PurplePandaLabs Raw source

One of the first things I learned when I joined here is that “feel” is a generally unacceptable form of review. If you were going to do an anecdotal review based on feels you needed to make that very clear and not give the G2G or bunk or whatever. It was just a simple hey this is what I’m using this is where I got it this is where I’m at now. Take it for what it’s worth. As of right now I’m on primo e NPP and test prop. Guess what. I don’t feel shit. I think my arms shoulders might be a little fuller but that could be in my head. Certainly not going to throw a fit about it. In the end I’ll let some blood work the mirror the scale and some pictures do the talking. That’s what’s real.
One of the first things I learned when I joined here is that “feel” is a generally unacceptable form of review. If you were going to do an anecdotal review based on feels you needed to make that very clear and not give the G2G or bunk or whatever. It was just a simple hey this is what I’m using this is where I got it this is where I’m at now. Take it for what it’s worth. As of right now I’m on primo e NPP and test prop. Guess what. I don’t feel shit. I think my arms shoulders might be a little fuller but that could be in my head. Certainly not going to throw a fit about it. In the end I’ll let some blood work the mirror the scale and some pictures do the talking. That’s what’s real.

I understand but were talkin Tren here. Come on dude. You can't compare those compounds to tren at all.
I understand but were talkin Tren here. Come on dude. You can't compare those compounds to tren at all.
What exactly do you expect to feel like? Zeus? Like getting struck by lightning? Looking at your pics I can clearly tell you’re on something. A lot of people say sometimes they get tons of sides from it and sometimes they don’t, that’s just how it is
What exactly do you expect to feel like? Zeus? Like getting struck by lightning? Looking at your pics I can clearly tell you’re on something. A lot of people say sometimes they get tons of sides from it and sometimes they don’t, that’s just how it is

Stay out of this and go back to your forum.

Uve never ran tren High enough so stfu cus u don't know shit.
Stay out of this and go back to your forum.

Uve never ran tren High enough so stfu cus u don't know shit.
I’m asking you a simple question. Also since you keep telling me to go back to that other forum, I remember you doing this same exact thing on that other forum and getting the same exact response on that forum too. Because every person on that forum knew that the source u accused of being bunk was legit.

You keep saying other people don’t know shit yet you’re cruising on tren, you also do bitch ass pussy cycles every time and every time you complain about making zero gains. The problem isn’t thegear the problem is your training, diet, expectations, over dependence on the gear. You’re on your first tren blast right? And so am I. So you have about 4 weeks more experience than me of being on tren, so “you don’t know what you’re talking about” applies to you as much as it does me. What I do know is that the tren you’re running is 99% most likely legit, and yet here we are...

Despite all your stupidity, your biggest problem is that you don’t fucking listen to ANYONE, EVER
I’m asking you a simple question. Also since you keep telling me to go back to that other forum, I remember you doing this same exact thing on that other forum and getting the same exact response on that forum too. Because every person on that forum knew that the source u accused of being bunk was legit.

You keep saying other people don’t know shit yet you’re cruising on tren, you also do bitch ass pussy cycles every time and every time you complain about making zero gains. The problem isn’t thegear the problem is your training, diet, expectations, over dependence on the gear. You’re on your first tren blast right? And so am I. So you have about 4 weeks more experience than me of being on tren, so “you don’t know what you’re talking about” applies to you as much as it does me. What I do know is that the tren you’re running is 99% most likely legit, and yet here we are...

Despite all your stupidity, your biggest problem is that you don’t fucking listen to ANYONE, EVER

I still mog u and ur shitty genetics. And uve used 3x more gear than me so fuck up outa here faggot.
Mog u? Lol ah so that forum.
REAL twinks in abundance.

225mg of ace and I felt fuckin spectacular.

Anyways there is a point of diminishing returns.
The body always wants to reach h
That's why a lot of individuals rotate compounds in and out throughout their preps.

When I cruise I cruise lower dose sub 300mg test only. When I blast add in a 19nor and a dht and choose my dosages according to goals.

