PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Damn, than I'll never win anything
Are you kidding, giving back to the community, everyone wins.. But you called him out for not having a banner.. That makes you the big winner here.. Just consider it restitution.. Hell, it’s like it’s your idea, if you really think about it. : )
Don’t get me wrong I love some of the bullshit that goes on. It’s very entertaining. I was just trying to be a smart ass about it but in all seriousness @PurplePandaLabs Rep. the contest could be something similar. If people aren’t comfortable with the posting of their girls or of themselves then maybe something to do with the thread. Something embedded in a post somewhere on here and you’d have to find it. Like a scavenger hunt.
Guess I’ve been lucky but all of mine have gotten through customs w/no problem
Hell yeah and hope it stays that way. For ya. My deals with customs was not with PPL though. This was another raw source. Not sure there around anymore. They had insane stealth like PPL though. But that's only 2 seizures out of shit like ummm 50+ orders or more...since 2003. So that's pretty good. They was both honored with a reship.
Td yesterday on int raws. Fairly quick, not sure of total time but around 10 days seems right. Quality packing, i admit...i was confused. Ty ppl...now to get the rest of my materials to brew.

Oh and about domestic, i ordered at the same time and that showed up at the end of last week so it was quick for me.
Pack is finally in the mail. Hopefully it moves soon. Last time it sat for several days. I assume shipper doesn't ship until there are several to send out.

At any rate @PurplePandaRep is the man.