PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Trying to homebrew anadrol from ppl, all is from ppl except carrier oil

2.5g Anadrol powder
2.5ml BA
2.5ml BB
5ml Guaiacol
37.5ml Sesame Oil

Cooking in bath pan for 20 minutes and do not dissolve also tried 10ml of guaiacol, powder get stuck on bottom what can be wrong?
Your recipe is shit ... if your trying to make 50mg/ml @ 50mls which it seems like , where did you come up with 5%ba 5%bb 10%G ?
ime this is the remaining piece to the puzzle. So hard to get it out of him though...

I do flexible dieting so it changes everyday thats why i dont post it and posted my macros. But like i said lets not be stupid n blame the diet for a high dose of tren not working fpr a 160lb 5'7 dude. But ill post a lil later so yall can stfu about it alredy
I do flexible dieting so it changes everyday thats why i dont post it and posted my macros. But like i said lets not be stupid n blame the diet for a high dose of tren not working fpr a 160lb 5'7 dude
But it did work... The difference in your pics is there
Y'all ever had to cut a tren run short because of the way it affects your stomach? I had to drop mine at week 8 this time. I had terrible indigestion, acid and I even got diarrhea from it. I tried using 15 to 20 grams of glutamine but it didn't help.
Y'all ever had to cut a tren run short because of the way it affects your stomach? I had to drop mine at week 8 this time. I had terrible indigestion, acid and I even got diarrhea from it. I tried using 15 to 20 grams of glutamine but it didn't help.
8 weeks seems long to me but I've had tough times with tren
Yea but ive dieting hard and also running 200test and 600 primo
I think you gotta take into consideration that some dont feel much from tren, many feel nothing at all. The visual results can come without feeling anything.

For example man, I can run 700mg tren, that I had tested, per week and not feel anything, but the visual effects certainly come. But on the flip side my buddy who's a super heavy weight starts prep on 50mg eod and works up to 100mg ed and he gets wicked night sweats.

One sure fire way to know... Is tren cough. Boy is that fun
You think 8 weeks is a long cycle with tren?
Right now I'm halfway through a month of tren ace at 600mg ew. I'm using it with anavar to cap off a npp and test prop run. I really liked this cycle. Will be trying it again with some different tweaks but it's a good one for me.
For me, not going to speak on anyone else's behalf. So far I've found that I like it best short and sweet.
I hear ya. I made it like 11 weeks last time and when I added winny it became unbearable. Since then I've learned that I can't use winny or var because of how it affects my stomach. I was hoping that's all it was but it seems that tren alone will wreck me. I've been reading where some people say that a probiotic makes a big difference. How does the tren negatively affect you?
Right now I'm halfway through a month of tren ace at 600mg ew. I'm using it with anavar to cap off a npp and test prop run. I really liked this cycle. Will be trying it again with some different tweaks but it's a good one for me.
I'm thinking of taking a month off and hitting some NPP and Primo. Did the NPP make you feel bad?

