PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I get hypo sometimes on big tren runs... on top of the heartburn.

How much glutamine do you take for this, the hypoglycemia specifically?

When I used slin I have an intra workout shake with HBCD, eaas, 15g glutamine and creatine. After the gym i might ger kinda wozzy if i wait a bit too long before eating but with glutamine this doesn't happen at all.
This is exactly what I was talking about. These are the
Don’t think I’ve heard that before, it works for you?
the post I made that started this and you replied to about the heartburn says glutamine for tren heartburn. This is what I was getting at about starting a supplement thread. So much info out there but not in one spot.
This is exactly what I was talking about. These are the

the post I made that started this and you replied to about the heartburn says glutamine for tren heartburn. This is what I was getting at about starting a supplement thread. So much info out there but not in one spot.
It would be a good idea if you could keep everything to the thread which would be the problem there's alot of information in the nutrition and supplements sub forum but keeping it to one thread would be the hard part.
It would be a good idea if you could keep everything to the thread which would be the problem there's alot of information in the nutrition and supplements sub forum but keeping it to one thread would be the hard part.
Yeah I thought about that. I don’t know maybe we’ll see.
I heard it but never believed it. Maybe I have become slightly insulin resistant and need less carbs but adding glutamine is all I changed. It's so cheap so why not
It was my first run with tren and gh when it happened I believe it had alot to do with me not getting enough meals during the day mainly at work once I started taking just a couple smaller snacks stopped having issues.
It was my first run with tren and gh when it happened I believe it had alot to do with me not getting enough meals during the day mainly at work once I started taking just a couple smaller snacks stopped having issues.

On tren it usually happens me if my diet is too clean. I'm a true ecto so I need to pound down calories and if I don't tren will kick my ass in a hypo situation.
This is exactly what I was talking about. These are the

the post I made that started this and you replied to about the heartburn says glutamine for tren heartburn. This is what I was getting at about starting a supplement thread. So much info out there but not in one spot.
Start a thread, maybe it will get stickied
On tren it usually happens me if my diet is too clean. I'm a true ecto so I need to pound down calories and if I don't tren will kick my ass in a hypo situation.
Ya know what's funny? I've never gone hypo. On or off cycle. I use slin on fasted cardio and...nothing.
Ya know what's funny? I've never gone hypo. On or off cycle. I use slin on fasted cardio and...nothing.
Lantus or levimer I hope , lol ? I dont want some dildo to read that and think shooting log and jumping on a tread mill fasted is safe lol ...

But yeah im with ya ive done the same and never got in trouble... the only time I ever had an issue is one time I wasnt paying attention and ment to shoot my gh but ...... I shot 35iu of LOG :oops:

Thought i was gonna die , but a gallon of Orange juice later i was just mildly fucked up. So definitely an absolute idiot move , but thats all it takes is one time taking the shit lightly to kill you ..
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