PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'm letting all the forums know about this fuckin bullshit
I’ve been running his tren ace for a while now homebrewed from both dom and int raws. Works great imo, definitely seen great results and only occasional tren cough.

Tren e has always been very underwhelming for me by comparison.
Love how there’s this claim of feeling nothing as he tren rages across the forums...

Get some sort of test, at least maybe one of the estradiol ones that are falsely elevated when running tren.
I’ve been running his tren ace for a while now homebrewed from both dom and int raws. Works great imo, definitely seen great results and only occasional tren cough.

Tren e has always been very underwhelming for me by comparison.

Maybe their tren ace is good but the tren-e is garbage.
Love how there’s this claim of feeling nothing as he tren rages across the forums...

Get some sort of test, at least maybe one of the estradiol ones that are falsely elevated when running tren.

Cus im pissed off. Started with 300mg and made no difference when i upped it to 450mg. Also im cutting n i don't want t be losing my gains. That's what im gona do is get a blood test and see where my e2 is is. Surely it should be stupid high from the tren.
But you're also dialing in your diet like a weirdo ;). You know if you take tren, that's it,You get lean vascular and hard just cuz:p

Stfu with diet. That doesnt have anything to do with feeling or seeing tren work at this high ass dose. Stop being a Dumbass.

And obviously my diet is on point.

Stfu with diet. That doesnt have anything to do with feeling or seeing tren work at this high ass dose. Stop being a Dumbass.

And obviously my diet is on point.

"high ass dose .... 500mg? That's not exactly a high ass dose . That's just barely over what most would begin prep at.

Also you speak like sides are the only way to know tren is working.

The fact you dismiss diet so easily discredits what you're saying to some degrees. Diet is key. Take two athletes, have one run extensive drugs, trains hard eat healthy while the other runs a conservative cycle and has diet meticulously dialed in every step of the way and who pours his heart and soul into every gym session and you already know who's going to achieve better conditioning.

Plus man you look to be around 180lbs. You've got quite an attitude on you that you might want to grow into first. Rather than looking for help as to why you may not be achieving the results you want, you're quick to attack anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Also what do you mean by your diet is on point? What's that picture supposed to prove? That you've reached 12% body fat? So you're at a starting point to cut? Really man quit with the attitude and maybe look to those more experienced for advise and constructive criticism