PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Ok well next time i will only weigh the raws...but like u said my brew is slightly off but not underdosed. So obviously theres something wrong with the raws. Cus i ain't seeing or feeln shit. And its been 5 weeks alredy.
Well then it goes back to what the others are saying, about cruising on tren.

Or the raws are bunk. In that case try pinning a gram a week. If nothing, then maybe you're right.
just Send it to get it tested, can’t you do that? Or no. Because the real problem is that you’re either expecting too much too quick or you’re expecting to “feel” a certain way, and that’s a terrible way to judge if something is real like this. Maybe it had to do with you cruising on it despite everyone telling you not to. Maybe it’s working just fine and you’re just flipping out over nothing. The argument “I don’t have the tren look” is probably the worst argument I’ve ever seen tbh.

If you can get it tested just do it so you know for future reference. Plus if it comes back bunk then you will be justified in all this. But like I said, common sense will tell you that with the amount of people and UGL’s ppl supplies, if something was bunk it would be very well known, all over the Internet, just like every other problem they have ever had has been.
Also just to throw in looney even if you did do the process by weight and didn't adjust you shouldn't be too off the mark. You MIGHT have at worst 20% underdose. But hell you could have even OVERdosed. Dunno what happened I wasn't there.
Either way you're not feeling the sides/effects you want to. Personally I am on PPL's shit and I am feelin' darn good but I'm not going to discount your side.
Ok well next time i will only weigh the raws...but like u said my brew is slightly off but not underdosed. So obviously theres something wrong with the raws. Cus i ain't seeing or feeln shit. And its been 5 weeks alredy.

Dude you should come off, run a long pct, until your catching morning wood about 5 times a week on your own. Then run some bloods, before you start a new cycle.
That way you have a baseline and can always run bloods to see what the meds are doing, if anything.
I think you’ve pushed past your genetic potential, and should have dropped some weight at some point, as you jump off the blast.
Getting off will help you realize what natural is again as well..
Well then it goes back to what the others are saying, about cruising on tren.

Or the raws are bunk. In that case try pinning a gram a week. If nothing, then maybe you're right.

That's too much oil to pin lol. Im running 600mg of primo too. Maybe ill up the tren to 500mg. I only have a 1.5 vials left of tren.
Also just to throw in looney even if you did do the process by weight and didn't adjust you shouldn't be too off the mark. You MIGHT have at worst 20% underdose. But hell you could have even OVERdosed. Dunno what happened I wasn't there.
Either way you're not feeling the sides/effects you want to. Personally I am on PPL's shit and I am feelin' darn good but I'm not going to discount your side.

Thanks but the gear is definitely not underdosed since the recipe i made was for 35ml and my brew came out like 2ml short. So no possible way its underdosed unless the raw is shit.
If panda will go half on the testing ill be all for it but how do u trust the tester? For all i know panda can tip him off to make me look bad instead of him.

Plus how does that work. Do u send a whole vial for testing?
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If panda will go half on the testing ill be all for it but how do u trust the tester? For all i know panda can tip him off to make me look bad instead of him.

Plus how does that work. Do u send a whole vial for testing?

Likewise, how can he trust you?
Just pointing out the obvious. Sarcasm.
The same way you trusted them with cash, and no recourse.
They have proven themselves trustworthy, in most here’s opinion, I’d imagine.

Cheaper to just order more.. if you don’t trust them use another source.
I went to the store and got a shit load of food, came home and turned the wife out, prepped all of the meats I'm grilling today and later next week, prepped all of the sides for today and cleaned up. Came out to my mantown to smoke a little weed and logged into Meso.

What do you know, class is still in session. Everyone remember being in the public school system where the whole class had to go at the pace of the slowest kid in class?
I'm not comparing it wrong. A bucket is used as a measurement of volume.
As in:
Get a 1liter bucket of feathers
Get a 1liter bucket of bricks
They won't weigh the same in grams.

Install brain.exe

I went through this for like 2 pages about a month ago... I just had to come to terms with "it's not my brew" and let it go
I wasn't saying that something was wrong with the raws. I haven't had a problem with any so far. Actually a buddy of mine is on the same stuff and having a way better experience than mine. I think it's one of the other reasons I mentioned.

This is only my second time but I definitely agree. Last time I was like an animal. This time it's just not doing the same thing. I'm not getting that mental feeling that I was looking forward to
One and the same person I know it's hard for you to grasp reality .
Looks like your still tho one lone person who doesn't feelz anything.