PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I've not had any complaints either
I have brewed both tren e and tren a from PPL and both went great. smells like tren, feels like tren... looks like tren and I get a mean cough from the acetate. I am not new to the game either. everyone I sell this produxt to is more than happy with the quality. you probably are missing something... probably diet.
What do you think about the npp besides holding at pretty low ba/bb?
I like it. My first run of it was this winter so wasn’t sure what to expect. Started out ok. Nothing like tren a or other great short ester. Gains were good. Strength went up. The usual good stuff. However the last few weeks I was totally flat. Strength was still up but had no gas in the tank. Would go big and few sets in I would gas out. Bad. Like a switch going from on to off. Took a step back and looked at my diet and protein and fat were good but I wasn’t eating any where near the carbs I should have been. Started loading up big time and size weight strength all followed. Right now I’m going for the opposite so I can’t really say just yet but given what most say about the overall use of NPP I think I can expect good results.
I like it. My first run of it was this winter so wasn’t sure what to expect. Started out ok. Nothing like tren a or other great short ester. Gains were good. Strength went up. The usual good stuff. However the last few weeks I was totally flat. Strength was still up but had no gas in the tank. Would go big and few sets in I would gas out. Bad. Like a switch going from on to off. Took a step back and looked at my diet and protein and fat were good but I wasn’t eating any where near the carbs I should have been. Started loading up big time and size weight strength all followed. Right now I’m going for the opposite so I can’t really say just yet but given what most say about the overall use of NPP I think I can expect good results.

When you say not eating nearly as many carbs as you should have been, can you give an example?

I have a similar problem every time I eat strictly clean vs anything I want dirty junk.
It's as if I don't eat enough clean carbs but nail on the head just flat out run out of gas.
When you say not eating nearly as many carbs as you should have been, can you give an example?

I have a similar problem every time I eat strictly clean vs anything I want dirty junk.
It's as if I don't eat enough clean carbs but nail on the head just flat out run out of gas.
I can’t remember exact numbers but one Sunday morning when I was trying to figure out if maybe it was my diet I used one of those macro calculators and I just remember looking at the carb number thinking that it couldn’t be right. It was though. I’m 5’7” about 195-200lbs and 38 Year’s old. I was probably taking in 25-40 percent less carbs for my maintenance. I started eating more rice oatmeal sweet potatoes pasta and good quality bread. If there is such a thing. Went from 40 percent less to close to 100 percent more. Broke the plateau. Sick pumps. Swole as fuck. The only thing that sucked was it only lasted about 2.5-3 weeks. Cycle ended and had to stop going because of work.
I like it. My first run of it was this winter so wasn’t sure what to expect. Started out ok. Nothing like tren a or other great short ester. Gains were good. Strength went up. The usual good stuff. However the last few weeks I was totally flat. Strength was still up but had no gas in the tank. Would go big and few sets in I would gas out. Bad. Like a switch going from on to off. Took a step back and looked at my diet and protein and fat were good but I wasn’t eating any where near the carbs I should have been. Started loading up big time and size weight strength all followed. Right now I’m going for the opposite so I can’t really say just yet but given what most say about the overall use of NPP I think I can expect good results.

I notice a couple things with NPP...one is you've gotta feed it. Fucking EAT. I'm not saying be a slob, but if you wanna grow you've gotta feed that. Also it cranks my RBC so either you've gotta donate or something. I've been adding Naringin, you can get it through Amazon, and it's supposed to drop your RBC. Haven't done bloods to confirm it
I notice a couple things with NPP...one is you've gotta feed it. Fucking EAT. I'm not saying be a slob, but if you wanna grow you've gotta feed that. Also it cranks my RBC so either you've gotta donate or something. I've been adding Naringin, you can get it through Amazon, and it's supposed to drop your RBC. Haven't done bloods to confirm it

If you do draw bloods, I'd love to see them.
My rbc elevates on just trt dose.
I donate double reds every 120 days and stay just within high range.

Well damn, i havent read this thread in a few days and it got a bit hectic. I hope i brew my stuff correctly...wont get to try it until at least March.
I notice a couple things with NPP...one is you've gotta feed it. Fucking EAT. I'm not saying be a slob, but if you wanna grow you've gotta feed that. Also it cranks my RBC so either you've gotta donate or something. I've been adding Naringin, you can get it through Amazon, and it's supposed to drop your RBC. Haven't done bloods to confirm it
I'm the same way with tren if I'm not getting enough in I will go hypo running the tren and gh.
I'm going to run npp probably a few more months with drol.
Will have to donate regular
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Well damn, i havent read this thread in a few days and it got a bit hectic. I hope i brew my stuff correctly...wont get to try it until at least March.
If you're new to it I have no problem helping that goes for anyone just learning how to brew.
It's not hard or complicated if you stick to proven methods.
Have you sent them transaction ID yet?
If so it's usually under 24 hours
Yeah well I did finally...Abra don't offer a transaction ID and this is my first time using Bitcoin so it thru me for a loop. Had to contact Abra to send me the hash which I learned that's another word for it...geez I hope that's it I want MG back lol
Yeah well I did finally...Abra don't offer a transaction ID and this is my first time using Bitcoin so it thru me for a loop. Had to contact Abra to send me the hash which I learned that's another word for it...geez I hope that's it I want MG back lol

Shit, I am still trying to figure this bitcoin thing out too! I an hoping for the easiest "bitcoin service" to use with the least amount of problems! Good luck and keep us updated.
Shit, I am still trying to figure this bitcoin thing out too! I an hoping for the easiest "bitcoin service" to use with the least amount of problems! Good luck and keep us updated.

Just know this! If you use ABRA you have to ASK them for the ID...it's not available to you so they say...