PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You know what good. Let’s move on. @PurplePandaLabs Rep. and anyone else who may read this. i got a question. I’ve been holding off on restocking but I think I’m gonna place another raw order. Made some money on ETH a few weeks ago and gonna burn it with you guys. My question is besides the big widely used compounds is there something that you guys offer that’s worth trying. Kinda a silly question I know but looking through your raw page makes me wonder about all those raws. Anything come right to mind that’s worth trying.
Trest e is good if you are looking to bulk it's pricey tho.
It kinda reminds me of superdrol with the full look get from it but without all the sides.


Any idea on FrogJuice availability? Or why it's so hard for them to brew? I would think Panda would want that stocked up often since it's a hot seller
Should be soon it's not really hard for him to brew it's just to time consuming to run big batches of it you have to remember he has to brew everything else that's out of stock to which is usually all of it.
I was thinking that too. What kind of doses do you run with that. Moderately. I don’t like the basketball head bloated like a pig look. Like to much deca and dbol. Is it a solid look.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep.

Have you ran trest e?
What did cycle look like?
Please elaborate.
I bulk in winter, and like planning ahead, looking to try somthing new

I have run it once at 300mg with 200mg test
That's the limited knowledge I have of it.
But I could tell from my experience it would be a good tool to bulk with it was a hard full look not alot of water for me at least you will probably have to run more AI but it wasn't like most described it.
But I was running a moderate amount I will probably run it again in the fall.
I do think the price puts a little more expectation on it tho.
I'm listening...
If you brew and have GU and want to place a raw order in the near future. To make 40ml of frog juice will cost less than 20 bucks. If you’re interested than pm me when you’re ready and I’ll help you. I’m not going to post it publicly. I don’t mind helping though since I played with the recipe.
If you brew and have GU and want to place a raw order in the near future. To make 40ml of frog juice will cost less than 20 bucks. If you’re interested than pm me when you’re ready and I’ll help you. I’m not going to post it publicly. I don’t mind helping though since I played with the recipe.
Good looking out brother! I may be taking that turn soon and when I do I will reach out
Good looking out brother! I may be taking that turn soon and when I do I will reach out
If you start you’ll be kickin yourself that you didn’t start sooner. There is some really great info here when you’re ready and guys to help you. Keep in touch.
Anyone have an opinion on the tpp and npp raws? I plan to brew and run it soon with some capped dbol.
Bought some NPP raws a while back. Actually running them now. Brewed at 1/15. Which is kinda on the edge of holding. Sometimes it begins to crash when the temperatures changes but for the most part it’s good at that ratio.
anyone have an injectable anadrol recipe???

going to try to make a short ester blend as well including that compound too if possible.

not looking for untrsted recipes... actual guys with the experience.

Cant seem to get it to hold.
What do you think about the npp besides holding at pretty low ba/bb?
Bought some NPP raws a while back. Actually running them now. Brewed at 1/15. Which is kinda on the edge of holding. Sometimes it begins to crash when the temperatures changes but for the most part it’s good at that ratio.
2 other members also said they aint feeling shit from your tren. So it's not just me. Let that sink in. Guess we're all non responders to the strongest anabolic steroid in the world.
I have brewed both tren e and tren a from PPL and both went great. smells like tren, feels like tren... looks like tren and I get a mean cough from the acetate. I am not new to the game either. everyone I sell this produxt to is more than happy with the quality. you probably are missing something... probably diet.