PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Some people seem to get pip from primo for some reason, kind of like I can’t use test prop at any concentration.
Stupid question but have you tried brewing at 100mg at 1ba and 8-10bb. That did the trick for me. Now explain to me this idea you have thinking there is more than just test deca tren out there. We don’t need any of you outside the box thinkers here. ;)
Some people seem to get pip from primo for some reason, kind of like I can’t use test prop at any concentration.

I haven't gotten pip from anything I've brewed yet however, I tend to not react to prop very well either. Tried it from multiple sources and I always have issues.

TPP is much better for me, completely painless.
My previous comment was that it was more for people who had been doing this for awhile and understood advanced techniques other than AAS.
Say what !!! You mean I cant just up the tren , gh and slin , sprinkle in some dnp , and build a freaky top notch physique? Ive actually gotta learn the minutiae of training and nutrition to be good at this . Fuck it im out , I didnt sign up for that shit :D

Lol just kidding around I like experimenting with drugs just as much as any, but it always ends up being the minimalist approach and hard work in the gym and kitchen that gives the most drastic progress ...
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Say what !!! You mean I cant just up the tren , gh and slin , sprinkle in some dnp , and build a freaky top notch physique? Ive actually gotta learn the minutiae of training and nutrition to be good at this . Fuck it im out , I didnt sign up for that shit :D

Lol just kidding around I like experimenting with drugs just as much as any, but it always ends up being the minimalist approach and hard work in the gym and kitchen that gives the most drastic progress ...

[SARCASM]Thanks for totally killing my next cycle...[/SARCASM]
Just kind of curious how primo compared and contrast to masteron ?

A lot of us have ran the test tren mast as a gold standard.

Yet I was looking over Dorians prep cycle and he was saying he used 300ish test prop / 225 tren h / 500 primo with a m/w/f pin cycle.

I think comparing mast and primo would be a much more realistic comparison than primo vs deca lol!

@LordSamuilo @XmadXscientist
mast and primo would be a much more realistic comparison than primo vs deca lol!

Yeah absolutely a better comparison , but still a bit different . Mast seems to dry me out more (better seperation ect.) where primo seems like a much better anabolic .

Ive seen alot of protocols that they're both in the mix but I cant do it my hair starts falling out like crazy. So I stick to one or the other for the sake of my hairline lol
Im not saying primo is the best anabolic/anticatobolic compound you can use . Yeah you could use deca hell even dbol and probably gain lean tissue in a calorie deficit , but that doesnt mean im going to try and use them to get to single digit bodyfat lol.

Primo's highly effective at causing a positive nitrogen balance even at a lower calorie intake , more so than any other dht . It doesnt covert obviously so its a perfect compound for getting to extremely low bf% while adding or atleast maintaining lean tissue . Also its a mild androgenic so it doesn't cause much mineral retention which can make you hold water like other stronger non aromatizing androgens if you dose too high.

Everyone has to find the compounds that work for them , and primo isnt gonna be everyones cup of tea. Particularly people that use the strongest drugs they can get there hands on to make up for their lack of knowledge or consistency in diet .

But this all really got away from the point I was originally getting at. Primo is a misunderstood compound , and people try to use it like another compound . Then when it doesnt meet that expectation they shit on it and say its a weak drug . When in reality its arguably the best at what it was created for .... muscle wasting :)

My previous comment was that it was more for people who had been doing this for awhile and understood advanced techniques other than AAS. Since you’re comparing Deca and Primo you fall outside that group I believe.

Samuilo provided a good description a couple comments before this one.

There’s half a dozen people I’ve designed an EQ stack and diet plan for that day it’s one of the best cycles they’ve run. There’s a lot more out there than test, deca and tren.

Some people seem to get pip from primo for some reason, kind of like I can’t use test prop at any concentration.

I do competition dieting... I'm not far off on how to diet and advanced non AAS techniques...
Just to be known.
I diet juicers and naturals.
Maybe it's just me and how my body reacts to it.
I haven't been in the gym for 3 months and I've hardly lost any size at all.
But unlike others I run Tren/halo/superdrol with fairly minimal side effects and my body loves them.