Truly In the end diet and training will dictate everything. Everything else we do is just accessories to get us going in the direction we were headed with or without the help.

I regress this is the wrong thread to get into this type of shit.

I understand but were talkin Tren here. Come on dude. You can't compare those compounds to tren at all.
My first go with tren e was great. Yet looking back I don’t remember feeling anything special. I got stronger as the weeks went by but I didn’t “feel” anything. Not till about week 8 or so when the night sweats started. Yet with tren A I knew 45 min after the first pin I had just done something and by the end of the first week I knew I was on something. Yes tren is tren. But A and E are very different for the same compound and feel different too or not at all. I’m sorry bro but I just don’t really think you have a good understanding of any of this. I think your expectations are glorified and I truly don’t think you comprehend how aas works within the body IN conjunction with diet and training. I’m not say your diet isn’t on point. I’m saying your diet isn’t on point with the expectation you have and the type of training you are doing. There are guys here with decades of experience and I bet they would agree with this statement. When I got into weightlifting/bodybuilding it was because I needed an outlet. The more I invested my self into it the more I realized that this life style is one of the most complex and difficult lifestyles. I’m no where near invested as others and I can tell you I never imagined it would be this hard to not only learn but apply. Little changes can have major impacts. Just take a step back and think. Come up with a solid plan for finishing your cycle. Take some pics. Get on the scale. Finish the cycle and compare. Then get the fuck off steroids for a while. Pct or cruise (test only) come back in December with a solid plan. Run it by a few people here. Hopefully they will give you the time of day still and see how a solid cycle brewed RIGHT treats you.
My first go with tren e was great. Yet looking back I don’t remember feeling anything special. I got stronger as the weeks went by but I didn’t “feel” anything. Not till about week 8 or so when the night sweats started. Yet with tren A I knew 45 min after the first pin I had just done something and by the end of the first week I knew I was on something. Yes tren is tren. But A and E are very different for the same compound and feel different too or not at all. I’m sorry bro but I just don’t really think you have a good understanding of any of this. I think your expectations are glorified and I truly don’t think you comprehend how aas works within the body IN conjunction with diet and training. I’m not say your diet isn’t on point. I’m saying your diet isn’t on point with the expectation you have and the type of training you are doing. There are guys here with decades of experience and I bet they would agree with this statement. When I got into weightlifting/bodybuilding it was because I needed an outlet. The more I invested my self into it the more I realized that this life style is one of the most complex and difficult lifestyles. I’m no where near invested as others and I can tell you I never imagined it would be this hard to not only learn but apply. Little changes can have major impacts. Just take a step back and think. Come up with a solid plan for finishing your cycle. Take some pics. Get on the scale. Finish the cycle and compare. Then get the fuck off steroids for a while. Pct or cruise (test only) come back in December with a solid plan. Run it by a few people here. Hopefully they will give you the time of day still and see how a solid cycle brewed RIGHT treats you.

U go on any forum and ask if 450mg of tren is a small dose and they'll tell u its a pretty hefty dose. And if you ain't feeling or seeing anything by week 4 ur shits bunk. Im done here.
You know what good. Let’s move on. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and anyone else who may read this. i got a question. I’ve been holding off on restocking but I think I’m gonna place another raw order. Made some money on ETH a few weeks ago and gonna burn it with you guys. My question is besides the big widely used compounds is there something that you guys offer that’s worth trying. Kinda a silly question I know but looking through your raw page makes me wonder about all those raws. Anything come right to mind that’s worth trying.

Any idea on FrogJuice availability? Or why it's so hard for them to brew? I would think Panda would want that stocked up often since it's a hot seller
You know what good. Let’s move on. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and anyone else who may read this. i got a question. I’ve been holding off on restocking but I think I’m gonna place another raw order. Made some money on ETH a few weeks ago and gonna burn it with you guys. My question is besides the big widely used compounds is there something that you guys offer that’s worth trying. Kinda a silly question I know but looking through your raw page makes me wonder about all those raws. Anything come right to mind that’s worth trying.
Better make sure what you order is what you get....