have had better success with lower test 300mg and higher tren e 800mg. Way less sides,
If you are running a cycle with tren e how much do you normally run. Based on what you are running how are you front loading the tren a.

I definitely don't suggest for anyone to run this protocol. I will usually run 600 tren e per week with 250mg test e or c. The frontload is three shots a week. The first week is usually 225mg tren a and 100 mg test cyp. I'm on TRT so the test frontload doesn't have to be as high. Second week is usually the same. Sometimes I drop the doses a little. The third week I should drop both short ester compounds by half. Sometimes I just keep going with the same dose.

I take all of the compounds on Monday and Wednesday and just the short esters on Friday. There's no real science behind my schedule and dosages. If you run it on steroid graph my frontload is equal to around a gram of tren e a week by the third week but it never feels that high since the compounds are still building in my system.
I definitely don't suggest for anyone to run this protocol. I will usually run 600 tren e per week with 250mg test e or c. The frontload is three shots a week. The first week is usually 225mg tren a and 100 mg test cyp. I'm on TRT so the test frontload doesn't have to be as high. Second week is usually the same. Sometimes I drop the doses a little. The third week I should drop both short ester compounds by half. Sometimes I just keep going with the same dose.

I take all of the compounds on Monday and Wednesday and just the short esters on Friday. There's no real science behind my schedule and dosages. If you run it on steroid graph my frontload is equal to around a gram of tren e a week by the third week but it never feels that high since the compounds are still building in my system.
The reason why I ask is because I was literally thinking about that the last few days. This winter I was planning a dbol start and either sus or test e with tren e for 12 weeks. I will do more research but I was thinking the first 3 weeks in addition to the above to run tren a like a regular cycle eod pins at 100mg. I know that’s not technically front loading but thought that might help speed up the process.
The reason why I ask is because I was literally thinking about that the last few days. This winter I was planning a dbol start and either sus or test e with tren e for 12 weeks. I will do more research but I was thinking the first 3 weeks in addition to the above to run tren a like a regular cycle eod pins at 100mg. I know that’s not technically front loading but thought that might help speed up the process.

I like the version of front loading we've been discussing much more than the traditional version of just doubling the first couple of doses.
This is personal i know but for me I need to eat tons of food for tren to work it's magic. I need tons of carbs and I can only get it in with junk food. Pizza or burgers and fries most night evenings. My body type just eats that up. Having said that I have had better success with lower test 300mg and higher tren e 800mg. Way less sides,
Im running 150test/400tren/600primo. Haven't noticed much. Maybe some strength gains and endurance despite low cals. Im at the end of week 3.
I like the version of front loading we've been discussing much more than the traditional version of just doubling the first couple of doses.
I think I’m gonna give that a shot. Upside is at least If I pull the plug because of to much tren it should ease up fairly quickly by eliminating the tren a. Funny part about this whole thing is I literally just took my first pin for this blast I’m starting and I’m already planning the next.
So, 2300 calories is that maintenance or are you in deficit?
What's your tdee?

The only other variable is training?

So, 2300 calories is that maintenance or are you in deficit?
What's your tdee?

The only other variable is training?


Maint is 2800. I started off at 2500 the first 2 weeks. This week doong 2300. Not aire what my tdee is.i train 6 days a week. Why would training have anything to do wit the way i look atm while on tren lol. Im cutting.
Well I hate to be the one to inform you that training has Everything to do with the way you look.

In that order.

This is personal i know but for me I need to eat tons of food for tren to work it's magic. I need tons of carbs and I can only get it in with junk food. Pizza or burgers and fries most night evenings. My body type just eats that up. Having said that I have had better success with lower test 300mg and higher tren e 800mg. Way less sides,
Well I hate to be the one to inform you that training has Everything to do with the way you look.

In that order.


Well ive ben trainin for over 4.5 years now. So this is nothing new to me.

And for being a pretty decent amount of tren i shuld notice some change alrrady. Hardness, vascularity, etc.
Well ive ben trainin for over 4.5 years now. So this is nothing new to me.

And for being a pretty decent amount of tren i shuld notice some change alrrady. Hardness, vascularity, etc.
Give it more time. I'm on my second run with their tren e as well. 600mg per week with 750 cyp and 750 mast e. I had an issue with the test e of theirs that was cleared up but I enjoyed the tren it did what is was supposed to and I was bulking with it. We may have different batches but I really didnt see a difference until week 5 or six.
Give it more time. I'm on my second run with their tren e as well. 600mg per week with 750 cyp and 750 mast e. I had an issue with the test e of theirs that was cleared up but I enjoyed the tren it did what is was supposed to and I was bulking with it. We may have different batches but I really didnt see a difference until week 5 or six.

I will. Everything im using atm is homebrewed with their raws. Just feel like its underdosed or something. I know i didnt mess up on the brew tho.
I honestly think there's something wrong with my tren-e. Especially considering i was already cruising on 150mg of it. I should have seen some change in 2 weeks Not 4. I look smaller and i haven't seen any change. No crazy veins or muscle fullness. Nothing. This is my first time running more than 200mg. Im running 400mg i expected drastic changes.

Lookin natty af


I’m curious to why you would wanna cruise on Tren E? Why not just blast it instead?
I like the ace myself but am always looking to incorporate in compounds according to my goals. I’d like to put in some Tren E on a bulk at some point.
I keep track of my cycles now in a notebook so I can go back and look at notes and dosages I was taking. I just started doing this recently, but wish I would have done it sooner. I think it will help me in preparing for future cycles. And seeing that everyone reacts differently keeping a log can help me with my own trials and errors.
I have done Tren E once (few yrs ago) at 400 wk. I didn’t feel or noticed much difference in anything. It was probably bunk af lol. So I’ve just been running ace ever since.
Im running 150test/400tren/600primo. Haven't noticed much. Maybe some strength gains and endurance despite low cals. Im at the end of week 3.

I'm on something similar but doses are higher. 300 test 800 tren e and 1000primo a week and I didn't really notice any physical changes until week 5. Then it's taken off. Veins and new cuts everywhere. If I don't have crazy high carbs I go very flat and my physique looks worse


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