As for pip, I have none on prop at all. Just the primo 200 bites the worst out of anything for me. Even 2ml's of 100 lumps on me. I dread doing a shot of 1cc primo 200 and 1cc primo 100, as I'm dying the next 3 days. And for that I don't get much out of the Primo. For me that's just the way it is I guess.
Stupid question but have you tried brewing at 100mg at 1ba and 8-10bb. That did the trick for me. Now explain to me this idea you have thinking there is more than just test deca tren out there. We don’t need any of you outside the box thinkers here. ;)

Made it at 50mg/ml and 1/2 fucks my world up, crazy inflamed pip for too long. I was talking to a source on another board and he said we were similar in how we react to the compounds we were discussing. People love my prop at 125 and it makes me a cripple.

Just kind of curious how primo compared and contrast to masteron ?

A lot of us have ran the test tren mast as a gold standard.

Yet I was looking over Dorians prep cycle and he was saying he used 300ish test prop / 225 tren h / 500 primo with a m/w/f pin cycle.

I think comparing mast and primo would be a much more realistic comparison than primo vs deca lol!

@LordSamuilo @XmadXscientist

Haven’t tried mast yet so idk. I can tell you proviron and primo when lean is a nice look.

I do competition dieting... I'm not far off on how to diet and advanced non AAS techniques...
Just to be known.
I diet juicers and naturals.
Maybe it's just me and how my body reacts to it.
I haven't been in the gym for 3 months and I've hardly lost any size at all.
But unlike others I run Tren/halo/superdrol with fairly minimal side effects and my body loves them.

As for pip, I have none on prop at all. Just the primo 200 bites the worst out of anything for me. Even 2ml's of 100 lumps on me. I dread doing a shot of 1cc primo 200 and 1cc primo 100, as I'm dying the next 3 days. And for that I don't get much out of the Primo. For me that's just the way it is I guess.

In that case I recant my statement sir. Sounds like you handle primo like I handle prop. That’s too bad.

I haven’t messed with superdrol yet but I love tren and halo but I do get evil on that shit so I envy you.

I’ve spent multiple weeks and months out of the gym and not lost size and I’ve akways thought it came down to a few things, positive mindset, good eating habits and a physique built over years and years.
@XmadXscientist how do you react to TPP. @Eman brought it up before and I’ve been looking into it for other purposes. Right now I’m running 525 NPP and 350 test prop eod in the same pin. Was looking into TPP because there is less pip supposedly but more importantly it shares the identical ester as NPP. Meaning the release of the hormones are at the same rate. Was thinking the next time maybe go 500/500 and see how that plays out. Easy to brew. Painless. Same release time might make that a better option for you as well.
@XmadXscientist how do you react to TPP. @Eman brought it up before and I’ve been looking into it for other purposes. Right now I’m running 525 NPP and 350 test prop eod in the same pin. Was looking into TPP because there is less pip supposedly but more importantly it shares the identical ester as NPP. Meaning the release of the hormones are at the same rate. Was thinking the next time maybe go 500/500 and see how that plays out. Easy to brew. Painless. Same release time might make that a better option for you as well.

That was originally why I used it... I did a cycle of 600ea npp/tpp. Fantastic cycle and it worked out just as I hoped, much better reaction to the TPP than prop. It was very easy to brew also... I have a ton of it.
@XmadXscientist how do you react to TPP. @Eman brought it up before and I’ve been looking into it for other purposes. Right now I’m running 525 NPP and 350 test prop eod in the same pin. Was looking into TPP because there is less pip supposedly but more importantly it shares the identical ester as NPP. Meaning the release of the hormones are at the same rate. Was thinking the next time maybe go 500/500 and see how that plays out. Easy to brew. Painless. Same release time might make that a better option for you as well.

Used it the end of cycle no problems, so I would say it’s worth a shot.
I've never understood this peptides popularity. It's always seemed useless to me. What results have you seen using it?
I have a buddy at the gym on pharma test. Taking .5 adex twice a week and hes also taking ghrp6 and says its making a huge difference in keeping him lean. Hes aslo 55
@purplepandalabs can you tell me what testing is done on your peptides ? Do you test them yourself (HPLC etc) ? Am interested in Melanotan 2, PT-141, BPC157 & TB500 peptides if you have any test results ?
I've never understood this peptides popularity. It's always seemed useless to me. What results have you seen using it?
Frag is great at helping lower bf% as . Long as diet and trainig are good. I have used it from 2 suppliers i have had good results with pandas 250mcg 2 times a day the other i tried must have been fake becauae i had no results from it