PurplePandaLabs Raw source

"high ass dose .... 500mg? That's not exactly a high ass dose . That's just barely over what most would begin prep at.

Also you speak like sides are the only way to know tren is working.

The fact you dismiss diet so easily discredits what you're saying to some degrees. Diet is key. Take two athletes, have one run extensive drugs, trains hard eat healthy while the other runs a conservative cycle and has diet meticulously dialed in every step of the way and who pours his heart and soul into every gym session and you already know who's going to achieve better conditioning.

Plus man you look to be around 180lbs. You've got quite an attitude on you that you might want to grow into first. Rather than looking for help as to why you may not be achieving the results you want, you're quick to attack anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Also what do you mean by your diet is on point? What's that picture supposed to prove? That you've reached 12% body fat? So you're at a starting point to cut? Really man quit with the attitude and maybe look to those more experienced for advise and constructive criticism

I was 180. Im actually 163 now. This is a high ass dose for somebody my size. Stop trying to bull shit me. Its not gonna work. Even 300mg of tren is a Pretty hefty dose. Maybe not for u cus u run this shit ass tren as well.
Maybe their tren ace is good but the tren-e is garbage.
My first ever experience with tren was PPL tren-e international raws; and it was definitely a powerful hormone.
I am now using their tren-a; and the two esters are really totally different experiences in my opinion.
The enanthate was underwhelming until week 4 of the 6 weeks I used it at 400mg/week. However the effects seemed to last for 3 weeks after I stopped using it. The only bad side effects I got was elevated blood pressure and trouble falling asleep.
The acetate, at 280/week, seemed to begin raising my bp within the same week I started it; and by 10 days I was sweating at night while having difficulty falling asleep.
In all, both esters gave results and side effects; but the acetate is definitely more "aggressive" in its onset, in my opinion.
I'll probably not use either after this because I can't control my BP with tren use; but I will miss it :(.
@LooneyTuned if you haven’t gotten blood work done I suggest doing so soon. Your nipples look puffy. There is a good chance you have elevated e2 and progesterone. If your prolactin is all out of whack I’m going to go out on a limb and say the tren is real. Also if you do get blood work post it. I don’t think anyone here will take your word if you say there is nothing wrong with it.
@LooneyTuned if you haven’t gotten blood work done I suggest doing so soon. Your nipples look puffy. There is a good chance you have elevated e2 and progesterone. If your prolactin is all out of whack I’m going to go out on a limb and say the tren is real. Also if you do get blood work post it. I don’t think anyone here will take your word if you say there is nothing wrong with it.

I got mild Gyno from a previous cycle. I was on Raloxifene which removed the tissue behind my nips but the nips never retracted back. So the Gyno tissue is gone but look still kinda stayed. Lets not change the subect.
But yea just wanted to update cus b4 u guys were saying its still early in the cycle. Not here to argue. Guess ill be back when i get my bloods done.
But yea just wanted to update cus b4 u guys were saying its still early in the cycle. Not here to argue. Guess ill be back when i get my bloods done.

I'm running ppl tren e right now. Started out at 400 a week and bumped it up to 600 a week in the 4th week. I'm in my 6th week right now and the tren game is running strong. Strength is through the roof and body fat is beginning to melt away. I find tren e really doesn't get good until the 5th or 6th week.

Edit: Also using a TRT dose of test c at 250 a week

Edit Edit: Also brewed from international raws.
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I'm running ppl tren e right now. Started out at 400 a week and bumped it up to 600 a week in the 4th week. I'm in my 6th week right now and the tren game is running strong. Strength is through the roof and body fat is beginning to melt away. I find tren e really doesn't get good until the 5th or 6th week.

Edit: Also using a TRT dose of test c at 250 a week

Im on week 8 lol
Im on week 8 lol

I also eat eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, a moderate high fat beef and moderate carb lunch and then chicken and egg salads at night to keep my calories decently clean. I haven't seen your diet detailed out anywhere yet to see if you might need some help with it it. You should be riding high on that tren train right now.

Granted, I only see tren working from its physical effects. I really don't get any side effects from Tren so you won't see me judging tren from a lack of side effects.
Trying to homebrew anadrol from ppl, all is from ppl except carrier oil

2.5g Anadrol powder
2.5ml BA
2.5ml BB
5ml Guaiacol
37.5ml Sesame Oil

Cooking in bath pan for 20 minutes and do not dissolve also tried 10ml of guaiacol, powder get stuck on bottom what can be wrong?
ime this is the remaining piece to the puzzle. So hard to get it out of him though...
You know what, I did change my diet at week 4 of the tren-e also. I was doing keto; and not getting much out of it. I started adding carbs peri-workout; and it was like a switch flipped. IDK if it was coincidence, but it definitely coincided with that 4-5 week "loading phase" I read about for enanthate.
Doesn't look like im tren lol


Stfu with diet. That doesnt have anything to do with feeling or seeing tren work at this high ass dose. Stop being a Dumbass.

And obviously my diet is on point.

No results huh?
You know what, I did change my diet at week 4 of the tren-e also. I was doing keto; and not getting much out of it. I started adding carbs peri-workout; and it was like a switch flipped. IDK if it was coincidence, but it definitely coincided with that 4-5 week "loading phase" I read about for enanthate.
Nutrition is a HUGE factor in all of this.
I was 180. Im actually 163 now. This is a high ass dose for somebody my size. Stop trying to bull shit me. Its not gonna work. Even 300mg of tren is a Pretty hefty dose. Maybe not for u cus u run this shit ass tren as well.
Dude ur a fucking troll i have the same tren e ... and everyone that i gave it to is fucking loving it ... countless people have tried to help u but u think u know everything hints that’s why ur not teachable ... go order from pharmacom or something im tired of hearing u.... we get it already you want free shit